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Posts posted by bunnjam1

  1. I just don't think Fairley would be that great of a fit for our defense.


    If we continue to run the 3-4 I totally agree. He wouldn't fit in that defense. He's a prototypical penetrating, pass rushing, disrupting 4-3 DT.


    That said, if he's there at 3 he'd be really tough to pass up. It's the whole "system to fit the player" v. "players to fit the system" debate. Personally, I think the players are more important

  2. I hope you can show me where his post showed the least bit of condonement towards what was done.


    Who made you the vandalism czar? The person you're blasting stated flatly that:


    You need to take some deep breaths and settle down.



    Listen, I get that's he's not condoning it (I misspoke in my first post and forgot the word "not") and good for him cause he should.


    The thing rubs me the wrong way was drawing a parallel to what was allegedly done to Saban's house. Some how implying that they are the same thing "Where was Auburn's statement or action regarding Saban's lake house being vandalized this past year by alleged Aubbie fans?"


    And you don't have to be the "vandalism police" to see the difference. Destroying a 130 year old tree and rolling sabans lake house is not the same thing. Hint: One is a felony and the other is not. I don't remember NBC national news reporting live from Saban house, or ESPN covering it...

  3. Interesting statement to make. I'll disagree and so does this person:






    Why? What does the University of Alabama have to do with this?


    Where was Auburn's statement or action regarding Saban's lake house being vandalized this past year by alleged Aubbie fans?




    Quite simple. The guy is an ****. I, as well as others that I know, do not condone what he did.

    I do not condone vandalism, whether it's a tree, somebody's lake house, or a player's lawn.


    The guy's actions were petty and childish, and embarrassing to the great people who follow and support the University of Alabama.


    I hope they punish him as harshly as possible.


    I love the typical bama fan response of condoning it and yet some how rationalizing it at the same time "Where was Auburn's statement or action regarding Saban's lake house being vandalized this past year by alleged Aubbie fans?" Yeah some spray paint on Saban's lake house is the same as killing the Toomer's trees and calling Finebaum to brag about it.


    <edited for content>

  4. "four wins in their pockets out of 5 games "


    None of those are division wins, SEA and OAK are garbage, with STL not much better. Respect will come with Buffalo peforming well against MIA, NYJ, NWE in the next four weeks.


    This is such a lame argument. Weeeee. the jets beat the winless bengals and the 3 loss dolphins. Or do they get so much respect for getting 48 dropped on them by Chargers.


    We beat the Jags and they beat the Cards. I put more stock in the bills win b/c it was in Jax

  5. 5.) King Dunlap (OT, Auburn) - Played with a lack of intensity and passion, which led to being benched in favor of a freshman. History has shown that most players who shut down for their senior season rarely return to their previous level.



    I'm not sure if I buy this list, especially this one. King got beat out be a true freshman. If he fails in the NFL he will be a bust? I don't get it? Could the expectations for him be any lower? That makes him a bust potential???


    On Hardy, he's in a good spot. He's not excepted to walk in and be "the man" but history tells us that a good chunk of the Hardy, D. Thomas, L. Sweed, M. Kelly, Donnie Avery (lol), Jordy Nelson group will bust out

  6. Second day drafting is a complete disaster. All they got are either special teams players or cuts.



    What a joke. How do you know this? You've been scouting Alvin Bowen? You've been watching Corner's tapes for weeks? Based on you internet message board experience you know that Omon can't hack it...

  7. As an Auburn fan I've seen Darby a bunch and am not a big fan. To me he seems to lack the burst and break away speed (see his 40 time at the combine) of an elite/feature back and seemed to regress some this year. To me he seems like a career NFL backup.


    Although, in his defense, he didn't get much help because of Bama's below avg line play and poor play calling from Mikey Shula.

  8. http://utsports.collegesports.com/sports/m...en_jason00.html


    He looked very good, ran a 4.35 40.  He is recovering from a hip injury earlier this season but looks as though he is almost back.  He did not participate in the position drills which is a bit of a concern.  Allen has great size, can play corner and safety and was predicted by many to be the #1 safety drafted last year but he decided to stay in school.  I'm not sure where he will drop but he would be a great pick in the third round.




    After this game my opinion of him changed:




    There he is on his face.




    And thats him on his back, helmetless, and thats Ronnie Brown...

  9. Below average WRs? Mike Clayton gained over 1,000 yards as a rookie last year which doesn't happen too often. The only others I can think of to do so recently were named Randy Moss and Anquan Boldin. Joey Galloway might not be what he was in Seattle but imagine he could start for most NFL squads. In terms of their O-line, while I agree they're less talented then ours I was very high on Dan Buenning (their LG) in this years draft and was calling for us to draft him during most of the offseason. Finally, Brian Griese is indeed an average QB which is a far cry as to what JP is to date. As said in the preseason, JP has to prove he can beat teams with his arm for things to open things up for McGahee.




    Ok Mike Clayton is good but they only other WR that had a catch in the game was Ike Hillard (who they picked off of trash heap).


    Anyway, the orginal point I was making was about the running styles of Carnell v. Willis, which I think it was pretty obvious on Sunday which was more effective (i.e., even when we knew the run was coming we could not stop it)

  10. I agree about Willis. For all of the preseason hype around Willis he was night and day compared to Caddy. Willis seems to run tentative and doesn't have much a burst while Caddy attacks tacklers and gets yards after inital contact.


    I'm not buying "its the olines fault" or "our qb sucks" because last time I checked the bucs have an average oline, below average receivers and an average QB.


    Willis needs to run with some fire...

  11. I know this may belong in a different forum but...


    I thought I had read on this board that someone bought a huge block of tickets for the Saints game in New Orelans.


    Just wondering if there are any of these tickets left. I'm going to the game now.



  12. I love how people over simplify this decision. I am sure that TD just looked at what went on in Pitt this year and made his decision based solely on that. So TD is now dumb...


    That makes no sense. I would assume that he would seek out the opinions of Wyche and MM and Clements and the other "football minds" in the org before deciding. I am sure there was a lot more to the decsioin that looking around the NFL at what other teams have done and trying to "copy" them.


    This team is going no where with Bledsoe. Honestly whats the difference between not make the playoffs with JP and not making it with DB. At least with JP there is hope...

  13. Nate Odomes and Jeff Buris come to mind. I think Odomes left and went to Seattle and I think Buris went to Indy. Both were pretty much never heard from again.


    I also Remember early in the Donahoe days when he basically cut the whole team. Most didn't do much after they left Buffalo


    A few I remember:


    John Holecek

    Sam Rogers

    Henry Jones

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