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Posts posted by ROCCEO

  1. I think an argument could easily be made that she was or was not grabbing Chandler's package. The question is who has to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt? At first glance it definitely looked like she did at the end and with how boozed up and excited people get at these games it's not unbelievable or there wouldn't be two pages of posts on this thread. It's also possible she thought she was helping him out of the stands but never in my life have I thought to myself, "I'm going to help this person down by pushing on their thigh." So I would say I am in the "she grabbed his junk" camp. It's just funnier that way.


    Needless to say, this woman needs to come forward and explain herself b/c we are sitting around dissecting the footage as though it were the Zapruder film.

  2. http://www.buffalorumblings.com/


    You'll hvae to scroll down a little to read it. It was taken from an ESPN Insider article which I dont have access too.


    But holy freaking crap. I knew the Bills had the worst FO in all of football, but even I didnt think they were that bad. Jake Locker is horrible. He doesnt even warrent a draft selection at all. How can anybody watch this guy and see anything other than abismal? The Bills are absolutely on the wrong course if these rumors are true.


    Von Miller at least puts up a good smokescreen, but Locker? WTF? :sick:

    First off, it is spelled "WARRANT" and "ABYSMAL".


    Secondly, one year ago the majority of people here would have been thrilled to see Jake Locker hold up a Bills uniform at the draft. While Locker is a different prospect than Andrew Luck he was in a similar position in terms of being the guy everyone rated highly previous to the year they exited the college football scene. The fact of the matter is if the Bills like a guy, they take him(see: Spiller, CJ & Whitner, Donte). I'm not going to advocate that as a strategy, but it is worth noting. Personally they could take anyone they want with that pick, I will still be a Bills fan and root for that player to do well. No sense is being bitter regarding the draft, it is a time for hope in an otherwise relatively hopeless environment and I welcome that.


    Please limit your posts to one major spelling or grammatical error per paragraph. Thank you.

  3. At worst it comes back to bite us in the ass(an unlikely scenario). However it does show one thing, if you want out, the time is now. Just be a non-participant. I'm sure its a semi-elastic policy and for a guy who is slated to make 8 million on a team with an abysmal playoff outlook than it is for a 25 year old making 900k.


    At best it's just a non-distraction, a non-issue, and schobel doesn't do a darn thing to make us look bad. If he goes somewhere and piles up double digit sacks and we couldnt even squeeze a fourth for him it shows that we are pretty dumb.


    Don't misinterpret this as bashing Buddy and Chan. The regime is still green, no need picking at it too much yet. I will give them their chance as I do with all regimes. However, it's just not how I would have played it. There are ways to make things work and teams always need pass rushers, that's all. Also, having said that, a few months back a friend of mine encountered Schobel's wife who esentially said he was done. This has been in the works for some time.

  4. Unless you want to groom a new guy and give him a couple years in the NFL before throwing him to the wolves. Some of the sports guys in town were trying to say the Hawks need to sign him for two more years and let Matt mentor him. Really if Seattle figured out its o line they would be a decent team in a weak division.


    Seattle is not a horrible football town most sports fans are fair weather. Seattle just has no tradition of winning over a long period of time. I think that is what takes a normal sports town to a passionate sports town.

    Seattle may not be a horrible football town, but they are no better than average. I'd also go so far as to say that they are equally or more interested in College football than NFL.


    As to the poster who says cowher doesnt care about atmosphere. Yeah, it's likely not in the top 10 things he's looking for but he is a grassroots smashmouth football guy and u can only assume that if all things are equal that atmosphere would play a role.


    Conversely, there are some positives for a coach who takes over a team with a lukewarm fanbase and a bad roster. In the city with the rabid fanbase, expectations are automatically going to be more unrealistic and criticism will come faster and harder when success doesn't occur immediately.


    If I were cowher, id either take the Bills job or just sit the year out again.

  5. Seahawks have a QB. There line is horrible and that is why they sucked so bad, They also had almost as many people on IR. There D is good and they have some weapons on O they are not that far away. I live in Seattle and have to listen to their sport talk radio.


    Yes, they have a slightly above-average QB with a bad back. How much longer do you think he'll be around even?


    For a HC taking over a team and rebuilding it, its almost better to have noone at QB so you can insert your own guy whenever u choose, as opposed to dealing with an aging QB who one may mistakenly try to build around.

  6. While Cowher could use Seattle as a bargaining chip, the truth is he doesn't need one. He has all the credibility in the world.


    Cowher does not strike me as the kind of guy to coach out west. Not that I know the man or anything though.


    Furthermore, I'm sure Cowher remembers the atmosphere in Buffalo. Its a true NFL football city. Seattle does not measure up in any way. For those of you who say that they have a good crowd or a loud stadium, it's a misconception. It seems louder on TV because their stadium is built to maximize crowd noise on the field. I attended the Bills/Seahawks game a few years ago. November of 04 I think. They were a good team that year, but the crowd was very mild-mannered and never got loud. Might have helped that we torched them 38-10 or something like that.

  7. Saw Schobel's wife the other day, I didn't talk to her but a friend of mine did. He told her that he hoped Schobel wasn't retiring, that we like having him on the team etc. She responded by telling my friend that Schobel is all but officially done, that they are moving the family out, selling the house etc.


    While I think this may be a somewhat of a ploy to get sent out of town, I think that if that's what he wanted then nobody would've heard a word of it. He's one of the most private players we've had in WNY in a while and its just not his style to gripe to the media for no reason. IMO he is just waiting to see what direction we are going at HC before he announces a final decision.


    He is a good player who was never top 5 at his position but has always been much more of an asset than a liability. I, for one, hope we have him in the lineup next year.

  8. Yes, pregame speeches likely make little difference in how a team actually plays. Sometimes it is psychological and football is a sport where its good to maintain a certain balance of energy & emotion. That being said, its unlikely that any coach would ever tell his players that people thought they were a "joke". A good coach would put it in the context of nobody believing in them.


    Jauron is not that type of coach. Its more likely that they have some type of synergy team-building exercise in the locker room prior to kickoff. DJ should coach women's basketball or doubles croquet, not NFL football. Certainly not the BUFFALO BILLS. We already knew this though, so we can only do what any good BILLS fan would do here, have faith.


    That being said. Here is the Pacino speech:

  9. I drafted with 12 teams and live draft with friends I know. I was putting in all the picks and keeping track of everything so I didn't have as much time to look over my players while other drafted.


    QB Rivers/M. Ryan/D Garrard (I am in the mist of a Trade of Ryan)

    RB Lynch/J.Jones/L.McMClain/Rhondes (first three games I was going to get Jackson but my g/f drafted him in the third round :thumbsup::lol: don't ask)/L. Washington

    WR V.Jackson/D.Bowe/L.Coles/D.Hixon

    TE J.Whitten

    DFence Chi


    I offered a trade of M Ryan for M Barrer but he wants to wait a few games to see how Cutler plays as his QB but I need good RB to go with Lynch plus Lynch is out the first three games.


    I live in Atl so many teams want him but many have good QBs already.



    O I also have Willis at RB I know I know!


    I like your team. I wouldn't trade Ryan just yet, wait a few weeks. RB's could be a little thin but in a month you'll be able to trade Ryan for pretty much any RB you want. Solid draft overall though. A slightly more proven WR corps may have been achievable but Jackson and Bowe are both very talented and should get plenty of looks.


    Side note: Any time that you are in a fantasy league with your girlfriend, it should be considered a severe disappointment if you don't make the playoffs or better.

  10. Maybin has the same agent as Vick, yeah? Any chance the guy was working overtime on Vick and just let the Maybin negotiations slide until the Vick deal was done??

    Unlikely, Maybin's contract entails a significantly higher payout than Vick's does. Trying to sign Mike Vick to a team is a relatively thankless job for a high profile NFL agent.


    Its more likely that he was waiting to see what Crabtree received and when it became obvious nothing was happening there he actually went to work on this thing.

  11. Harrington was definately a bigger bust. At least there was a point in buffalo where people were like "maybe we should extend this guy", never did anyone in Detroit feel that way about Harrington.


    Furthermore, JP was a late first round pick, Joey was third overall. Third overall at a time when Detroit had no other viable QB options on the roster and was expected to show the franchise the way out of the basement. JP came in and got to play behind a veteran, expectations were not nearly as high. Plus, Harrington was traded to Miami, where he flopped. The fact that he resides at the bottom of an NFL depth chart speaks to the fact that maybe hes smart enough to learn a playbook and run the scout team offense. JP just cannot do those two things. Both of those guys look like Joe Montana next to Akili Smith though.

  12. Starting a new football league in the middle of a recession. Not too bright, are we.



    could of.. I dont think so though

    I agree that it is flawed logic which leads an individual to believe that. There's no way we win the next 2 games with either RJ or ole Doug Flutini. Only if our defense became legendary. They were good though, but our offensive line was decimated at that point. Not to mention that our rushing attack in those days was severely underwhelming.

  13. Which is just huge. It goes to show you that without a good D, you're probably not seeing the playoffs. Guess who had the hardest schedule last season as well and the best Defense Yardage allowed??


    Defense stats- http://www.usatoday.com/sports/football/nf...tant-stat_N.htm


    DYA Stats- http://walterfootball.com/mattstatsdefense2008.php

    Obviously you are not familliar with the science of statistics. You may want to go over the stats from 20+ to 30+ seasons, then calculate your percentages.


    Simpleton translation: Skooby, you have size issues. Sample size, that is.


    Read a book instead of this drivel, even if its the one where you have to find Waldo, the rest of us would like to have some time to post meaningful items and discuss amongst ourselves.

  14. Not a Bills jersey, or even a football jersey, but when I was younger (this must have been about 1997 or so) I got a New York Knicks John Wallace jersey. You guys from CNY will remember John Wallace. I actually still have it and may bust it out some day...

    I also own a john wallace jersey.


    It is still in a closet at my parents house.


    Most random is tough, I mean I saw a guy no more than 3 or 4 years ago wearing a wesley walls jersey. That was good but not as monumental as the guy I saw at Kenmore lanes wearing the NFL authentic Matt Leinart Jersey no less than a week after they lost in the super bowl this year. If you own that jersey, don't u just shelf it and hope that something bad happens to warner? Or did he get some type of phenomenal deal on it, like hes just a cash-strapped cards fan living in buffalo and it happened to be available for five dollars at amvets? So many questions rushed through my mind when I saw that one. I still have a picture of this on my phone in fact.


    I derive great enjoyment from seeing anyone who is still sporting a bryce paup jersey at home games too. Just buy a new one already.

  15. He's a bum. The guy didn't appreciate the opportunity when he had it. Ross Tucker always takes jabs at big Mike whenever the chance arises (seemingly). If a guy's former linemate feels that strongly about Williams' lack of passion and toughness I find it hard to believe he will ever be an effective player regardless of what the scale says.


    Although I do agree with a previous poster in regard to wishing he had displayed this type of commitment during his tenure with the Bills, ultimately he still has proven nothing. If he can hold up and contribute through an entire season of full-contact NFL football then I he's accomplished something.


    Don't forget that this is the same guy who flipped his truck on the way to the Eagles game a few years ago. It was a bad day.

  16. I was never under the impression that Josh Reed has attitude issues. I expect him to be consistent this year.


    I would say I'm most concerned with:


    1-Ellison- Obviously because we all know he is not an every-down player. So unless he was surgically infused with talent during the offseason we could be in trouble. If nobody is able to beat him out or force a major platoon situation to start the season, we may be in trouble.


    2-Schobel- We need him to be 100% for us to have any type of shot at the playoffs this year. Foot injuries can be nasty so I really hope he's where he needs to be.


    Honorable mentions go to : Levitre, L. Walker (since he'll be at LT all year and teams will get more opportunity to expose him), and the TE position.

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