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Posts posted by mjbb64

  1. The 2009 Buffalo Bills Season


    "Stuck in Neutral-the story of the 2009 Buffalo Bills"


    "We Tried Hard"


    "Who Is That Guy?"


    "Glad That's Over"


    Have at it!


    "Hard to Watch - The 2009 Bills"


    "No, Not Really - The Story of the 2009 Buffalo Bills Offense"



    Then the lame NFL Films cheesy positive spin on a dismal season title:

    "Building a Winner" or

    "Road to Greatness"

  2. SPEAKERFIRE myspace.com/speakerfire

    TRICK KNIVES myspace.com/trickknives

    THE FATED GREY myspace.com/thefatedgrey



    253 Allen St.

    Buffalo, New York 14202

    9 P.M.

    Cost: $5

    21+ admitted w/ID


    Shameless self promotion, yes. But the price is cheap, and beers are also fairly priced at Staples. Anyone in the area looking for something to do tonight, should come out!


    Speakerfire sucks. Haha just kidding Peev. Should be a real good show tonight.

  3. Skip Bayless might be one of the worst staff members in one of the largest collections of poor media personalities on TV. His biased opinions are completely unjustified and lack any real substance. I shouldn't even get started about how much disdain I have for most of the people at ESPN. Steven A. Smith, Barry Melrose, everyone on Around the Horn, I could probably keep going on but I won't. ESPN itself is a joke of a sports network, akin to something like MTV. Hockey is completely irrelevant on the network (although I feel some would say that hockey is irrelevant to most of America, but given exposure by a network like ESPN would help legitamize a very underrated sport. I digress) and unless you are named A-Rod, Shaq/Kobe, the Boston Celtics, or the Dallas Cowboys you are relagated to almost not mattering. Why does Dallas have Ed Werder constantly covering them? They are the only team on the network that has its own beat reporter.


    Ahhh if only Empire Sports Network still existed, life would be so much better. I would take Jimmy B, the SimonCast, Fan TV, the Empire Sports Report and Hockey Hotline (with Mike Robitaille and Brian Blessing, not the shootout with Kevin Sylvester) over any other sports coverage on TV.

  4. I believe that was from the 97 Rock CD's that the morning show used to put out in the early 90s. The CD's had parodies of famous songs and were bills themed. I was only a kid then but amazingly i still remember some of the songs. They were pretty funny too, so if you can get your hands on any of them, i would recommend it.

  5. Yes there are many many issues with this team, but I just don't think I can stomach watching Robert Royal play anymore. Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't he brought in here for his blocking abilities? We knew he wasn't the pass catching tight end we needed, but I don't think the guy is even a good blocker. At least once a game this guy makes a bonehead play and I just cannot stand it anymore.

  6. As disappointed as we all are being Bills fans, I feel it is inexcusable to not instill the Buffalo Bills tradition in your children. Don't get me wrong, I am as disgusted as anyone about the state this franchise has been in for the last decade, but I could never even fathom having a son who wasn't a Bills fan. I understand that many people on this board do not even live in Buffalo, so maybe it is more reasonable to raise a child to not be a Bills fan. I myself do live in Buffalo, and whether I do leave some day, my heart will always be here. Just as my father did with me, from the day my first son is born, the Buffalo Bills tradition will be ingrained in his mind. There will be no chance for him to like another team. It is part of his birth rite, just as it was for many of us. I want to be able to go to games with my father and my son, just as I did with my father and grandfather. Even now, if I am not watching the game with my Dad, he is the first person I call afterward. It is a bond, a way of life, a Buffalo tradition at its finest, a slice of Americana.

  7. I for one absolutely agree with Peevo. Sure we are whiners, complainers, and eternal optimists about our sports teams, but does that mean we should not expect to see a good product for our money. I was born in 1985. I do remember the first Super Bowl loss, but I also remember growing up experiencing the closest thing to football excellence that you could get without winning the big one. Sure, I grew up with the expectations of having a good football team, and now that I don't, I am upset. How can you blame me? Every year, some guy in Dallas, my exact age, gets ready for another football season just like I do. We both expect victory and nothing less. The only difference between us is that year in and year out, they are competitive. Don't give me, "Dallas hasn't won a playoff game since 1997," because there is a difference here. As much as I loath saying this, Dallas doesn't accept losing. The Bills as an organization, cannot get rid of the losing mentality that hangs over them. Whether its ownership, management, coaching, or player personnel, something is wrong in Buffalo and I am not happy about it. Not happy isn't the proper phrase; I am disappointed to the point of anger and humiliation. While, I know, this is sad that I invest so much into a professional sports team, that's who I am, and I guarantee that is many of you on this board. The Bills represent all of us in different ways, but most of all they represent the mentality of this city. I heard all of the "Try being a Bills fan in the 70's, kid" talk from my father. It shouldn't have been acceptable then, and to me, it is certainly not acceptable now.

  8. While I never post, I have been a member of this board for years, and I read what you all have to say multiple times a day. That being said, I want to call to everyone's attention what we are currently witnessing. We need to all stop and reflect on the fact that after a long 12 years, since the day #12 retired, we can finally relax and put our search to rest. The day has finally come where we can once again say we have a franchise quarterback. This season has started off great and as the excitement continues to build, lets not forget about our decade-long struggle, a struggle that many thought would never end. What we as Bills fans now have is a great start and a 5-1 record; additionally, we have something far more important. What we have is a bonafide franchise quarterback, someone who will lead this franchise for the next ten years or more. Many quarterbacks have come and gone, many with false hopes that you and I have bought in to. I am not afraid to admit that I liked Losman; subsequently, I am also not afraid to admit that I was a little naive. Ever year I vest my hopes in a new passer, someone that promises to provide a great future for this team and city. They have never kept their promise, but I continued to look for positives in all of the candidates to turn this team around. I no longer have to look, the positives in Edwards should look obvious to all of us. We all watch the games, so there is no need for me to explain what I mean. The guy we have under center is someone we can all rally behind. He is someone that might just be that person to lead us to where we want to go, as a team and as fans. It has been a long time coming, and I can quite honestly say that we all deserve this. Ten years from now, when we are still reading this same board, remember the day you officially realized our long search had come to an end.

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