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Joe Fergy

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Posts posted by Joe Fergy

  1. Why not Doug Plank as our DC. He obviously did a great job with the DB's in NY and would bring Rex Ryan's defensive mind to Buffalo. I think this should be our guy


    I was just telling my co-worker yesterday that we should hire one of the Bears "85" defense players since Singletary and Frazier are doing so good. I told him how about Plank or Fencik. You read my mind.

  2. I too thought that was an embarrassing article by someone who clearly does not get it. There is a chance that they could go 0-16 just like there is a chance that they could go 16-0. But this is a team that for all their terrible struggles has won SEVEN games three years in a row, and that has been disappointing. I just don't get how we are seven games worse when:


    D-Line: Way better with Schobel and Maybin added

    Linebackers: Better as they play together and Poz develops

    Secondary: Better as the whole unit is still on the upside of their career and playing together.

    Special Teams: A push, but the best in the league all around

    Receivers: Better than last year with the addition of TO

    Backs: Probably worse to have Lynch sit three, but Freddie is good and Marshawn is still young and will be fresh for 13

    Tight Ends: Couldn't be worse than last year really, negligible but at least as good.

    QB: I would have to expect better than last year with another year experience.


    O-Line: Where everyone has their doom coming from, but really:

    RT: Walker 2008 vs Butler 2009? Butler was good enough to have Walker cut, and Walker was uninspiring last year

    RG: Butler 2008 vs Levitre 2009. I consider this a downgrade for now as I liked Butler at guard

    C: Can't consider this a downgrade since we were pretty weak, but I have to see how it plays out

    LG: Dockery 2008 vs Wood 2009. Early to say, but I will put my money on Wood over the $49m bust

    LT: Peters 2008 vs Bell 2009. Obviously this is an unknown and a downgrade, but Peters was not stellar last year and Bell is athletic and motivated, so while this is the focus point of attention right now, I don't see it as a 7 win swing.


    Schedule: Harder, but you never know before the season starts how the schedule plays out. We play better 2008 teams than last year, but when we beat the Seahawks last year everybody thought they were a playoff team, and when we lost to the Cardinals everyone thought that was a shock, so let's not overemphasize the importance of this quite yet.


    My prediction: we probably start 0-1 and DiCesare will be 15 games away from calling it, but I will take the over on his 4 any time with as much money as I can scramble together, and I will obviously take the over on his 0,1,2,3 possible wins :pirate::D :D


    I agree, I wish there were more level headed people here and I do think the center is a upgrade

  3. From Chris Brown:



    [Comment From Andrew ]

    What's your take on Nic Harris? He looked bigger than I expected in person. Do you think he could take Ellison's starting role at some point this season?


    Chris Brown: Harris is a quick study and has done well in the early going. He's often getting praise from the coaching staff for his reads on defense and today he got a pat on the back for his technique on special teams. It's looking like he's going to be the most realistic challenger for Keith Ellison on the strong side.




    That's good news


    After watching a couple pratices I can't believe they haven't mentioned Alvin Bowen he was all over the field.........................

    • Talked with Steve Johnson for a while. Very stand up guy and can't wait to see him get an opportunity this year!
      Poz is looking absolutely HUGE, I told him to step in the weight room...needless to say it wasn't as funny a joke as it was in my head.
      Fred Jackson was a very nice guy, took a pic with him. My mom was with me and she says, "What about a pic with momma?" Fred says, "Hell yeah, come in here momma!"
      Talked with Leodis a little while, he said he might be growing out some dreads...interesting.
      Didn't get a chance to talk with TO and Lynch wasn't there.
      Donte Whitner was a usual fan-friendly self giving a lot of autographs and talking with us all.


    Overall a really fun experience at St. John Fisher 10th anniversary dinner. The team looked great in practice and I really think we have a shot this year. Partly because I'm a hopeless Bills Fan, but also because we looked very sharp and its only day 1! Take it easy guys and GO BILLS!!!




    I also was there and Lynch was there I got his picture signed. He was standing behind two hugh walk ons with his headphones.

    Very quiet shy! Told him he should be nice and rested for the stretch run and good luck this season. said thanks.


    TO was nice! kid in front of me handed him a jersey (eagles) he said only Bills stuff, then got my pic signed.


    Steve Johnson was the best of the bunch very personnel guy. I told him don't make TO cry to much when he beats him out. He laughed then I told him to buy a house instead of earrings.


    I did make a ass out of myself though, I had a few to many beers and walking to my car with my wife I saw Kelsey and Shoebal I have Aarons Pic that I needed signed. So like a dumb ass I said hey Paul looking at kelsey I needed your autogragh for two years and Kelsey said And you still will!!!!!!! My wife is laughing and said Aaron was standing next to Kelsey and who is Paul.........That's when I gave her my keys and said looks like it will be another two years....See what you young guys get to look forward too.

  4. I love this mock if we address are DL and LB in FA.





  5. this coming from a guy called Nixon...


    I'll vote for her simply based off of the fact she isn't a republican, and I believe she can get this country back on track.


    Let's face it the last 6 years have been hell, and it ain't getting any better.



    Beautiful, A true NY'er. Let's start with what has she done for NY. We are still the highest tax base state in the country, Property tax is out of control, just compare gas prices with the rest of the country. I know it's Bush's fault right! Are young are leaving because they can't find jobs, the old are leaving because of property taxes. I could go on and on. Are next Governor will be a Democrat and both are Senators will be Democrats so I guess happy days are coming.


    The last six years there hasn't been not one American killed in the US from Terroist.

    Yes we have lost brave solders so you can complain freely.

    If your buddy Clinton would have had the balls to pull the trigger 4TIMES on Bin L. we might not be in this mess.

    The economy in the rest of the US has been Good. Not NY...dahhhhhhhhh


    keep voting Democrat and Unions NY................................You get what you deserve..............Happy Days are here again.....................

  6. Were getting close  :doh:


    I'm trading Moulds and our #8 for both of Denver's 1st round picks (15 and 22). No thirds or 4ths invloved. 


    Oh I see what you're getting at... Yeah I guess this would equate to trading EM for a lower 2nd rounder.  :huh:



    YES YES this will work for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  7. it's not his age- it's his health


    which is not good.


    He may play hurt, but he is ineffective.


    Due to his injuries he can't move well enough to play LT anymore.


    This would be another panic "name" signing which actually makes the OL worse.



    OK Doc Obie wan

  8. For the Bills to draft another QB 2 years after giving up a 1st rd pick to move up and take JP when he has only played in 8 games is stupid! If Leinart, Young, or Cutler falls in our lap they should be used as trade bait to get more picks to shore up our OL and DL or possibly draft Davis earlier in the 1st to give JP some weapons and a OL/ DL later. I mean if JP fails then yes some would look back and say I told we should have picked one of the Qbs. But what if one of those top 3 QBs struggle, as most young QBs do? This would be JP all over again with those who would start harping on rebuilding the line and adding weapons and setting us back 2-3 more years. I mean if the Ravens or Lions could stick with Harrington and Boller for as long as they have why can't some give JP more than 8 games to show more than flashes and give him a chance to be consistent? At least give him a chance for none of these other QBs are going to come in and light up the league in thir first season.



    Finally common sense!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. :)

    wow joe, I don't even get a smile face or anything? No, I am not friends with any actors in hollywood (don't know them, don't really care to) and yes they are overpaid too. The police, military, fireman, etc. are all in the same group as teachers, and should make just as much if not more than football players. I am not whining, and I did not attack you or your views in anyway, so a little respect might be nice. Now, if there was meant to be a smile or something in your message, please ignore all of this.



    Go Bills

  10. Joe, I am not a democrat, but a liberal leaning independent :P FaninChicago, I can live with reaching the same conclusion, and while I agree socialism in the NFL is never going to happen, I can deal with that, simply move the payscale down and instead of paying 20 million contracts, pay 2 million contracts. I realize these guys don't have a long time to play, but the idea that they will make more money in 4-5 years playing a game as I will in my entire life performing a much more important service (arrogant me) as a teacher is revolting, and that they aren't happy with what they make anyways. O well, it is the American way.....

    And thanks for the welcome.




    Football players are entertainers just like your overpaid liberal buddy's in hollywood. Hell there all overpaid but they do serve a purpose. There are alot of teachers that make a very good living out there and to say there under paid is bull.

    How about Policeman, fireman, and are military who put there lives in jeopady everyday who make less? Quit your whining.


    P.S. I hope I misspelled some words to tick you off more.

  11. OK, well, I am going to make this my first post (everyone should feel very lucky right now  :P )  I have been watching the boards for a couple of years, and have been a bills fan since before I remember (which isn't all that long ago) I have always been of the opinion, when talking to friends and such, that everyone in the NFL (Quaterback to kicker and everyone inbetween) should make something like 2 mil. a year, and all the rest of their salary should be given to charity, or education, or social security, or....... There is no way a person who catches a football for a living should make more than a teacher or a doctor. When I see someone gripping about not taking a paycut to help out their team, I dunno, the screw them response is the first thing on my mind. I apologize for any sense that made its way into that statement, and nice to be a member.


    Great another Democrat!

  12. i fo rone use sprint in roch and have no problem. verizon is the one that blows. they claim to be the number one service yet have the most dropped calls. Sprint has the free roaming where it shares networks. thats the coolest.



    Does your Daddy work at Spint ? You sure are talking out of you a##. Verizon hands down is #1. Rochester independent testing has rated them #1 every year. You may have a cell site close by your school but if you ever drove around the state you would understand why verizon is #1 plus Verizon has generators in 95% of there cell sites. Sprint has limited generators. You loose power you have NO service. I could go on and on but it would be easier for your Daddy to go to work for Verizon.........................

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