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Posts posted by TheMadKat

  1. It may be true the Bills use resellers to push their tickets. I really have no idea,. But I'm no fan of scalping. And this is no different than the scalpers that work the lots, IMO. Not to say that I haven't use a scalper to buy/sell. So I guess that makes me a hypocrite, too. :D But there's something that seems more legit about the guys working the lots, to buy and sell, then investors greedily buying blocks of tickets and jacking the price to whatever level the market will bear. It doesn't reflect well on the team, either.


    Seriously asking... do you feel the same towards other companies and individuals that sell commodities at market prices for a loss or profit?

  2. The one thing a conversation like this tends to do is float to the top all the people who believe a job is something that companies are obligated to give to people. People are owed a job, and full bennies, and a break at 10 and another at 3 and a 90-minute lunch and vacation and sick days and personal days and maternity leave and a breakroom with coffee and gluten-free snacks.


    They're owed all this because, y'know, the company has all the money. And they should spread it around evenly. Cuz, y'know, that's only fair.


    For me, its not the company but the reasons behind the company's leadership for cutting workforce. Its rare for a CEO to step down because 'its whats best for the company'? From the CEO's PERSONAL POV, I'm sure it makes more sense to lay off 4% of the workforce before falling on the sword. Lots of money on the line for them.

  3. They hired Nix and he has had no input or knowledge of the head coaching list. :worthy:


    And, here I was hoping they were hiring him because they wanted to nab their next head coach straight out of the oven.


    Nix is a good guy and a straight shooter. For those that prefer smoke being blown up their posteriors, he'll be a major disappointment for sure. ;)


    I like how he didn't PC around Jauron with comments on leadership, direction, and having to have an experienced staff "not saying anything about what's gone on here before, mind you." :lol:


    He said we have a list, but he hasnt been closely involved in the coaching search up to this point. I'm sure he has seen the list....

  4. You really think think had he kneeled (or is it knelt) the ball we still wouldn't have found a way to lose?


    I take back everything I said about a 31-6 loss. The Bills performed far better that I thought they would; no doubt. But this game came down to, once again, coach vs coach. If you want to blame McKelvin for watching the Bills play and knowing that you need more than an 11 point lead against the pats, so be it. Did he try to be a hero? Yes he did. Did we need that? More than likely.


    But once again, this team will always find a way to rip our hearts out of our chests and stomp all over them.


    I watched the game with one other very serious Bills fan and two guys who are bigger baseball fans than they are FB. With 5:11 left (give or take) they both asked what we were worried about. And to say "worried" is a huge understatement. It wasn't worry. Is was KNOWING we would lose. KNOWING it.


    I wish my 31-6 prediction had come true. But in true Buffalo form, they led us on for 3 and a half quarters, and then stuck it right in our tailpipes.


    100% McFumblin's fault. Deal with it

  5. I guess you're right. I mean how can you really judge mediocre quarterbacks. I'll try though. Anderson vs. Edwards = 1-0. Quinn vs. Edwards = 1-0. It's a small sample size, sure...but I'm having my doubts.


    Plus you've got the one season that Anderson had. You know, the one Trent will most likely never attain:




    298 527 56.5 3787 82.5 29 19 + Pro Bowl.


    I don't know where you decided that, Anderson is NOT a good QB. But he's a season removed from throwing for almost 30 touchdowns. In 23 starts, Edwards has 18.


    But, I'm sorry...you're right. He is [CAPS LOCK] NOT [/CAPS LOCK] a good QB.


    LOL.... Yeah when you compare to Edwards. But do you REALLY think Anderson is a franchise QB? He cant even beat Brady Quinn!


    Besides, QB is only one issue on this team. Continuing to recycle QBs will get us nowhere. <see last 12 years>

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