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Posts posted by buffalomike

  1. If its under $1000 chances are it wont affect you unless you are an awful driver with a bad history. If its over 1000 you might as well let the company pay for it cause your rates arent going to go up that much. Never understood paying out of pocket so your rates don't go up. You're paying either way



    In order to make people believe you are being sarcastic in print, you need to be better at writing in that manner.



    Hey, maybe I'm being sarcastic, too.


    I guess I thought the giant space between my initial thought and the reference to the first practice was enough ooooozing of sarcasm. I guess not for the stodgy folks are TBD.

  3. I had to walk through a smoking area to meet a friend last year during a game and it was disgusting. My wife even had to go home and wash her hair right after the game because the cigarette smoke made it stink so bad. If you can't go 3.5 hours without a smoke you need to take this day to re-examine the priorities in your life.

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