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Grand Poobah

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Posts posted by Grand Poobah

  1. Looking to buy an LCD Flat panel for the upcoming hockey playoffs.


    The Vizio seems to have caught my eye. (aight, it was the price, you got me).


    VIZIO GV47LFHDTV GV47LF - 47" LCD HDTV - $1799.99


    Anyone have experience with the Vizio products? Good/bad/ugly?


    Any advice or alternatives would be appreciated.





    I bought the 42" LCD model from SAMs Club a few months ago and am quite satisfied. Good picture (although I needed to adjust the color a bit when I first set it up), plenty of inputs, built-in tuner and the remote is straight forward. Works great as a monitor as well.


    I work with a guy that has had the 47" Vizio LCD for about 6 months or so and he is happy with it.

  2. ...


    I don't hate soccer, mostly I hate soccer fan.  I played when I was a kid (left half).  Fun sport to play, terrible to watch.  Regardless, it's a fringe sport in the US - no matter how anyone spins it or how desperately the lunatics want it to catch on (it NEVER will).  We have this discussion every time a World Cup comes around.




    I agree totally. I played for almost ten years as a kid (goal and sweeper). It was fun to play, but then as now watching soccer is akin to a root canal without novocaine.

  3. I thought that look was more like a "Luke Skywalker about to be thrown into the mighty Sarlacc pit" look.  In other words, I thought they were going to stage a nice counter-attack and have Sayid throw them a lightsabre or something and they would all escape.  Maybe that's how season 3 will start.



    I looks more like the look Han gives Leia when he's about to be frozen in carbonite.


    "I love you."


    "I know." :(

  4. I thought that look was more like a "Luke Skywalker about to be thrown into the mighty Sarlacc pit" look.  In other words, I thought they were going to stage a nice counter-attack and have Sayid throw them a lightsabre or something and they would all escape.  Maybe that's how season 3 will start.



    "His excellency hopes that you will die honorably.But should any of you wish to beg for mercy, the great Jabba the Hutt will now listen to your pleas."


    "3PO, you tell that slimy piece of worm ridden filth, he'll get no such pleasure from us!"

  5. Hey!  I got to post #5 and Sue used the FU smiley.  That's no fair.  Why can Sue use it but not JSP or me.  That's discrimination and I'm suing TSW for $4 billion.  :D



    What's that total in Yen?


    If only I knew where to find the currency exchange rate.

  6. The next town over from me is like that. Too many cops for the trickle of crime that occurs, so handing out tickets for stupid infractions is the norm.


    My solution to the "slow crossing," issue. Lets install catapults or trebuchets.



    HeHeHe. I think we should use the word trebuchet in conversation more often.

  7. ...


    As for the 5 minutes they devoted to the Henry Gale story.... What I suspected from the start was true. Said that Mr. Friendly/Zeke was a virtual nobody in the Other's group. And that the code is a pschological experiment joke just to see how long someone will push the buttons. The map on the door last week seemed to suggest that (specifically the part about CVIII being inoperative) Wonder if we'll see Desmond again to get any more input.



    Is it possible that the powerful leader of the Others that Henry Gale was talking about was actually Henry Gale himself? The fear he displayed seemed a little too over the top to me (and the fact that he has been just a bit liberal with the truth).


    I also wonder if the Dharma Initiative has some sort association with Hurley's mental ward (i.e. Could Hurley's doctor be employed by the DI?) Such a close association with the numbers and psychological research.

  8. ....  Here's my question, do most people to this in a selfish way, to make themselves feel better and to get them in heaven?  Just wondering.......



    Not necessarily. Most missionaries I've known and talked to take Mark 16:15 very seriously (as Christians should) which says "...Go yet into all the world an preach the gospel." They are lead to go to these places to do just that. Many of the foreign missionaries I know most definitely don't like the idea of going so far from family and friends, but go anyway. They often risk their lives for the sake of the people they are trying to help.



    It has no bearing on their souls and getting to heaven. They do it because Christ commanded it.

  9. They built a Ger last year for the church that was started.  This will be a chapel to replace the Ger.  That Ger that was built will be moved to a new yet unknown town.  for a new church.


    Kind of a cool thing about Mongolia.  "Have Ger...Will Travel"

    Do you remember who the missionary was?



    Can't remember his name for the life of me. I bet I'd remember it if I heard it. I remember he was an older fellow. He had a great story about losing his temper in traffic on one of the Mongolian streets. Drivers there are pretty bad I guess.


    Come to think of it, I think he was from the Rochester area.

  10. Leading a group from church on a Mission Trip.  Main goal will be to assist a missionary there (who used to be the pastor of our church here in Roch.) build a Chapel in Bianhoshoo.  A small town outside of Ulaan Baatar.


    Your prayers for safety will be acepted until I return on April 9.


    Where is Mongolia?




    I met a missionary to Mongolia a few months ago at my church in Lancaster. That's a strange place to go. It's looks like a really unique experience.


    Is the Chapel going to be a traditional wood/concrete building like in the US or is it going to be one of the Gers (or Yurts) that they typically construct over there?

  11. The truth is, if Hollywood was counting on me for much money, they would be in big trouble, but I find myself being drawn to fewer movies all of the time.  One major factor in that is IMO, that very few pictures are worthy of the big screen.  Cinematography is not what it used to be.




    Amen to that!

  12. "I shot him with a (word deleted) .410 shotgun twice," Martin told the dispatcher.



    Well, there's no doubt what the intent was. I don't think the first one was meant as a warning shot.


    In my home town when we were kids this old couple down the street would yell at us for just coming too close to their yard (we were on the sidewalk!). I always felt like they would snap like that. Kind of like those quiet suburban wierdos you always heard stories about.


    If it was that bad he could have used rock salt in the shotgun. An old neighbor of mine used it all the time on stray dogs. Every once in a while everything was quiet, then BLAM! Squeal Squeal! I never went trick-or-treating at his house.

  13. ...


    Regarding the video...I know its in really poor taste to say this, but what the hell......


    Who watched it and thought of that scene in "The Naked Gun", where Ricardo Montalban goes over the ledge and falls to the concrete, and just when you think his suffering is over, gets run over by a bus, a steamroller and a marching band playing "Louie, Louie"?


    Be honest!




    My father went the same way.

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