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Ted William's frozen head

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Posts posted by Ted William's frozen head

  1. Looking for a little advice before I book a flight and make plans here for a trip! So looks like I'll be flying in for the Pats game week two. There's a flight back to DC I'd like to catch at 6:15. Is it reasonable to assume I can make that flight if I don't leave the game early? Usually I would head out of the game going south towards Erie, so not used to going north after a game.


    Also, looks like the two ways to do that would be to take 90 or rt 20. Which one is worse for traffic after a game and how long would you estimate either route would take?


    Thanks in advance for any advice!

    Book a later flight. Relax. Enjoy the game, and the stadium atmosphere. Life is short. Enjoy the experience. Whatever the f else is going on can wait.....

  2. I turned to another station today when "Wanted, Dead or Alive" came on. The responde is still automatic when I hear that band. I was never a huge fan of theirs anyway. But I don't HATE them like I once did a year ago. Just curious where others stood. I suppose I have moved on.

    I have great respect for a man who managed to parlay a body of incredibly putrid music into a sizable fortune....

  3. http://buffalo.suntimes.com/buffalo-bills/7/116/142765/bills-ej-manuel-beating-cassel-taylor-otas


    I think the OTA's are a very small sample size but no doubt I would love it if E.J. could earn the job. Either way too early to tell IMO.

    Whoever wins the job, it's nice to see that they have to earn it, instead of it being a 'Coronation'.

  4. Option 1) Yes our drought is over, but we still have no QB

    Option 2) Drought is still on, but EJ is ready to lead this team for the next 5-10 years

    Neither option.

    Bill Polian was once posed the same question. He stated that a successful season is making it to the 'final four', and I agree with him.

  5. I was reading an article about Gov. Christie of NJ spending $82,000 on concessions at Jets/Giants games (http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on-football/25181195/chris-christie-spent-82k-of-taxpayer-funds-on-food-at-jets-giants-games ). In the article there is the attached graph that shows how many beer/hotdog combos $82,000 will buy you in all NFL stadiums. It shows that in Buffalo, you get the 6th fewest in the NFL. Which implies that food concessions in Buffalo are the 6th most expensive in the NFL. Granted that it does not take every food item into account, but you would think it should be fairly accurate. Bills games have been touted as a great value. I know that food concessions are optional, but I'm still surprised that they are as high as this graph says they are. Makes me question the data somewhat.


    Maybe people that go to a lot of away games could confirm or deny?

    $9.50 for a large can of skunk p!$$ is excessive. I avoid spending a penny inside the stadium for their overpiriced bad food,and drink. That being said, I understand that jerry Jones Et Al charges eighty bucks for a pizza....

  6. What does that have to do with anything my post described? Bizarre response, no offense.

    I see this guy as being beyond pathetic. Just snuff him out, already.

    What does the tattoo mean orther than potentially what I described? He knows he will never see the light of day again. He seems rather casual about it.

    Maybe he is looking forward to it...

    It's all conjecture...

  7. I'm a self absorbed !@#$' would have suited him much better.

    I saw this show on Netflix about people who got life sentences/sentenced to death and had beyond sketchy trials and such. Several were exonerated. Absolutely one of the most frightening things I've ever seen, scarier than any horror movie that's for sure. Pats fans are complaining about circumstantial evidence getting their QB a suspension--people have been sentenced to death on less solid evidence. Crazy how the system can swallow someone up and it can go so far.

    Do the crime, do the time.

    it says "lifetime loyalty" apparently. It's supposed to be a tattoo affiliated with the bloods

    He's already thinking about his first gang sanctioned anal penetration....


    Their problem is that most of them aren't really fans of either the team or the game. They are Johnny-come-lately crybabies that only want to be fans when it's convenient. They have no clue what they're talking about with regard to most matters surrounding the game. They have no idea why they're constantly accused of cheating, and why certain offenses are much different than others.


    The reason that most of them cannot enjoy success is that they aren't invested in it. They don't really care about the team the way other team's fans do, so they can't appreciate the magnitude of winning it all (even if they have repeatedly cheated to do so).

    Most Pats fans are GIANTS fans that ducked and ran when the going got tough.....

    We'll see their true colors return when Brady retires...

  9. He makes a good case .....


    Although Carucci believes Ryan and coordinator Greg Roman are "open-minded" about Manuel's chances, he also suspects the 2013 first-round pick won't be on the final roster unless he wins the starting job.


    If the Bills end up dangling Manuel for a late-round pick in August, keep an eye on the Eagles as a potential trade partner.



    I hope that EJ plays lights out, and wins the job.

    I just don't think that it is in him to do so.......

  10. "If these two guys are so innocent, why did the Patriots fire them? So, these two guys are completely misunderstood, a pair of hapless innocents who didn’t want to get busted for lifting shoes and just wanted to drop a few pounds. Why then would the Patriots move so quickly and decisively to distance themselves?"



    BAD move on the part of the Pats. These poor scrubs were likely just doing what they were told to do.

    Now, they've got an axe to grind,and I betcha it's sharp.

  11. If the 90's Bills cheated twice and won 4 Super Bowls would you be ok with it. Meaning they did the exact same thing as the Pats and did Spygate and deflate gate. So If the Bills had spied on the Giants

    in the week leading up to Super Bowl 25 and the Bills knew the plays of the Giants and then won Super Bowl 25 just like the Pats did to the Rams ( Alleged ). Would you have been ok with that. Then if Kelly had used a deflated ball for years and the Bills we're the team that fumbled the ball the least and we're so far ahead of everyone else in the league in that stat. Would you be ok with that kind of cheating that it allowed the Bills to go on and win 4 straight Super Bowls.


    My answer is I would rather keep it just the way it went down. The Bills played with heart and made a region proud. The 90's Bills were football warriors and they never cheated and have there reputations intact thats worth more then any Super bowl title in my opinion.


    what do you have to say about the topic

    Bills Fan.


    Please chime in

    The giants "D" in Superbowl 25 faked injuries to disrupt the no-huddle offense. WHO was the Defensive coordinator at the time????

  12. Just wondering if you collect anything?


    I have a few collections:


    The first is a collection of every Buffalo team pennant - it hangs in my rec room. Among the rarest are the Buffalo Breskis' professional women's softball team, the Buffalo Norsemen professional hockey team and the Buffalo Royals team tennis pennant.


    I also have a full collection of the 1973 Looney Tunes drinking glasses that were sold as a promotional item at the old Carrol's Restaurants (now Burger King).


    How about you, what do you collect?



    .44 cal., and 9mm firearms

  13. http://yourteamcheats.com


    This site shows that the Pats are "only" average cheaters! It's everyone else who is a problem!


    For example, the Bills are given 1.5 "cameras" for being dumb about Mario's wrist injury. The Patriots are given the same "score" for Marsha's deflated balls.


    Yeah... ok


    Still, a fun site to look through, even with the obvious bias :D

    Looks like that Pats* fans are insecure about those titles....

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