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Posts posted by Let'sGoBuffalo

  1. He knows his comments will be presumed as a condemnation of Bush. Thus, the public will think he wants him out. Therefore, the public votes for Bush. End result... Bin Laden played us like a cheap violin. He loves the fact that Bush took troops away from his bums in Afgahnastan to persue a political war in Iraq (Saddam rejected him). He loves the fact he has been able to run free and plot against us because Dumb Dubya has a vendetta against Saddam. Americans... WAKE UP!!!! Al Qaeda is our ENEMY. Fire the inept "W". and let's get on with the fight!!


    Enter a new era for America next week. A Military Administration with War Vets, a Nato commander, and proven economic strategists are on the way... The chicken hawks and excuse makers and their spin are .... "Fired"

  2. Ha! Sammy baby!!

    You crack me up.

    Seriously, I wish someone knew.

    I think Clements gives us our best opportunity to get field position

    as an ecperienced player. But If I was the coach... Give it to our burner.. Lee Evans!

  3. Let me just say this in the nicest way I can because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings:


    Anyone who gives a rats a$$ who OBL thinks should be President is a complete and total brainless idiot.  Why do you think he makes these tapes?  Because he knows there are some people stupid enough to give a sheet what he says.  Way to hand him a victory morons.



    Excellent post

  4. Bledsoe drops back... and... That's all he does is drop back, then nothing happens!

    No scrambling, no quick passes, no fricked brains. He is a lame duck.

    You put Favre, Brady, or about 50% of the QB's in there and we are 4-0.

    He has absolutely no awarness what is happening with pressure and what to do about it.

    Enjoy your last season with the Bills Drew... and Good riddens.

    We'll save cap room and then be able to sign the #1 pick in the draft.

    And that pick better be superstar Donohoe or you are next.

  5. Now the big question... Global warming discussion on the NHC and .Gov site verifying the influence of such on monster storms, and the future impact to our state. Hey George... are you ready to DO something about it now?...George: " I don't think so.. hee hee, let them polluters govern themselves. I care more about their money to my campaign than the welfare of my people... he he".


    That's what we've been hearing George... FU.

  6. We got a huge dose of good news this morning. The BAM, GFS and GFDL models have dramatically shifted again after the "miracle right turn" missing Jamaica. Looks like it may miss the state entirely. Thank god, because we need a break to get our lives / businesses back in order and continue cleaning up... what a mess. Thanks to everyone for your PM's and prayers. We appreciate it.



    I had no idea you were in Florida.  Stay safe.


  7. Computer models bring the eye closer to TB rather than Dade now.

    But they have fluctuated enormously over the last 4 days. The BAM model is most accurate by far - though, Look for a Monroe county hit or graze and the all bets are off. Damage here is bad from Frances... and I can't imagine mid western coastal areas getting it again. Prayers are flowing brothers. You northern people have no idea what we are going through here.

  8. Thanks pal.

    After the last one, I am so over this.

    God bless ya.


    Man...We've dodged the bullet here in Pensacola..and looks like we will again....I have 13 days left here. ..I feel bad for you guys "down south"...Take cover or evacuate.....As much stevestojan as I give you guys...take care and be safe.


  9. Take cover pal.

    I'll pray for your saftey.

    Make sure you do all you can to secure things.

    If you need any help send me a PM.

    I have connections with fire dept, police and shelters in Oldsmar and Tampa.

    Take care.


    Please remember that !@#$er is suppose to be coming my way. Tampa.

    Thank you very little. :(


  10. Ha!

    Ya the wife produces for a major television network and she's

    been down in Miami 24/7.. geeze. I hear ya on the crap in the yard.

    Thanks to the token few republicans for their kind thoughts (even if they have the typical... and expected partisan jab). I wish we could be through with this destruction once and for all.

    Just spent 12 hours boarding up another home, and feeding 15 people... and I am so friggin tired. But that's what good American's do... help those out who are in need.

    My neighbor lost a family member in Palm beach and it's really rough here for us.

    I am friggin sick of these monster hurricanes in such frequency. And it's only going to get worse.



    I fully agree.

    I'm heading to Home Depot for plywood to cover the windows.

    Frances was bad enough and mostly missed.

    Ivan "The Terrible" looks like he's going to knock the snot out of Jacksonville.

    Makes me relive my 1st 20 years in Cheektowaga and my Navy times in Iceland as peaceful...cold...but peaceful.

    Looks like I'll leave the crap in the yard until Ivan leaves therefore picking it up ONCE.

    Check list:

    beer - ok

    BILLS game Sunday before the massacure - ok

    food - get some

    wife - damn...where is she?

    I'm ready!!!


    Chief Corky...BILLS fan in jagwad country


  11. Hi guys and girls. It's been a mess here and a absolute crazy and scary 2 weeks.

    Just a quick note to say hi in between hurricanes. I am sick of hearing the words:















    Ivan , Charlie, Frances...

    etc etc etc.

    Makes me wish I was back in Buffalo dealing with a blizzard again! ha.

    I've spent thousands already for supplies, damage and loss of business.

    I had to cancell my flight to Buffalo to see the opening game against the Jags this weekend too.

    Seems like it never ends. At least my wife and I are still alive, thanks to the grace of god. Take care guys and I look forward to joining the neverending, mindless discussions of partisan garbage again soon.. :)

  12. Now you accuse me of cut and paste. You should really go away now before you embarras yourself further. Your argument has taken wild turns and is now out in wasteland.


    Yeah, it is tough to have an intelligent debate with someone that just cuts and pastes his "opinion" from the radical left-wing websites.


  13. Wow, and you really believe the garbage you post?



    Actually, Kerry asked Bush to apologize for the ad (yea, no stevestojan.  He really did.)  And then hired MoveOn.org's "Director of Special Projects" (who was responsible for the ad) as the director of his online communications.  But hey...there's no connection between Kerry and any 527 PACs, is there?


    It's truly amazing what you can learn by reading.  You should have your mommy teach you sometime.


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