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Jock Sniffer

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Posts posted by Jock Sniffer

  1. Here are my thoughts, although they'll probably be deleted. Again.


    Paper Tigers....this defense is a total fraud. Their first time facing a potent offense, and they cannot get off the field.


    You'd think that the staff watched clips from last week's Jets-Cards game, and saw how Warner crumbled when pressured. As usual, though, the defense (especially the DEs) was unable to create consistent pressure. Is there a worse DE in the NFL than Copeland Bryan?


    Where was Posluszny today?


    What was particularly embarrassing was making Arrington, a 3rd string RB, look like a HOFer on one of the Cards' scoring drives (can't remember which one - there were so many).


    I can't see how a team with such poor fundamentals - poor blocking, horrendouds tackling, and repeating the same mind-numbing mistakes (how many times did the Bills line up offsides this week? I believe that Ko Simpson did the same thing last week) - won their first four games. I guess that the joke of a schedule helped.


    Why has the team come out so flat for 3 consecutive weeks?


    The "Special" Teams have been quite mediocre as well. Seems now that getting past the 25 on KO returns has become the exception, rather than the rule.


    The SD game figures to be pretty ugly....


    Also, did anyone really expect Edwards to actually play 16 games (garbage time excluded)? He's shown an inability to stay healthy, both in college and the pros.

    Were your other posts this insightful?

  2. I get to see Jason Peters every Sunday night. He travels with a group of idiots who are incredibily disrespectful and he is the leader. Having the job I have has changed my opinion on professional athletes more than you will ever know. To the point though, he looks heavier than last year. When I'd see him last year, we'd all remark about how the other offensive lineman just looked like big fat guys. You couldn't really say that about Peters. Now you can. He's gotten thicker and lost alot of the tone he used to have in his upper body.



    Is there sex in the champagne room?

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