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Posts posted by HtownBillsFan

  1. My Father had a stroke because of sleep apnea. Its no joke. 18 inch neck or better, get tested.

    As Lana and many, many,many other women can attest to, I have had a bit of a snoring issue for a while now. As some of you know, I had a pretty severe back injury back about 7 years ago and it's been a real struggle to get my physical health back ever since. My tolerance for activity is reduced, and subsequently I've gained a fair bit of weight since the incident. One of the common problems associated with weight gain is snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. So anyway, over the past couple of years I've been having more warning signs of impaired sleep pop up, and I finally went for a sleep study last night.


    For those who don't know, a sleep study is where you are hooked up to all sorts of wires, electrodes,and electronic equipment and your sleep is analyzed in its entirety for one night. As I was getting settled in by the nurse, she looked at me and said, "I'm going to go ahead and measure you for a mask and then leave it here by the bed just in case your oxygen level drops out." Now I was pretty sure I had some apnea going on, but I wasn't THAT worried about my oxygen bottoming out because I typically wake up when I have an episode of apnea. Well, after struggling to get to sleep on my own for a couple of hours, I must have finally dozed off into a deep sleep. The next thing I remember is not just the one nurse, but another fellow dude nurse who came with her. They were preparing the mask she had left next to the bed earlier in the night, and I immediately asked, "wow, how low did it drop?" She looked back and me and said, "well, I had the alarm set on the pulse ox (device that measures the oxygen saturation of your red blood cells) at 59." Having measured the oxygen saturation on hundreds of patients over the years, I knew that what she was saying was that my oxygen saturation, which is usually between 92-100% in a normal, healthy individual, had dropped below 59%. The last time I saw someone with a sat that low, they ended up in the morgue a few hours later.


    Naturally I freaked out quite a bit, as I never expected that my oxygen was doing that, but I'm just glad that I took the steps to have the sleep study done before I paid a more severe price than some daytime sleepiness and disruptive snoring. Sleep apnea is very serious and can result in severe cardiovascular complications including heart attack and stroke, high blood pressure, and the increased likelihood of falling asleep while driving. I'm posting a couple of resources below in case you guys want to read about it a little more, but I hope you'll all take this condition very seriously. If you (or your wife, girlfriend, etc) think you might have an issue with snoring and or apnea, go talk to your doctor and see if you're a candidate for a sleep study. Most insurance plans will cover it, and it could literally save your life.





  2. Need some advice. My wife wants to get her father an Ipod for his birthday. All he wants one for is to listen to music. He is not tech savy at all. Here is my question: what should I get him, an Ipod Nano or an Itouch? I do not have either so I dont know which is easier use. Both are similarly priced.

  3. In the championship game of an 8 team league. We have 2 rb slots and I have Chris Johnson as a definate go. My problem is the second spot...Jones-Drew against NE, Ricky Williams against HOU, or Ray Rice against Pitt. Im leaning towards Ricky but Jones-Drew could blow up against NE. Any help would be appreciated.

  4. Yeah it is a fun weekend. When I was a litle younger, me & my friends used to do it up right. We would go golfing in the morning, meet over my house in around 11:30, drink all day, grill burgers in the afternoon & throw some stip steaks & lobster tails on at night, bet some NHL & NBA playoff games & make a day of it. We would usually get a 1/2 Keg for about 8-9 guys & by the end of the night we would have to go on a beer run. Now, we all have families(Im 36) & unfortunately alot of my friends wives are not as understanding as mine & they dont let them come over & drink all day. Oh well. Last few years it has been just me & the little guy(my 5yr old son) down in the basement watching the draft. A friend or 2 will stop over throughout theday. It is just as fun though, we will watch the draft down in the basement, play some mini basketball bet a few games for the playoffs/baseball & make a day of it. If I am not too drunk, I will usually make a fire with the fire pit in the back yard at night, making smores for the little guy. One of the days I really look forward too. I have a real strange feeling they are going to announce the bills aquired Henderson this weekend also.

    Acquiring Henderson would be HUGE! But what would we have to give up???? Extra 4th this year?

  5. I am excited to. Its a fun weekend not to just watch what your team does, but everyone elses as well. I would like to see Orakpo fall also, but if he doesnt then I would be happy with Ayers or Raji, but I dont think Raji slides past 6. Now at 28 I really think its anyones guess, but what if Freeman is sitting there at 28? I know that may be a long shot but just something to ponder.

    Honestly I wouldnt take Freeman here. Way too many holes to fill. Depending on what we do at 11 we need an OT, a TE, and another OLB. I dont think QB is on my short list. The countdown continues....

  6. I love draft weekend because of the hype leading up to it. Not to mention its a great day to get together with buddies, drink beer, eat some good food, and play cards. Anyone else have any draft day plans for the weekend? My guess/prayer for our 11 pick...I hope Orakpo slides to us. I know he's a Texas product, but man that dude is a beast. Saw some of his workouts...scary! Kind of reminds of a young Bruce Smith with his body type and voracity...lets only hope he falls to us and is half the player Bruce was! Everyone have a great draft weekend, I know I will! :lol:

  7. It's too bad the former owner pulled the speakers out of the wall. Did he just leave the holes?


    If you want to use in wall speakers, you are not going to be able to find an all-in-one solution. This is actually good and bad news. The bad is that it will cost you more, but you will have a much better sounding system.


    If you want an all in one system, you could just cover up the holes.

    Yeah he just left the holes. The guy ended up quitting paying on the house and it got foreclosed. He then went through and raped it. Got the house for dirt cheap though, brand new construction (know the builder, very reputable). It was a steal! So if I decide against the all-in-one, what are some good brands of in wall speakers that I should consider?

  8. Mods PLEASE PLEASE leave here awhile. We bought a new home and the media room is all equipped for an LCD above the fire place and surround sound. I dont want to break the bank, but the original owner had surround sound speakers mounted in the wall. The rear two were round and the front rectangular. Since the holes are already there with the wiring, I would like to mount them there. The front are about 8x10 inches and the rear 8 or 10 diameter. Any help would be appreciated. Also, what type of receiver should I get to go with the LCD TV? I would like something all in one with dvd. Thanks in advance.

  9. My cousin played in it for NY. Didnt make it to the game, but man thats not good. He played defense, was going to be the starting DE but told me that they were low in numbers and ended up playing corner! Dont know if he actually played it in the game, but they had switched him over in practice. Doesnt look like the d did too well!

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