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Posts posted by MICMAT1012

  1. Obviously, everyone knows Buffalo has some very serious economic and structural problems.  To give a little background on myself, I'm a 2003 University of Rochester grad with a BA in Political Science.  I have thought about maybe getting involved in government one day and would love to help out in Buffalo.  So for those who have moved away or those thinking about it, I have a few questions that maybe you could help me with.


    1) Why did you move out of Buffalo? 

    2) Where did you go? 

    3) How does your new home compare to Buffalo? 

    4) If the econonmy and job market were stable would you move back?

    5) What suggestions to you have to improve the quality of life here? 


    Any feedback you have would be awesome and maybe together we can save the city, haha.  :D  Thanks.



    I'll be escaping Buffalo in 11 days, 8hrs and 40 somthing minutes - but who's counting.

    1) Why? Turn on the news, open the paper. It's all perfectly laid out for ya. Clowns to the left of me (local government), jokers to the right (state government), here I am stuck in the middle with you. Oh yeah, have been down sized out of a job 2x in past three years.

    2) Moving to Cary, NC (suburb of Raleigh)

    3) Over all will cost the same or slightly more. (higher cost of house, less taxes)

    4) I think there will be some improvement, some day. I just can't afford to wait for it. By the time that happens, I'll be ready to retire - then move down south anyway.

    5) Dismantle the buracracy (sp) in New York. To try and do anything else before that would be like pissing into the fan.

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