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Posts posted by BrixtonBill

  1. Ridiculous.



    Orton had a much better defense and was told not to lose the game. The Bears weren't trying to develop Orton they were just using him as a placeholder until Grossman got back to 75% healthy. It must kill a guy's psyche to be #1 draft pick and then not given the full support of the organization that has invested millions in your success. I think the Bills are doing the right thing now, they are bringing is some decent competition (Nall) without bringing in some hired gun (like Kitna, Warner, Garcia, Collins, etc.). Nall will push JP without making him too nervous. Of course this all supposes that Holcombe is taking the bus out of town (which I believe he should -- we have seen his ceiling and now its time to see what JP can do).

  2. It was a beautiful thing... open bar from 7 till 10:30 :doh:


    Were you there? Robin Hood sure knows how to throw a party. :lol:



    Yes. I was in the 1st mezz right in front of the stage. Robin Hood put on a great night. It was also probably the last time that Jim Dolan will hear any cheers in a long time.

  3. I figured I needed to add a comment here.  I went to UVa with Pope (the name he goes by).  I lived in the freshman suite with Jermese Jones OT, and Tyree Foreman, RB, and our suite became the hangout for a lot of the freshmen on the football team.  Pope came over many times.  He's a nice guy... although you can hardly understand him!  He's from the backwoods of Carolina (I think), and his southern babble is virtually incoherent.  We would always laugh when he would spout off some diatribe and no one could hardly understand him (kind of like the grammar in this post.).  Not the brightest bulb...


    Anyway, I really have no point... just thought I'd throw out some extra information that you won't find in a scouting report.  Oh, and I used to whoop his ass so bad in PlayStation GameDay 98 that it would almost get awkward.



    Did you guys record a rap song like the 7th Floor?

  4. This is probably were I really differ on my opinion then most people on this board.


    Where I disagree is that I don't think you use the draft to plug the holes in your areas of Biggest need. You use the draft to bring depth to your team and to your holes.



    If you bring depth to a hole, doesn't that effectively "plug" the hole?

  5. With the excitement of another season of Buffalo Bills football upon us, and Marv Levy being back, I can't help but getting excited. The potential of the draft is very exciting, but can be a letdown also. The thought of Buffalo getting Ngata is exciting. I have seen many mock drafts having him going to Oakland, San Francisco. The question is, do we trade up, what happens if he goes before Buffalo picks, who else is a first round possibility for a need to be filled position. Marv seems to be high on defense. Should we read anything into that? Who else can Buffalo release to save us some money to get a couple of good free agants?



    Not sure what the Bills will do but you certainly sound excited.

  6. CNNSI's Don Banks isn't sold on Mangini and says that it will take him a while to turn the Jets around and I have to agree. The way I see it, Mangini can go one of two ways -- (a) a great signing or (b) a crappy signing, there will be no in between .500 record. Since he comes with a Belichick pedigree everyone is ready to say the Jets will turn into winners. Lets not forget that these are the Jets -- it is a horrible franchise, with horrible luck. Also, I am not sold on Mangini -- sure he has worked around Parcells and Belichick, but what has he done? He has one year of coordinator experience (and he did a commendable job there) and that's it. Its a great story that 10 years ago he was picking up jock straps in the Browns locker room but what has he really done in the subsequent years? Weis and Crennel were fixtures in New England and spent years as coordinators before getting their chance and making the most out of it. Mangini has a year. What does he really know? Belichick is a defensive genius and when Crennel left do you think he had more input with the defensive schemes with a rookie DC then he bothered with Crennel (espescially in light of all of the injuries the defense suffered)? I also bet that Mangini will not be getting much support from the other NFL head coaches who have had to wait years for their job and think this kid gets a pass because of who he knows -- and they will amp up for the Jets to put Mangini in his place. This hire does not scare me. Saban has his s$%t together -- I am not too sure about Mangini. And again, we are talking about the Jets here!



  7. 50-65% chance


    I hope he's the new coach.  I would be great to have him because he played for the Bills.  And besides most people I talked to, want him here.



    You must be talking to a lot of Patriots, Jets and Dolfelon fans. If he's hired I bet there is a 50-65% chance he says that Levy is on the 'roids.

  8. Exactly.


    And the same goes for Weis.  Why would these two leave PREMIUM jobs to cometo Buffalo??



    Two reasons why Weis would leave ND:


    1. Sahlen's hot dogs

    2. Anchor Bar


    Other than that I agree that it would take a lot to get him out of ND but if RW pulled the old roast turkey on a string like Bugs Bunny I'll bet he could get him in for an interview.

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