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Posts posted by MikeG

  1. the sadness this brings me is beyond belief. Most people don't understand the passion I (we) feel for the Bills and Sabres... most people that aren't Buffalo sports fans anyway. It took me a while to read the whole story because I had to stop and cry a few times. my brother texted this article to me late last night, it's the first thing I did this morning when I woke up and was crying immediately. The love we have for these guys seems strange to most people... but I do love him. I moved away from Buffalo when I was 13 and maybe that's why these guys mean so much to me, maybe it's because I lived thru the 2-14 years and then when I was 17-22, they turned into one of the best teams in the league. early in my life Joe Ferguson was my favorite player and we all know his hardships over the years, and that made me sad, but nothing like this news or what we all just went thru with Jimbo's cancer. These guys are like family. I can't make an outsider understand but they are. I'm not on twitter but I might join just to send 56 a message and let him know we love him. Also, the fact that he hasn't said a word until now should show strangers how proud he is and how serious this is. He is a good man, and gave his life to wear our colors. We need to support him.


    This isn't a guy who did drugs, got whores, and fathered several children to different women... not saying those guys deserve bad things but I KNOW 56 doesn't deserve this life. I want to give him a hug so badly.


    I recently bought a shirt from 26shirts.com featuring Talley, he posed for the promotion and wanted people to buy it to help a family in need... not his family, another Buffalo family that needed help. he didn't say a word about his situation, just posed with his shirt on and smile on his face asking people to help a Buffalo family. I'm so glad I bought that shirt. I will help any way I can. I hope we all come together and help one of the true good guys!


    We love you Darryl Talley!

  2. i haven't read all 24 pages of posts so if this was addressed in the past day, sorry...


    i'm not saying he shouldn't have been cut and suspended...please read everything and think about it before you jump on me. I'm not defending him at all, quite the contrary... I'm saying the NFL is a bunch of idiots.


    If he was only suspended for 2 games when they knew he was guilty of hitting his wife, why is seeing the actual hitting make a difference??? either way, he hit his wife and plead guilty... seeing it shouldn't matter and doesn't make it any worse. if the NFL wanted to change their stance, they should have just changed it and said "we reevaluated our policy and now he's gone" BEFORE the video came out... now it just looks like they are changing their mind so people don't freak out because seeing it is somehow worse than it just happening...


    do you know what I mean? to me they are saying "if we can explain things away so it's not that bad and still look like we are being tough on our players but also still keep good players around no matter what, that's what we'll do" (hence the 2 games)... and since the video came out they had to abandon that thinking because now they can't say "we don't know what happened, maybe he just lightly shoved her and that's not THAT bad... right?"


    Seeing a crime shouldn't have any impact, it's horrible either way. But at least they got it right in the end, but just angers me that NOW people are satisfied only because they saw that video...

  3. I also used to think it was a 'selfish act'... but seeing it firsthand every day for 13 years, since I’ve been with my wife has got me thinking otherwise. It is a sickness that “normal” people cannot possibly understand. It is not rational or logical. They do not choose to be this way, their brains work differently than ours. I learn something new about it every week, I swear. Life can be going as great as possible and they just don’t see it, they think they are worthless and horrible and a burden. Depression actually makes them think they would be doing everyone a favor if they were no longer around, so it’s not selfish at all.


    Robin Williams brought us so much joy but I can understand why he probably didn’t see it that way. Unfortunately at the present moment my wife is having a VERY hard time with things and I’m barely holding it together. My wife doesn’t think she has a purpose, she can’t see that she’s the most important person to several people and how much she is loved, but all she sees is a failure and a burden to everyone. Mental illness is a nasty thing and in my opinion, people that don’t know about it shouldn’t make comments like Todd Bridges did.

  4. I agree with the posts about Nikki Carr not being close to as funny as the rest of them. I think maybe she made me laugh 2 times all season... I just don't think she's funny. Rod Man should win, he's been GREAT since day one... I didn't think Joe should have left last week, obviously Nikki should have been gone weeks ago... This happens every season of LCS for me. There is always someone who hangs around for some reason that just isn't funny to me. I do like Lauchlin and hope it's him and Rod Man in final 2.

  5. I've seen AL 6 times, first time in 1987 and last time was 2013... he and his band are GREAT and his show is always awesome! I've met him a few times and he is super nice to all his fans. Although he'd probably be forced to only do the parodies for a halftime show, his originals are usually my favorite. But since he changes costumes for pretty much ever parody, might be hard to fit in for the SB halftime. But I think it would be great and he deserves it.


    His new album was #1 on the Billboard charts when it came out last month, he is still very well known with all ages. The range of ages of the people at his concerts is amazing, I saw people in their 70s and kids as young as 6 singing along last year!


    And I would actually watch and be excited for a change.

  6. I agree, that would SUCK! I don't have a smart TV and don't want to watch ONLY on my laptop or computer... I watch a secondary game on my laptop during my primary game on normal TV but if the computer or "streaming" was the only way to watch the NFL sunday ticket, I would HATE IT. Also, not to mention it would totally revamp the way sports bars are set up (wired)... most would need smart tvs or some sort of "cable box" system available to them and that could be bad.


    I hope it just goes to every carrier, like the NHL Center Ice and MLB does...


    streaming anything over the internet doesn't seem EVER to be as crystal clear as regular tv or as fast (live)... we all would be at different points in the game seconds behind or ahead of eachother... that's annoying.

  7. Here is the deal I got... the bill says I got the 6 payments of $34.99 for the sunday ticket MAX, BUT I told them it was still too much and the wife was on my case about it and I never called to complain about the whole Viacom situation, so they gave me 3 months of $5.00 credits (viacom) and 6months of $10.00 credits (paperless & autobill pay)... so really when all is said and done I'll have paid $134.94 for the MAX ticket... i'll take that. I don't mind paying for it, I just don't want to get screwed. If I really wanted to be a jerk I probably could have gotten more, but I was polite and just kind of whined a little bit and blamed the wife, haha.

  8. Were those "other guys" the Garrett brothers? All of them were at Princeton (after a Columbia stint before their dad got canned) around that time....

    yeah, he mentioned Jason Garrett, "his QB at Princeton"... and he also mentioned Ray Lewis and a couple guys on the Ravens because he said he got close with them when they all helped someone that was in the hospital in Baltimore. I can't remember exactly who he said it was that they reached out to and helped it was either his sister's friend's kid or some relative of his... anyway he said he'll always keep an eye on the Ravens because he still talks to them and is friends with them because of how grateful he was that they did that for the sick person. He didn't go into it, but it seemed like it was more than just a room visit... He also mentioned that someone with the Lions (maybe the GM) was his friend that he played with at some point or something like that... so he said he always cheers for Buffalo first, then it's Baltimore, Dallas and Detroit.

  9. If memory serves, he was a late draft pick of theirs as a safety out of Princeton.

    The Bills signed him as a free agent the day after the '88 draft... then he blew his knee out big time in either mini-camp or training camp, not sure which and never played anywhere again.

  10. I met Dean Cain today and went wearing a Bills hat and shirt. He loved it! when he saw me in line, he yelled "A Bills Fan!! GREAT to see you!!!" Then when I got up to him he was super excited to talk to me and we talked for over 5 minutes(he was spending maybe 30 seconds with most), mostly about the Bills. He was awesome! We talked about when he toured the Ralph last year with his son and how great the organization still treats him. We talked draft picks, last year's season and this upcoming year... he said depending on his TV show shooting schedule he plans on getting to a game or two this year... he tries to get to at least one game a year if he can. He is still really grateful and loyal to the Bills for signing him back in '88. His "handler" was hurrying him along but Dean didn't blink, just kept talking to me and even gave me a hug after... I'm guessing he was glad to talk to someone about something other than Superman. He mentioned some other guys in the league that he is still friends with and close with... was pretty cool. I've always liked him but this just made it better... LET'S GO BUFFALO!

    post-3895-044149300 1343528467_thumb.jpg

  11. mine just arrived today with no problems. I even ordered the Marshawn Lynch one since it was like $3.99 or something silly like that... I just got it for the extra logo and helmet, totally worth it! Thank you to the original person who notified all of us to this great deal!

  12. I wonder what kind of stats Fitz would have behind the line Kelly had and with Thurman and the receivers. The defense we had at that time was

    pretty good too as I recall. Just saying :rolleyes:

    any comparison to Kelly for almost any QB in the league is silly if you ask me. Kelly called mostly his own plays AND played before the speaker was in the helmet and did it in a hurry up style... Manning is close but still has a coach in his ear suggesting things and telling him what to look for, and mostly takes the entire play clock to snap the ball anyway. Kelly was awesome, we were SPOILED and should just be grateful we had him and not make silly comparisons.

  13. I called and did the "cancel" thing... got it down to $179.99... GREAT price for me! thanks to everyone for posting here and making me want to call. I basically haven't complained to them about anything in 9 years so i didn't feel bad telling them it was too much.

  14. I, for one, HATE that they may let him wear #5. I also totally HATE that WR's can wear numbers in the teens. I don't really like college football and this is one of the reasons, the numbers piss me off. I have several more reasons but I'll stay on topic here....


    where does it end? LB's wearing single digits, or teen numbers? DE's wearing numbers in the 30's? I DO NOT WANT THIS HAPPENING. RB's should be in the 20's-40's and WR's should be in the 80's, I'm a stubborn jerk and that's what I like watching. :lol:

  15. the problem with this is that apparently (buffalo news story) he signed a 4 year deal worth $10 million... ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? :P He got cut twice last year. Who was banging down his door offering millions that we had to spend that much????????? :lol:


    if we cut him we still take a cap hit, don't we? why would we risk this? sign him to a one year, low money with a ton of incentives... then it's low risk-high gain... but now it's high risk-low gain if you ask me.

  16. if you think Marty "bailed" us out of that game you are sadly mistaken. He had to make 2 saves at most... Our forwards played great in the third period, for whatever reason, they did it again. Once again, the TEAM won the game. I love Marty and I'm very glad we have him to back up if we need him. Marty is a TEAM guy and is a great guy in general, he gets a back rap sometimes for being a happy go lucky guy, but his teammates have ALWAYS loved him and he never lets things get him down too much.


    I will be sad to see him go after the season, if we could find a way to pay him and Miller what they deserve I'd love to have them both, but we all know (unfortunately) that Biron will probably be shipped somewhere else. One reason why video games are better than real life, I can keep both of them :devil:


    what was the point of this post, again?

  17. I hate sandals of ALL kinds and think they are totally gay. (not always in a homosexual way) Just plain gay. sorry if this offends someone, that's the way we talk.


    if you wear socks with sandals you are extra gay.


    I hate the look of sandals and only see the use for them being when one goes to the beach or by the pool. But even then I won't wear them, but they are acceptable at that time. Not for walking around campus, or to the store, or to eat, etc...


    this is my personal opinion, some of my good friends wear them on occasion, but I still make fun of them and then let it go. So don't come at me with personal attacks, this is my opinion.

  18. DirecTV Center Ice got the Toronto feed so we only saw some of the ceremony... my brother who lives in Nashville, and has the Center Ice on cable had the Buffalo feed so he got to see the whole thing with all the highlights mixed in. He's sending me a copy, I can't wait to see it in it's entirety.


    I couldn't wait for tonight's game, I was excited all day. As soon as I got home from work I put on my LaFontaine jersey and was psyched!! I love hockey and I love watching this team. I'm sooo happy for Patty, he may be my favorite player of all time, he stands for so much more than what he did on the ice. He's a great person and he loves the Buffalo area.


    I loved Jennerette giving us one more La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-Fontaine!!!!

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