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Posts posted by Ray

  1. He is a great coach. But he has NEVER gotten to the playoffs without Tom Brady. He had almost two weeks to prepare for the Bills this year at home and got shut out by our lousy lousy defense one of the worst in the league.

    Brady is the vast majority of their success.

    When they lost TB that year they did not make the playoffs. I don't care that they went 10-6 or 11-5. What that tells you is that everyone else in the division did too and they were not as good as the rest without Brady.


    Brady is the best of ALL time. No doubt

  2. Everyone will say yes. Kraft does NOT hate Pegula at all. Pegula is a class act. Has a great reputation and just paid 1.4B for the cheapest or second cheapest NFL franchise. The Patriots just increased their value by about 15-20%. NO NFL owner dislikes Pegula when they all just made a twenty percent return if they wanted to sell their team tomorrow

  3. Agree with Frogger. We should all be elated with the outcome. Pegula was the frontrunner from the beginning. I never saw Bon Jovi as a villain. He's a guy who has a dream to own an NFL team. The "rift" he had with the Rogers group was he wanted an NFL team and was fine keeping them in Buffalo. Obviously Rogers and Tannenbaum are Toronto guys and wanted them in Toronto. But in the end Bon Jovi signed a document he would NOT move the Bills out of Buffalo EVER. So I think we can all go on with our lives and listen to the music you want to listen to.....Bon Jovi did have the number one tour in 2013. So plenty of people like their music. But the idea of comparing him to terrorists and Nazis really makes people look very ignorant and classless and is embarassing.

  4. Thank you Labatts for some common sense. This is hardly news worthy and the idea local channels and media outlets are making this "news" makes the whole area look ridiculous. The Toronto group has no chance of buying the team. After the Bills are sold they can try and obtain an expansion team. That's fine. But this boycott Bon Jovi thing is a bit over sensitive and small time.


  5. Wow, what a non-issue. Stevie has played injured, reports to camp in great shape and is in great shape starting the season. Seems to me some of the guys who work out the most are always hurt and on the IR!

    He works out by playing basketball, running on his own and running around with family. Who cares if he doesn't do the bench press 5 sets times 5 rep work out with squats 6 sets times 15 reps that is sent to him. He is in shape and seems to have gotten open plenty.

    Maybe Revis should work out less so he stays healthy and can actually cover Steveie

  6. It was a great no call. Crabtree could have been called for offensive interference too. Offensive players are NOT allowed to grab the facemask of the defensive player and throw him to the ground. Jim Harbaugh looks like a whiner by continually crying about that play.

    The intial assessment of this thread was correct. They are engaged at the 1 yard line the ball is thrown and is uncatchable a couple yards out of the end zone. Let them play. It was a bad offensive play call letting Colin K do what he does worst which is touch passes. He is not a good thrower on short passes. Harbaugh should look at himself and relaize you have one, if not the best running QB in the game and have one play from inside the 5 and you have him throw a fade route? Bad choice. Put players in position to do what they do best, and that is what he does worst. Bad coaching, not bad referee calling.

  7. The Browns defense was pretty good and a lot of people wanted him kept on in Cleveland


    The hatred for this man in Buffalo is incredible. He got 7 wins a year his first three years here. He drafted Byrd, signed everyone's beloved hero Fitzpatrick, drafted Stevie, Wood, Levitre, McKelvin. Turned Wilson into a safety.


    People act like Dick Jauron is the worst coach in the history of any sport on any planet or something, yet he was more successful than Gailey who people seem to feel all warm and fuzzy for because he said he wanted to be here.


    It's that easy: "I want to be in Buffalo. I'll choose you guys!" Say that and you're beloved, regardless of the results. Well, Jauron wanted you guys too, won MORE games for you than your man Chan Gailey, and drafted some good players for the team. But he didn't make a big show of what a big heart he ha`d for coming to coach the Bills, so you all hate him.

    You are 100% correct. It is amazing to me how blind so many fans are to him. He is a VERY good defensive coach. Jeff Fisher must be a horrible coach for wanting Jauron. Cleveland had a lot better defense than the Bills did this year didn't they and it was their defense that kept them in games and NOT their rookie QB. He was too passive as a head coach but he is a very good defensive coordinator. Same as Chan knowing offense and being a very good offensive coordinator just not a very good head coach.

  8. Pro bowl is voted on by your peers....players and coaches so most players believe it is more accurate and more credible than being voted All Pro by a bunch or writers. Arguments either way.

    Anyways, Whitner is a very good player. In the end he and Byrd would have made a very nice tandem for years. Players in the league who game plan against him seem to think he is a good player....I'd take that endorsement a lot more than people on a chatroom who don't play against him every week or watch him play.


    Yes, the Bills should have taken Ngata with that pick but it does NOT mean Whitner is not a good player. He will be a starter in the league for 10 years which makes it a VERY good pick.


    Ironic how Marv oversaw two drafts that people blasted yet have produced 3 pro bowlers. I think it is more an indictment of turning over coaches and staffs every three years who have a different way they want to run things.


    Good for Donte. He was always nice downtown when seen and friendly and seemed like a decent enough guy. He was a leader and cared a lot about the team and how we did....so I will take that anyday.

  9. It depends what stats you want to use. Passer rating is a collection of stats and Fitz is basically right in the middle of the pack at 16. He was 13 in TDs and 17th in yards. So you can get stats to say what you want. Fitz was better than Tannehill this year without a doubt. 12 TDs and 13 Ints

    Before everyone goes crazy I am just stating Fitz was a middle of the pack QB. We need to upgrade but stating he was the 3rd worst QB in the league is crazy. He was much better than a lot of the guys in the league. Go watch Ponder play or Gabbert or Tannehill or Sanchez or Weeden.

    You can stats to say a lot of what you want them to say.....did GW pass the eye test? No

    Anyone who watched George Wilson this year knows he played poorly....he makes two plays he should make and the Bills win two more games this year. He was replaced a lot more by Searcy towards the end of the year as he was better than Wilson. So just b/c PFF says he played well anyone who watched him including those who knew what he was supposed to do on each play (the coaches) took plays away from him and gave them to another guy.

  10. I think his biggest strength is that he has coached teams to winning records, SB appearances and playoff wins with very poor QB play.

    That's a major plus and fits the Bills quite well as whoever comes in to play QB is probably at best a Fitz equivalent for a year or two (I'm guessing a rookie). So you will need a very good defensive coach.

    I'd be happy with Lovie. Players absolutely love him an I think he would fit Buffalo very well. Both the team and the city.

  11. Agree as well jw. Chan is a VERY good man. Respectful and a very good football coach probably better suited as an OC in the NFL.


    I wish him well in all his future endeavors and suspect he will be successful.


    No reason to place a bag over your head.


    The guy worked very hard for the organization and likely feels worse than anyone about this not working out.



    i'd keep him. draft a QB in rounds 1-3 and let them compete. QB's in the draft don't cost as much as they used to. Thigpen should be gone.


    If we cut Fitz and draft a QB, who's going to be our backup? None of the QB's in this year's drafts are "no-brainers" so there's a good chance that the rookie may seriously struggle early on. I'd much rather start fitz for first half of season (when the bills usually do well) and if the season starts going downhill, you plug in the rookie to see what he can do after learning for half the season.


    Only way i'd let go of Fitz is if we are able to land another QB via trade AND draft a QB...but if we're only drafting a QB, you HAVE to keep fitz imo.

    Agree 100%. No QB drafted is a sure thing at all. We could have Gabbert, McCoy, Clausen etc on our hands. Let him re-negotiate, and back up.

  13. As bad as both of them are, Dick & Trentative were by far worse. The games during the Jauron era were unwatchable. Neither the offense or the defense ever featured anything exciting or inspiring. Even the wins during that regime were ugly. That Buffalo - Cleveland 6-3 loss was one of the worst games I have ever watched in the history of watching sporting events. "IT'S HARD TO WIN IN THIS LEAGUE..." -- over and over, week after week. That was worse. Gailey is a bumbling idiot but Jauron was the corpse. And Fitz is a solid NFL backup. Edwards is an NFL third stringer...

    Agree 100%. That offense was horrendous. Ironically the defense was average. If we had even an average 15th ranked defense the past two years we likely win at least 6 or more games. Fitz has a lot of flaws but the guy has put up a lot of points and TDs especially compared to the prior ten years. This is by far the best offense we've had since the first 8 games of Bledsoe and then he became a disaster.

    Ironically Jauron being a DC and Gailey an OC would have provided a better balanced team. Gailey's defenses will be the 2nd,3rd and 4th worst defenses in the team's history. Hard to win with those numbers.

  14. i dont keep a spreadsheet of author opinions or anything, but im pretty sure hes strongly against stadium funding across the board.

    At least he is consistent. I think the Bills and the money given out by the state and county ends up being a wash by the time the tax money is collected by the state for for income, property, sales etc.....There are very little businesses in Erie County with a payroll of close to $200M. There are close to 60 players and their families along with coaches and administrative staff and their families who pay taxes, buy things in NYS. A $200M payroll over 10 years will generate roughly 150M in income taxes not counting the sales and property taxes etc...there you have your money people.

    On game days roughly 40% of the fan base is from out of the area and spends money...that is about 30k people per game. That's 240k people to the area on 8 days a year. That happens for NOTHING else in Buffalo. If those people spend $20 their entire time in Buffalo that is close to 5M spent in Buffalo and that's 50M over ten years. So you have money spent in the area that is a whole lot more than would ever be spent in the area if the Bills were not here. Does it equal the cost? Like I said probably a wash when all things are considered but the historical and cultural part of having them in the area is immeasurable. It is a huge part of the identity of the area and a good investment in my opinion.

  15. I would NOT take the following teams starters over Fitz.




    Dolphins-maybe as Tannyhill is just a rookie




    Raiders-maybe, inconsistancy issues, kinda what we have now with Fitz

    Chargers-maybe, see Raiders

    Eagles-maybe I like Foles



    Panthers-maybe Cam would need to show me alot more maturity as I think he is headed down the V Young path, headcase I wouldn't want any part of.


    49ers-maybe Capaernick I'll take, Smith no

    Rams-maybe, I actually like Bradford, but he hasn't taken that next step as a #1 should have by now.

    Seahawks-not sold on Wilson


    So to me Fitz is middle of the road, not the best and not the worst. All this bellyaching about how horrible Fitz is, is hogwash at best.

    Agreed.....he is average in a league of mostly average QBs. I heard how wonderful Tannehill was despite evidence to the contrary and he looked absolutely horrible at the Ralph.

    I am not saying Fitz is the end all and be all to us, I am just saying about 20 other teams are dealing with the same problems with QB play we are.....he is the 2nd best QB in our division.

    Russell Wilson is having a great year as a rookie yet Fitz has more TD passes, less sacks, has passed for more yards and his longest TD pass is better than Wilson.

    We need an upgrade at QB but finding one is a lot harder than people think because all you have to do is look at the rest of the league and realize most teams are in the same boat.

  16. ^ this.


    I don't think there is any more evaluation to be done on Fitz. He is who he is. I expect a new QB on the roster next season. BUT...I don't expect Nix to sign someone just to make a slight improvement.



    Agreed, and that has been the whole point. People inflate the worth of all of these other QBs when they would at best be a marginal improvement.


    Leinart made the Texans roster this year and has been on an NFL roster since being drafted. But, carry on.


    Actually he was cut by the Texans.....but carry on!

  17. Where are all the Colin Kapernick is so awesome and so much better than Fitz comparisons today?? Oh yeah, they saw him play the vaunted St Louis Rams defense and light them up for 13 points in 75 minutes of football .......oh yeah, did you see the nice safety he gave them by running 20 yards backwards?

    He must be an elite QB and better than Fitz because he's not on our team. Sanchez is awesome too. Same with Skelton, Christian Ponder too. Sam Bradford has really turned the Rams around. Tannehill and Gabbert are awesome and their teams have more wins than the Bills....wait a second. Wow, it seems the more I talk about other QBs the more I see this league has a bunch of average to below average QBs.

    What a shocker! Fitz is the 2nd best QB in AFC East folks....that is how it is. Yeah, Tebow is better than Fitz yet cannot even get on the field with Sanchez as the QB. Maybe we should have drafted Matt Leinhart too! People on this board probably think he's better than Fitz too even though he can't make an NFL roster

  18. But if he was 5-7 like he most likely be if not worse, we'd be running him out of town and hoping to draft a guy. :nana:


    Yep....and that's what he would be with this team. Nice kid, nice story. Let's see where he is at the end of the season and next year. The more he plays the more defenses can gameplan for him. We will get to see him soon in Toronto and we can all see the All Pro QB we should have drafted.

    If he cannot carve up the Bills secondary he is not very good at all and everyone on his bandwagon can then jump off

  19. Despite those wanting to say Fitz is a back-up QB....that means 2/3 of the QB in the leage are back-up QBs. He has been better than three guys the Bills used 1st rounddraft picks on as a Bills' QB (not better than Bledsoe obviously in Bledsoe's career but better Bills career than Bledsoe).

    The offense has been MUCH better with Gailey and Fitz than it had been. That's the obvious fact. The problem is, it's still not good enough.


    But overall, a decent offensive team and certainly good enough to win had we had an even averafe defense and not the 30-32nd ranked defense over the past few years.

  20. Fitz is a starting NFL qb, maybe not top 1/3 though. His stats quoted above say its so. His paycheck says its so, you could never pay a backup that money. But, he isn't getting the 15-25 mil per year that Brees/Manning command. (He gets 10 I think, alex Smith getting 9 I think) Two middle tier guys. Now, Smith has a better supporting cast, and is winning, but he turned it around last year after many Fitz like years, and with the right supporting cast, Fitz would also do that. I agree the David Lee thing has caused probelms, Fitz has not been the guy who started out on fire last year with the long ball. In the end, as a season ticket holder, I have been entertained by Fitz play, and can wait for a draft choice to be developed for a change at QB. You know, we had Losman, he lacked the head to play but had the arm. Fitz is great on the mental side, but lacks the big arm. Thats how it goes, I guess.


    I'd have to agree with pretty much all you have to say here. Fitz brings all the intangibles and has a great football knowledge. He just lacks consistency and a big big arm. Well, welcome to the NFL. Everyone seems to say draft a QB to replace him. Like who? Do you want Colt McCoy, J Clausen, Blaine Gabbert, Wheeden or Tannehill playing for us? We would be a lot worse with those guys. No QB in the past three drafts the Bills passed on would make this team much better and quite arguably would have made them worse. Maybe Andy Dalton who has looked good at times, but I've got news folks the Bengals are not going to the SB with Dalton and neither would the Bills. The problem is we want the franchise guy and we could not get Luck, RG3 or Cam Newton. Had Newton dropped the Bills would have taken him. Did you really want Gabbert at 3 instead of Darius?

    Fitz is a decent QB ranking in the middle of the pack in the NFL.

  21. Don't pick a QB to pick a QB. Matt Barkley has superior talent around him and is pretty good. He should be great if everyone thinks he's as good as they believe. He's not. Do you want Mark Sanchez or Matt Leinhart as your QB?

    We already have a QB better than those guys. Sorry folks if you want an upgrade at QB we will probably have to wait another couple of years. This crop is a downgrade for the next few years.

    Remember we wasted three number one picks on QBs (Bledsoe, RJ, JP) Fitz has outplayed as Bills. You don't pick a QB just to pick one becuae our guy now has flaws.

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