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Peter Pan

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Posts posted by Peter Pan

  1. A friend of mine has a little problem.


    He posted on a bulletin board just like this. It wasn't this board. It is very important to point out that it wasn't this board. It is a board that has the exact same controls.


    Anyway, my friend has an alias on this other board and he goes back and forth between personalities. Sometimes he gets confused because he goes under similar names. Let's say Bob and Bobby for example. He posted under the wrong name once. He wants to delete his post and re post it under the right name for that situation. How does he do it?


    Please remember that this help is not for me and it is not about this board.


    P.S. My friend is very manly and very hot girls are attracted to him.

  2. This girls I am friends with wants me badly.  She invited me over for dinner tonight and I am not interested.  Shes hot as hell but carrys way too much baggage.  Plus I live in a small town and she knows everyone.  I got an email saying call her when I got home and to come over for dinner...what to do?


    sorry I meant this for the OT forum- please move


    Despite the sometimes rude replies, I thought I owed it to some people here to post a progress report.


    I decided to go have dinner with her because she is a nice person even if she does have issues. I told her over the phone when I accepted the invitaion that it was as friends only. She seemed surprised on the phone and was all like "of course Pete...that's what is was meant to be" but I've seen the way she looks at me. I sternly said before we hung up that it was all platonic. She agreed. She was giggling though, so I was still worried.


    When I got there and all throughout dinner I warded her off. She kept touching me. She said she was feeling the fabric of my clothes. Yeah right.


    Anyway, I convinced her not to make any advances. I even sold her some clothing but that is a whole other story.


    Thanks all.

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