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Posts posted by pmoon

  1. I thought the refs were terrible BUT I did think that was a touchdown. I thought the ball (before he got hit) reached the front end of the white stripe. Impossible to tell with given camera angles. Clearly, clearly! No hold - and the illegal block is laughable. Offensive pass interference is questionable - ask any DB in the NFL and I bet they'll say YES - league is so tough on DB's - rules SO in favor of the recievers...clearly extended the arm(not a lot of contact)...have a hard time with this one. That holding call is the one that was the game changer. My 2 cents.

  2. If that was Broncos v. Bills I would have been furious. Horrible call, no idea where the interference happened - Samuels looked at the ball - ran to the spot, was shoved by the reciever then got to the spot in the endzone again - called for PI??? Am I crazy? NOT a Patsie fan but thought this was a VERY bad call.

    GO LEVY! GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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