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Posts posted by bills4sb

  1. Hate on Clayton all you want, but truth is if Easely doesn't become one of the better WRs in the NFL this offense will suffer. From last year we have the same QB, similar line, same RBs ... only real difference is losing Evans and Easely coming off IR. If Easely isn't up to it, only thing keeping out of the Luck Bowl will be what looks like an improved defense. But they won't be good enough to completely offset a weak offense and turn us into winners.


    Continuity. Same offense. Mostly same players. Same system. They will improve certianly more than Stafford and the Lions.


    Lets face it Evans just ran around out there even before Johnson and don't forget roscoe, jones, Nelson can go deep too.

  2. Yeah, it's just amazing to me how everybody's on the Miami bandwagon now. ESPN typically overrates them, especially now since they're playing so well. Teams go through peaks and valleys throughout the season, and I think that Miami has hit their peak now. No way are they a top six team in the AFC at years end.

  3. Maybe Dockery lost some motivation to excel the day he signed the big contract? :devil:


    Seems like it cause on the 1st INT by Edwards I watched Jenkins just move him out of the way, rush edwards, cuase an early ill advised throw and 7 points for the enemy. He must pick up his game.

  4. Are you kidding? If anything, the injuries to Whitner, Youboty, and McGee, the benching of Simpson, the potential loss of Greer in the offseason, and McKelvin looking like he will take longer to develop than anticipated, have proven the Bills do not have enough DB's. I expect Jauron to draft at least three more DB's in 2009. Hell, maybe 4. We are in dire straits here. One will be at least a first or second round pick. I also expect the Bills to carry 16 DB's on the active roster starting next year.


    As for O-line. The Bills can just sign some guys from free agency. It has worked to this point, right?


    Am I right?




    If we sign Greer then that makes DB less of a need next year, hopefully giving McKelvin more time to develop but I suspect if he isn't able to crack the top 3 next year then im not sure what to say...


    I think the o-line is more continuity than anything. Peters missed all off season workouts, that has proven to be disasterous. He still has two years left on his deal after this year making him less of a priority and Greer more of one. WE MUST KEEP GREER. Also don't forget Butler has been out for two weeks and nothing against Whittle, but he's like 280 and just got manhandled on several plays last week. I think we can all agree Butler is better than Whittle. I'm holding out hope the line will find its groove this week. :thumbsup:


    As for FA centers, are there any good ones this year? I say we draft a C on day one of the draft.

  5. No, he wasn't, but for the so called (as a ton of people here proclaimed) best new LT in the game.....where's the run blocking out of him? I mean, now that he was crowned the new best LT in the game by everyone here.....and now that he's had 8 weeks to get in shape......he should be a playmaker on this team.


    I mean really, one of, if not "the best" player at his position should have absolutely crushed someone en route to a Marshawn first down in a key situation.


    Or again, have the standards changed?


    No I don't think the standards have changed. Everyone in the stadium knew we were running the ball on that 4th & 1 (i guess thats the key situation you're referring to) including the jet D putting like 8-9 guys in the box. I will have to review the game again tonite to see how jason did. We were just plain out coached this game.

  6. You are being so harsh on the guy. I think he's playing damn well. The safety was Dockery's fault. Go ahead and watch it again. Dockery was inside support for Peters, so Peters overplayed the outside. Porter cut inside and Dockery _could_ have stopped him cold, but didn't. Peters was a man and took the blame with Chris Brown because he wasn't about to call out his boy. Good for him.


    Agreed. I watched the game three times and Peters did dominate Porter 67 out of 68 plays. The safety Dockery just stood there while Porter ran by him. Porter just wanted it more that day. Watch Peters tomorrow. Lets not run our best lineman out of town.

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