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Posts posted by jimshiz

  1. Yes, terrorism is the only #1 priority, it trumps everything else, and it's certainly not a matter of opinion, or "choice". You can't "choose" to not have your bones bleached at 10,000 degrees, or not have a virus kill you. Only a fool or an affected person can't see the simple logic here.


    OK - cool !!!


    Turns out that the correct choice for terrorism and/or nuclear proliferation is also my same choice for all of my other nutty ideas. I'm OK.

  2. I have to give credit to Obama for participating, it was like walking into the lion's den as a liberal and he also prob p!ssed off a bunch of liberal supporters (who will vote for him anyways) but in the end I don't think he prob helped himself much, if anything McCain prob strengthened his "base". In the end, although he can show his faith, Obama is a liberal that stands for issues that tick off evangelists.


    Why doesn't the ACLU or MoveOn.org hold a similar forum with the same format.


    There are probably hundreds of reasons I will vote for the person that I will vote for and none of them are "religious" reasons.

  3. First. It makes no sense to have Russert on the wall. Second, your post is pointless. Third, based on the second point, you and jimshiz make a perfect team!


    I was for it in the same sense that I can understand the "12th Man" on the Wall. I know he is just one member what it means to be the "12th Man", so he is already up there. But, he was a good national sounding board for Buffalo and the Bills. You'll find that BishopHedd & I are probably diametrically opposed on most issues, so we would not be a perfect team.

  4. This is going to be another McGovern. Big Republican win. Obama is the most radical candidate EVER.


    He already said today that he will basically heal the sick, fix the planet, put everybody to work.

    Rev Wright, the wacky priest, Ayers, and his Wife (Whitey speech?), he surrounds himself with kooks.


    These alone have alienated a lot of people. What other skeletons are in his closet- Resko is coming up.


    If, god forbid he gets elected, he will make Carter's term look good.


  5. I wonder if those wishing for a 3rd party might get what they wish for this year? But, be careful what you wish for.


    It seems like Obama has the tide on his side to get the DEM nomination. I don't see Hillary willing to be his VP; even though they'd crush the GOP if she did. Instead, being stubborn and unwilling to quit "for the good of the party", she could run as a 3rd party candidate. Thus, in Perot-style, handing the election gift-wrapped to McCain.


    btw - I'm voting for Hillary in the IN primary on May 6.

  6. There is no data to back up your conjecture.


    I don't have data; but in Fort Wayne, IN around 2000, many Libs voted for the weaker Repub candidate during the primaries who went on to win the Primaries but was handily beat by the Lib for Mayor during the General.


    McCain's campaign essentially did something very similar when they gave West Virginia to Huckster.


    Both sides do it. But, it might backfire.

  7. What if he was caught with call girls in Vegas?


    Is the outrage because he's cheating on his wife, or because it's illegal?


    We know the answer now. It must have been because it was "illegal". We all now know that Luv Gov #2 was also "unfaithful" to his wife; so was she to him.


    Will all the governors who have remained faithful please stand up?


    Should we really be OK with putting them in a position of authority such as Governor?

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