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Posts posted by Agua

  1. Clay's a good player for you guys. Hated to lose him, but we had something else to blow our money on.


    Edited to add - oh yeah, he was limited last year due to that knee. Seems like he missed a couple games. I never thought having it drained, in itself, was harmful, but yeah, that makes sense.

  2. Impressive beatdown yesterday. Tyrod ran that O pretty efficiently and I KNEW your D was going to be badass. Hope Fins can get it together in a couple of weeks, but they didn't look too hot yesterday.


    While you're at it, break Brady's fking legs next week.

  3. It looks like every game is going to be scrutinized, and every beaten team will make accusations. The owners hate them, the commissioner hates them, other coaches and players hate them, and fans hate them. Another "scandal" is want the mob wants, and if they can't find one, they will create one.

    Shouldn't have been cheating all these years and that sort of ill will wouldn't be directed at them.

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