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Posts posted by Bucky

  1. Sad news indeed. May Hunter rest in peace and may the Kelly family know that his fans, friends, teammates and others are keeping them in their thoughts and prayers.


    I like the idea of the Bills dedicating this season to Hunter. Maybe having something on their jerseys or helmets.


    Rest in Peace Hunter.

  2. Bravo had a show about WDW that showed part of the underground but, for security reasons (I think) only had a few areas highlighted.


    I dated a guy that played Goofy a long, long time ago. He told me that character had a height requirement (6'3" +) and it was hotter than hades in that costume. (Anyone that's lived here or been here in the dead of the summer knows).


    Not sure if he's innocent or guilty, but he certainly is not getting Disney the kind of publicity that it would prefer.

  3. Glad you're safe Mike. I was lucky and only lost power for maybe 14 hours total for Charley; even luckier for Frances with none lost. Although I was without cable/internet for 4-5 days each time.


    Who would have thunk that we'd be hit with 3 hurricanes within a matter of 6 weeks? :( With Ivan heading this way, everyone will be in stock up mode again. Even this morning, there were lines to get gas. I had to go to three stations before I could get some (one station was totally out already).


    Take care and stay safe!

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