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Posts posted by PSU_Mouse

  1. To me, the single biggest thing that I look for in a President is the ability to surround himself with good people whom he can trust to make solid decisions for him. As much as the POTUS guides policy, his aides are the ones that shape this policy. Unfortunately, we don't get to vote on an entire Cabinet.


    At this time, we've truly seen one major decision made by each POTUS candidate. In some ways, the VP serves in an advisory role - and I subscribe to the theory that the VP should help fill a void in the POTUS's resume. Let's take a look at this from my left-leaning glasses:


    OBAMA: Greatest weakness is a perceived lack of experience, particularly in the areas of Foreign Policy and National Security.

    Choice: A long-term Senator familiar with the ins and outs of government, currently the leading figure in Foreign Relations in the legislative branch of the government, and a well-respected man.


    MCCAIN: Greatest weakness is a perceived notion that he is a same-old same-old of the last 8 years.

    Choice: A virtual unknown with no Washington experience in any capacity; some experience with change at the state level.


    From that view, i don't think she was the WORST McCain could have done, but we'll have to see if they can frame their ticket as a team as well as Obama-Biden did this week - that'll be the key to me.

  2. Yes. Willis McGahee told Vilma how great it is to live in Buffalo and play for the Bills. Levy is concerned about the loss of the high character McGahee and thinks that bringing in Vilma would replace that presence. We all expect that Vilma and the Bills are a great fit and will live happily ever after. <OK, turn the sarcasm switch to the off position now.>




    actually, isn't Vilma the exception to the stereotypical Miami player? I remember hearing how involved he is in the community, and how he has a degree, etc. etc.

  3. I keep hearing more about this guy....What's he ranked amongst RB in the draft? Is he a late 1st pick?


    I think right now, he's a second round pick....if he has a great day at his pro day, he may shoot up more. He was the MVP of both the Outback Bowl (vs. Tennessee) and the Senior Bowl.


    Another thought that goes against my PSU bias - if we get our thunder guy via FA - Antonio Pittman of Ohio State is an underrated running back as well. He has great speed, and just went out and played well for the Buckeyes the last two years. He's probably closer to the 3rd round, but another option.

  4. But, if somehow, Marv & co. can trade down to get Posluzny later in the 1st, then Tony Hunt in the 2nd, I would be one happy camper. Not to mention, it would be a very good fit for this team:


    Penn State is the king of bend don't break defense (the college equivalent of the Cover-Two) - and Tony Hunt played behind one of the crappiest O-lines in the Big Ten - and still managed to push the line forward. Get him in here with a speedy change of pace back, and I think he's a good fit too...

  5. I'll believe it when I see it. This having been said....if it happens, at least we won't have the opportunity for a "Revenge Bowl" (a la Travis Henry) for almost 3 years. Played the Ravens at the end of 2006, so we won't be seeing them until 2009 - and with luck, we'll be the home team this time. A lot can happen in the life of a running back in 3 years. That's a career in itself.


    Or this year: http://www.wgr550.com/bills/schedule.php

  6. Amazing--anyone else out there having deja vu??  Like the New England game??  How was that fumble NOT our ball??  And how about the freebie time out by taking a measurement no one was interested?  So--where did money change hands this time???





    No money was exchanged. Do you REALLY think that the NFL wants a playoff without its marquee player??? In a game where not that much of the nation was seeing it, including the home market, they could easily get away with questionable calls. And lets be honest, the NFL doesn't exactly have the greatest track record. See Super Bowl XL...

  7. Blue n white fan also..... and I couldn`t agree more,although Levi`s the best of the bunch(not saying much)watching penn states o- line is exactly like watching the Bills o-line....very,very painful to watch.



    actually, i'd say the teams in general are pretty similar - good defenses, with great linebackers and a young, up and coming secondary, a QB with all the tools that can't put it together, and no one's sure if its because the o-line stinks, the QB stinks, or both. AND - the olines are the worst.


    it makes for frustrating weekends sometimes...

  8. Typical Liberal-can't answer the question.


    In answer to your question, I would consider Wesley Clark- who was a Dem. Candidate for President as a heavyweight. I would consider Howard Dean, who Cavuto interviewed on Monday, to be a heavyweight.



    Um....Howard Dean is the head of the Democratic National Committee....are you now gonna claim that CNN/ABC didn't have on the Republican National Committee head?


    otherwise, your argument is still flawed.

  9. You think Michigan is going go into South Bend and Columbus and come out any better than 0-2?  And Hart has a line of Heisman candidates (headed by Quinn) to get through if he wants it.


    I think my boys have a good a shot as anyone.  But there are plenty of hurdles in our way.  Going into East Lansing and LA against two very good teams is going to test what kind of team we are.


    But it is going to be a serious dogfight at the top this year.  So many good teams.  I wouldn't bet against a re-match of last years Fiesta Bowl for the NATL Title though. :)



    Michigan also has to go into Happy Valley AT NIGHT - ask all the tOSU fans here how fun that is?


    Also, though - Michigan wins all 3 - I think they'll have a nice strong resume..

  10. From a good buddy of mine who lives and breathes PSU football:


    "I love Rice.  Good kid - no off the field issues and appears to be well rounded (artistic - his painting was used for the cover of the football guide and his degree was in graphic design).  He was a very good college DE (not as good as Tamba Hali who went in the first round, but very good).  He's a hardworking, non-stop motor, aggressive player.  I really hope he makes it.  With that said, while he has a shot, I won't be surprised if he just isn't good enough to make it at the NFL level."



    yeah I live and breathe PSU football too - and I 100% agree completely with that statement. He also roomed with Zemaitis (rochester boy) and Robinson - so his roommates were the two captains. Knowing what he's gone thru, I'm sure we'll get a great effort out of him, if nothing else.

  11. :w00t:


    Why are they going to be so angry?


    Already anticipating the beatdown in South Bend this fall? :blink:



    hehe...quite possibly - although I think this fall's game is gonna be closer than next fall in Happy Valley. PSU has a LOT of speed at the skill positions, and I think this game is gonna be a shoot-out, with all the new defensive players that PSU's got (and ND's porous defense to boot).


    And again, ask anyone about the Ohio State game last year how much of a difference that crowd can make...heck, you can ask half our draft/free agent class about that.

  12. I will promise you this - If he is good enough to start as a true freshman, he's DEAD in his second game out.....a possible night game in front of 110,000 ANGRY Penn State fans with a team that I think may be a serious 2007 national title contender.


    that'll be one night you domers won't forget - just ask Troy Smith, AJ Hawk, et al..

  13. Penn State. Penn State. Penn State.


    One out of every four meteorologists in the country is a PSU graduate. You've heard of AccuWeather, I assume? Started by a PSU grad student and still headquartered in State College.




    I knew a lot of people who quit the meterology program at Penn State because its too hard. A couple actually ended up in what I got my degree in (civil and environmental engineering) after quitting meteo. GREAT GREAT GREAT program but quite difficult.

  14. http://www.coldstonecreamery.com/locator/neareststone.asp


    Heh. Nearest store to me is in State College, of all places. Yeah -- home of the Penn State Creamery. (Mmmm... Peachy Paterno...)

    Factoid: Ben and Jerry got their start in the ice cream biz by taking a correspondence course from PSU.



    Mmm...peachy paterno....chocolate peanut butter milkshake....ice cream with so much fat they can't sell it off campus....mmmm...

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