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Posts posted by waterglass

  1. I recall Dan Marino and his pass attempts against a decent Bills line and Bruce Smith. Yea it get it’s not the same and 30+ years later but a great passer then might have some clues as how to stop him this past Sunday. The entire D line must have been fed some bad food as they were all slow.


    Essentially all were useless.


    Or, did someone get into their heads other than Mahomes? How can it be that the that the entire D line was spent as it was similar to the Cincinnati game of last year except back then it was almost the entire team. 


    At the very least they should have been able to contain the run. They didn’t and that’s on our coach for two consecutive years.  


    Just look at how many guys messed up in that game. You mean to tell me they are all that frail? No, I don’t by it but I do know that someone can mess with their heads. 


    Diggs, Cook, Bass, receivers, defensive line and middle linebacker. 


    See Tyler Dunne article and look up coach McDermott and stop living in winter wonderland. 


    Coach needs to see a sports shrink. 



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  2. I recall when McDermott showed up and he ran the show by himself. He brought in Poyer and Hyde. He pushed to draft Tredavious.  Both were home runs in my opinion. I also understand his drafting logic with defensive linemen, however I disagree with him to the extreme as undersize guys are undersize guys and that’s why nothing happened with the D line against Kansas City.


    Anyway one cuts it, it’s always beef versus beef. However, assuming that he had at least 1/2 of his injured defensive players on Sunday they may have pulled it out so let’s move on to offense. 


    Personally I thought it was foolish to draft Singletary and Moss. Two wasted high draft picks on undersized backs. Cook is way above them but all of a sudden he drops balls. I am still OK with him as it could be the 2nd year thing.  So let’s look at wide receiver. Outside of Kincade we have some nice guys but look at all the misfires over the years. Remember that tight end who dropped the Allen pass in Miami. How about the other tight end from Cincinnati. Benjamin? They didn’t know him? All blow outs. Zay Jones? 


    We seem to have something amiss here on the receiver’s end of the scouts and Beane himself as they use years of players limited life spans by throwing wet paper towels at the wall until something sticks.


    The issue is they waste several years doing so.  Sort of sounds like on the job training by Beane as there are just too many misses. 


    Terry Pegula really needs to look at his show as Beane is also spending his millions of dollars on other misfires as it goes deep into the scouting system as established and structured by Beane. In my opinion he simply brings in substandard talent for the money that isn’t at the championship level. 


    Out scouting department needs a shakeup. However, if Beane doesn’t see it he needs to leave and go away. 


    This is all about Josh Allen, the City of Buffalo and Bills fans. 

  3. After being born and living in Buffalo for most of my life we now live in South Carolina in a town that is  five miles from where Tyler Bass was raised in Irmo, SC. That is Univsersity of South Carolina, SEC NCAA country. The rest of South Carolina is Clemson. Tyler is a warm weather kicker who for whatever reason didnt attend a large SEC football program even though he was awarded the best high school kicker award. 


    Hmm, so ask yourself why didnt he go to a big program? Less stress? USC is a mere 20 minute drive from his home town of Irmo, South Carolina and Clemson on is a two hour drive. It could be just the timing of the incombants. 


    Something is in this guys head unlike any other kicker I have ever witnessed as he at times will pulverize a kick with so much force it knuckleballs to th extreme. 


    In my opinion hes got the Mcdermotts between the ears.


    I dont know if he can be fixed. 

  4. Do I just expect this kind of stuff now?


    Yes, you should. I argue with my brothers that Sean has hit a ceiling going back to 13 seconds. His defense also could not keep a lead against Texans before that. Even during the regular season his defense can’t get an out. Its been a constant ever since he arrived. He's a good coach but to a point. Your defensive lineman are simply too small, undersized and outmanned. IMO along with many national reporters the game has passed Sean by. I was all in with him until the 13 second game.


    What I saw in that game was so bizarre I thought someone fixed the game. What’s further bizarre is now obvious to me as to how this coach thinks. He plays the Jesus and God card but they don’t really have his back and I am a spiritual guy who believes in God and goes to church. Sean you’re not really the coach as presented to us in ***** as there is some merit to the Tyler Dunne article. 

    You need to leave as you interfere with a gifted quarterback’s career. Hopefully Mr. Owner will see this as he has young kids. In brief it’s my opinion is that Sean’s entire state of mind with respect to NFL coaching is old and out of touch. Your defense is always hurt as your undersized defensive line puts the stress on the 2nd and 3rd tier players as linebackers and defensive backs. So guess what. They break.


    Look at all the time the team wasted on that Damar Hamlin 4th down play call.  Really Damar Hamlin? Sean this isn’t a religious crusade. It’s a football game and after several years of playoff losses God doesn’t have your back. Your apparently not worth it or rely on him way too much to cover your faults, instead of you doing the job yourself. Damlar doesn’t have the speed as a running back and you put Allen on the sideline over him on that 4th down gadget play? It’s also like the other crazy gadget plays that never work as the other teams know you yet your team wastes valuable time on a short week on that versus fundamentals that were missing the entire game on the defensive line and the offensive line in the 2nd half against Kansas City. 

    Your priorities aren’t in order and your head is toxic. 


    Get of out town. Please 



    Since his arrival here his defense has very seldom ever closed out a game and has given up numerous leads. Their ranking is nothing more than window dressing as it points to a choke coach when it matters. My largest issue is that I have a serious probem with his statements to the media as we will learn from it. IMO hes a liar. Plus,l his teams have always been undisciplined and he doesnt learn squat. That includes 13 seconds. 


    His calls of time outs for his defense 9 / 10 times results in disaster for Buffalo. I cannot belive as to what this man is thinking but Andy Reid saw it back in the day and trashed him right off the team. 


    I also recall as that he just couldnt wait to get rid of Tyrod Taylor and push Mr. religion on his sleeve; Nate Peterman. This coach throws more people under the bus and I wonder if he really worships Satan as this team cant get a break. 


    Please leave sir.


    • Vomit 1
  6. McDermott is a false prophet and needs to stop his Jesus home and family environment as it doesnt work. Seems to me that practice is all about having fun and no work. It obviously shows up on the field. 


    Gabe Davis is an interception tracker. In the ist game aginst the Jets he didnt even try to go to the ball. Last night was a repeat. One wonder whther the gove guys were also the same organization who said to fly to London on a Thursday. 


    What Buffalo has is a Team Carolina Disaster Triplet. Brandon Bean, Coach and Mr. Dorsey 

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  7. I have been screaming at the TV before the 13 seconds game as coach Cub Scout doesnt have it. He never did. Since his arrival his defense cant close out games. There has been NO improvement on penalties and jobs are handed out to relatives who dont deserve being there. AKA ~ Ken Dorsey. They have also let an idiot who cant get out of his own way, aka ~ Josh Allen pick the Offensive Coordinator. I loved when Brian Dabol screamed at him as Allen is a stupid farm boy with God given talents who continually messes it all up. Same situation as with his women. That boy needs religion and NO national TV commercials. 


    Assuming the owner has some sembelence of a brain he needs to protect his top financial investment; Allen. That being said he needs to fire Dorsey who got his job by the Peter Principle who has been outcoached going back almost ten games. then again the word on McDermott throughout the league is that hes a backstabbing bullshitter. Just look at his assistant coaches of distinction. NO ONE.  


    McDermott should have been fired at  13 seconds along with the other Mr. Imcompetent. That D he played in 13 seconds looked so bizarre to me it looked as if he was in on fixing the game. 

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  8. Over the past six years the league has passed by McDermott. Jets, Dolphins, Jags, Tennesee, San Francisco, Bengals, Cowboys, Eagles and several others have young coaches all of whom can out coach McDermott. He along with Beane seem to be drafting a 1980s style of personnel. They rely on gimmicks rather than brute force as its evident in both lines. So no running game but they waste time on a double reverse? Seems to me this O Coordinator guy wastes practice time. Were also running the same pass patterns from the Rex Ryan days with Tyrod. Recall that two speedsters also could not get open? So why so many on defense injured? Could be because the D line isnt stopping the opposing beef at the line. 


    I had it with this guy at 13 seconds. That D was so weird  to me looked like the game was fixed. But no, we have an idiot running the show. He also lies outright to the fans and press. They never go back and look at anything and fix it. No  running game at 6 years. Penalties are constant. Every time he calls a defensive timeout the other team prevails. 


    Pegula at least needs to fire Dorsey as McDermott wont as its the North Carolina CYA Trifecta team in Buffalo. 


    So Terry, you better protect yer Asset NOW before hes trashed by these threse clowns. The entire national media knows it

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  9. C'mon Man, Past the doom and gloom


    Its time to wake up. Every National NFL contibutor ~ analysist knows that the BIlls are weak at Coaching and Management. Dorsey should be fired mid season. Do you recall what QC Nate Hackett did back in 2008-2009 with junk both at quarterback and overall offense? So not head coach material but was scooped up by Jets. So who is available now? Josh McDaniels? Not head coaching material but would be a step up on Dorsey who appears to have nothing in his tank. Nor between his ears. 


    EXAMPLE:  So Josh Allen has a throwng issue as a result of his shoulder. So on a 1st down play from his end someone calls for an unncessary deep bomb to hardy that misses by 5+ yards. So why was thay play even called with a QB who has a shoulder issue? To try it out? Are you stupid Dorsey? Then an INT next play as he underthrew it. Was the arm fatiqued? 


    Doresy has nothing between the ears. Hes all doom and gloom. A trainwreck. The only game that he studied for aka ~ gameplan was the Dolphins. Our entire coaching staff despite the BS they spew for the TV cameras is lazy time at happy acres.  



  10. This is post the Bengals game.


    Take a look at what Carolina Panthers fans wrote about Dorsey back in the teens. Its plastered all over the internet. They hate him. Back then he wasnt the OC. He was quarterbacks coach and they wanted him gone before Cam Newton was ruined. 


    Hes on schedule to destroy Josh Allen. Arrogant POS. I would get rid of him mid season as he may take down Allen forever if he stays here. At issue is we have the Carolina sycophants in Buffalo as its all CYA time. Plus Beanes are draft choices at issue or is it that our coaches cant coach them uo to NFL ready. 


    IMO if I was Pegula my largest investment is at Quarterback and I need to salvage him. Sooner rather than later. Having Dorsey at QC for the rest of the year may destroy Allens psyche and his career forever, [SEE  Carson Wentz]


    Our head coach is a good caoch but lets face it. Hes JV versus all the others who now have passed him by. Bengals, Jets, Dolphins, Titans, 49ers, Lions, Cowboys and several others. Same for Brandon Beane as his philosophy is outdated as our team is small along both lines. That is also Coaches philosophy as hes out of touch. 


    Fire Dorsey NOW! 

  11. Now I know why there us such bitterness between coach and Dabol. My money is on that coach pushed Bills to hire Dorsey when he was brought here years ago probably over the protest by Dabol. Does anyone here realize that Dorsey was Quarterbacks Coach of Panthers in 2018 and was FIRED along with OC Shula.


    I bet he had a good part in destroying Cam Newton and look at what Josh Allen has become. Not only is Allen the #1 turnover machine but much of it isnt his fault. The O line has sucked for years along with the two small running backs who they finally got away from. Yesterdays pass protection? IMO Dorsey needs to be fired ASAP however coach nor Beane seem to have enough brains to hire someone who can outcoach other coaches. Dorsey is so over his head and should have never been hired as he has history in the contribution of destroying Cam Newton. Now he is destroying Allen both physically and mentally. Pegula needs to look at his financial investment being destroyed by inept coaching and that maens to me that Dorsey needs to be fired ASAP, even in mid season. It will be telling to Pegula if Bills cant hire a top Offensive Coordinator as that would mean that NO OC's in the league have any respect for coach and they dont want to work for him. 

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