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Posts posted by Movie_Guy89

  1. Hello, I am an independent filmmaker who is looking to talk to some Buffalo Bills’ fans for a potential documentary project about being a football fan in Buffalo, and the importance of sports fandom in people’s lives. I am hoping to eventually make a feature length documentary on this subject.


    I want to explore what it is about watching and bonding over sports that make it such an important pastime for so many people around the world. For me and many others, it’s a chance to escape amongst the complexity of the world these days.


    I am from a small town in Ontario and have been to Buffalo quite a few times now. My hometown of Markdale, like Buffalo, has seen its ups and downs economically but has fought to stay alive through it all. I’ve been drawn to the city for that reason, and I feel there is a compelling story to tell about resilience and the strong community created through sport, especially the Buffalo Bills. I am interested in making films about the working class because it’s the kind of family I grew up in and the kinds of stories I want to tell are for them.


    I am hoping to start really filming in the fall during games in different spots around Buffalo, likes tailgates, bars, people’s home set-ups etc. Before then I would like to start chatting with some people about the project and your fandom this summer as well. If you would be interested in talking a bit more about the project and perhaps are willing to be interviewed sometime, please reach out to me at mccrackenjesse@gmail.com Or you can message me on Facebook.


    Thanks very much,


    Jesse McCracken


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