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Posts posted by bbills17

  1. This is the biggest load of crap I've heard. So, Brandon wants me to believe, that, because of the crap game in Toronto, that almost every Bills fan hates (both Candians and Buffalonians), has inspired more fans to come to Buffalo? For what reason? They were awed by the crap that takes place in Rogers Centre? I'm calling BS. That's why he won't give numbers.


    Total load of bull. How many people really believe the crap in Toronto inspired new fans to become season ticket holders? If they have taken in a game in Buffalo, yeah, I can see it. But inspired from the game in Toronto.......yeah right.


    I think Brandon knows better than you do. My brother and I are two of those people, having bought seasons tickets since the TO games.

  2. You hit it right on. If we can get a good QB in next years draft, we'll be competitive.


    This post is asinine. Did you even watch football the past two weeks? It makes no difference who we put in at QB, that is not the problem. We need to draft both lines for starters, then work our way to every other position. The only reason we drafted Spiller was to sell tickets, it seems they never learn, we need linemen to build around.

  3. Granted most Canadians do not care about their teeth. That is clear from looking at them. There are however exceptions to every rule and the exceptions to this rule try to get to the US for help. It is not the only reason we have immigration problems but it is one. I was just using it as an example.


    And your example makes you look like a fool, wake up. You sound like someone that has never left the house.

  4. Ahmen to that.. not sure about the Canadians but there are thousands of people that come here legally and illeagally to make a better life for themselves. The reason they hate us over seas is because we are the land of opportunity wether we're broke or not.. If you're here legally you are bestowed certain inaliable rights that were written in a couple of documents a couple hundred years ago. Jealousy is an ugly monster...


    I have traveled the world and met great people in all countries, there are good, informed people everywhere. There are also ignorant, narrow-minded people everywhere, I was just pointing out the ignorant 'facts' a couple people decided to make here. Kind of like, Canadians go to the USA for dental work?! If you're going to say something at least check your facts, that's the most asinine thing I've ever heard.


    People everywhere only want respect. When you walk around being arrogant and making false statements about other cultures and countries, people don't take a liking to you. Reverse the roles, how would you feel? Canada and Europe have plenty of opportunity as well thank you :wallbash:

  5. Maybe our debt wouldn't be so high if Canadians and Mexicans weren't illegally entering our country by the millions so they can get jobs, medical care, education and in the case of the Canadians, dental work.


    Do you know how ignorant you are? We're entering your country for jobs? :wallbash: Wake up dude, check the unemployment rate in the USA vs. Canada.


    I have full medical care in Canada, every citizen does ;) Any job also provides dental care, I've never paid a cent for either. What on earth are you smoking?

  6. We should all be as cultured as you.

    This board is about a team in the greater WNY area...which last i checked was still part of the US.


    Maybe when I get sick of living in the greatest country in the world, I'll waste my time posting on a CFL forum so I can say aboooot and or-gan-I-zation.


    The greatest country in the world huh, the one that has a national debt of about 13 trillion, increasing at an average of about 4 billion per day?


    Once again, if you opened your eyes you'd realize the world is a very large place. People like you are the reason Americans get a bad name overseas and have to resort to putting other countries' flags on their packs. Get out of the house once in a while and grow up.

  7. Ok we get it. You don't think Trent can ever be good.


    Honestly, this place has the most intelligent football fans in the world and it also has a bunch of wannabee bandwagon-bitching fans in the world. Once a few turn on someone the whole cavalry jumps on for the ride. Trent Edwards is/was always a good QB, the people here are clueless sometimes. Anyone playing in that sorry excuse for an offence last year would have fallen flat on their faces. Trent has always had tonnes of potential and actually played very well when we had a decent offence in place. I sometimes wonder if you people actually watch the games or just follow your favourite fanboys here and if 'he' says it it must be true.

  8. Nice post. Its hard to argue any point you made here. I really hope youre right, and Trent steps up in a big way.


    But, I just dont think he will. I think he just doesnt have the proverbial "IT" from what ive seen. Hes not gutsy, or a gunslinger, or a vocal leader (at least doesnt seem it) and these things are hard to teach. I really hope he does, but my gut tells me we will be drafting a QB in round 1 come April. :flirt:


    If you had watched the Bills for more than a year you'd know that there were 100s of posts about Trent having "IT" after his first year. The fact is, Trent is a good QB, with potential to be great. The problem around here is one turd jumps on him and says he doesn't have "IT" or he's not a leader, or he has no arm and all the children follow like it's the gospel. People on this board go through this cycle all the time, a few start ripping a guy for no good reason and then it becomes cool to join in.

  9. The problem with Trent - and why some continue to be enamored with him - is that he looks the part of an NFL QB, but lacks the most important tool needed to be a successful one: a QB's brain. Not saying he is unintelligent, but he has no swagger to his game, no confidence, no killer instinct, and no aggression. He lacks the alpha male personality that the great QBs have. This is a player who is very comparable to Rob Johnson - he has all the measureables you'd want in a QB, but none of the intangibles. At Stanford, he was often sacked, often injured, threw ONE 300 yd game his entire collegiate career, and wasn't a winner. There was a legitimate reason why he lasted until the end of round 3 and those same problems have continued to plague him in Buffalo. He just doesn't have 'it' and most likely, never will..


    I completely disagree. Trent Edwards has the swagger, and he definitely showed he can be a very good QB in this league very early in his career. The lack of an O-line and the concussions started his spiral downward, and then combine that with Dick and his theatrics (firing his O-coordinator days before the start of the season). People around here turn on a player and then everyone and their mother throws him under the bus, that's just the way this messageboard is. Trent wouldn't surprise me at all if he comes out this year as a very good QB.

  10. I wasn't aware that all smokers litter and that all non-smokers are a picture of health.


    I propose a fat guy ban. They smell, walk too slow, and take up too much space. Someone should keep them from ordering all that fast food. McDonald's et al do terrible things for the environment, and all that packaging gets littered or at best winds up in landfills. And those poor factory-farmed animals :doh:


    Tall people should be banned from the Ralph, too. I mean, god-forbid one of them sat in front of me and then I couldn't see our beloved Bills.


    I completely understand not wanting to be around smoke or smokers, but most people can deal with it without crying.


    Plus, I think an acceptable "compromise" has been met per the Ralph, so where is it that all these smokers are blowing filthy smoke into "your" air? I would suggest avoiding those places, since they are few and far between these days.


    An overweight person is harming themselves, not me. A tall person doesn't do any harm to anyone. A smoker blowing smoke in my face is affecting my enjoyment of the game and making me inhale cancerous, disgusting-smelling smoke. If it affects my health, keep it away from me.

  11. Why is everyone so enamored with the 3-4....if you have personnel to play it you play it. If you have personnel for a 4-3 you play it. Most people have no clue what they are talking about it and if sounds fashoinable so they talk about it. You do realize those in a 3-4 play cover 2 all the time don't you? You also realize the Bills played cover 2 only about a third of all snaps?


    And you have a clue what you're taling about? Teams in 3-4 do not play cover-2 'all the time'. At the end of the day it's called football, you get good players and play. Thanks for your brilliant insight though.

  12. better than what? The guy sucks and refuses to throw anything farther than 5 yards downfield...


    Try watching the Bills for more than 6 months. You have no clue, the OP is right, Trent is better than 1/2 the QBs in this league and you morons that are running him out of town will find that out next season.

  13. Fitz v Edwards is like Flute v Johnson in only one respect. They both play with the same team in the same season and one wins quite a bit more than the other. Fitz (4-2) Edwards (1-6). Fitz has the best total package to help us win games this year right now. Therefore, he starts. Pre season is for seeing what guys can do. Regular season is for for doing everything you can do to win EVERY game.


    Right, because winning games with Fitz right now accomplishes NOTHING. Great plan, this is why the franchise is where it right now. The season is about evaluating players right now and if we didn't have a coach auditioning for a job we'd be doing that right now.

  14. We debate things around here and if you can't handle the heat then get out of the kitchen.


    He's right, Trent was (and still can be) a very good QB in this league, he has far more potential than Fitzpatrick ever will. People around here have very short memories, Trent played some very good QB for the Bills and has the skill to be one of the best. The Bills' terrible system/coaching/line play has contributed to this problem. Trent is not another JP, he can play and should be under centre right now because Fitz is not going to be the answer regardless.

  15. O-Line and coaching don't help. But Trent is a gutless QB. And great QB play overcomes all. If I had to allocate blame, it would be as follows:


    75% Trent

    25% Coaching

    25% O-Line


    And I would say you don't have a clue, putting this 75% on Trent shows how little you know about football.

  16. I don't think you are right at all. Look how Pierre Thomas smoked us in the second half. Lynch will do the same, he will come out running hard and will get a lot of touches. Lynch is very talented. Freddie is good but he is not as good as Lynch.


    And what people don't consider is that Freddie has been running into defences that have often had two deep safeties when they've been double-teaming our WRs. If they do that, Marshawn will eat them alive. Fred Jackson is a good RB and a great receiver, but Marshawn is a better runner and we'll all see that shortly.

  17. You don't think that Johnson's shown enough to be given the chance to actually be activated on game day?


    No one has said he'll be a star in this thread. But he's shown enough flashes that he deserves the chance to play and show what he can do.


    Because the Bills choose Roscoe as our #4 wideout, Johnson does not dress. How is the team to evaluate his play if he doesn't get into games?


    No, you overstate your case.


    yes, Peter used to state, overstate, state, overstate his case on Willis McGahee and how he would be a 'top-5 RB on any team in the NFL' and letting him go would be a huge mistake. We all know how that worked out!

  18. If anyone watched the game the pocket was collapsing the majority of the time. People wanted Trent to wait in the pocket one second longer and fling it... I didn't see that second people were talking about. I saw sacks, constant pressure, and I didn't see that great line on pass protection.


    I do agree that did well for run blocking and screens and that was refreshing.


    If the O-line can improve in pass protection I can see Trent going deep. I can't see him doing that without getting drilled. I can't see us really getting enough time that Brady has to get passes off to the WRs unless things change.


    Honestly, I can't see the same game where people believed the pass protection was any good. I really believe the screens and dumps were a product of bad protection and AVP knowing we couldn't block a decent D-line. I do see the hope and potential, but I don't see how Trent could have went deep without more sacks.


    I agree completely. Trent did a great job stepping up and getting away from pressure. It makes me laugh at all the boneheads on this board that constantly call for the Bills to get a new QB. Wake up people, Trent is a very good QB and is only getting better.

  19. If you look the skill sets both Edwards and Pennington they are similar (they both are accurate passer who make good decisions even if they are more cautious). Both have injury histories and concerns about arm strength. While Edwards doesn't have quite the veteran status of Pennington they both are shaping up to be similar players.


    The only people questioning Trent's arm strength are a few clueless people on this board, and then posters (or sheep) like you join the brigade and make nonsensical posts about his arm strength. Trent Edwards can make all the throws, there is nothing wrong with his arm strength. To compare his arm to Chad Pennington is ridiculous.

  20. Yeah, you gotta love the way he magically divided the locker room and got the greatest receiver in Bills history benched because he didn't have the arm strength to hit him on a simple out pattern. His greatest magic trick of all is when he finally disappeared. F^ck him.


    And it's dolts like you that argue up and down for guys like Rob Johnson and JP Losman when people that have a brain can look beyond physical measurables and realize THEY CAN'T PLAY FOOTBALL. Doug Flutie was a football player.

  21. Jaworski said the same thing about Losman.


    Yes he did, Jaws is the most overrated analyst there is. He's so stubborn and if a QB doesn't play his 'way' he doesn't like him.


    I do agree, Trent will be great in this league, I've said it from day one and haven't ever changed my mind on that (for the record, I also always said McGahee and Losman were flops and would never amount to anything better than average).

  22. I'd sign Lewis in a heartbeat. The leadership he would bring would be worth as much as it took to sign him. Baltimores D has been dominant and intimidating as long as he's been there. They've changed head coaches,position coaches and DC's but the D has remained the same. The one constant has been Ray Lewis.


    Throw around all the stats you want, Ray Lewis is not a very good LB anymore if you watch him play. He consistently misses tackles, and is slow in coverage. Don't mistake the Baltimore system for Ray Lewis being a good LB'er, he piles on the majority of the time for all hiss 'tackles'. People here would complain about him after 2 games watching him play.

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