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Posts posted by SilverNRed

  1. I can accept your statements of opinion on MTV, VH1 and Comedy Central, dont share those opinions, but....what i was thanking you for was your 'absolute' statement .... "No one cares about Nick" ....I was just very surprised to read that. because i really thought I enjoyed Nickelodeon, (Spongebob, Jimmy Neutron, Fairly Odd Parents are daily staples in my TV viewing). I was pointing out how much I appreciated you telling me I was actually living a lie.....a huge weight has been lifted for me....Thanks :beer:

    Again, I'm SUPER sorry that the five whole words I wrote about Nick completely ruined your day. Hopefully you're able to calm down soon after I so carelessly insulted a television channel that you enjoy.

  2. Not for nothing but hasn't Modrak been our top scout for every draft going back to Donahoe?


    Given the generally miserable results of all those drafts, why does he escape any blame?

    He's been with the team for 8(?) drafts but they're just bringing him into "Ralph's Inner Circle" now. Yeah, he deserves blame but I have no idea how much because it's impossible to figure out how things actually work in this trainwreck of a franchise. We don't have a GM, but we do have a senile, gazillion year old owner who won't sell the team because he still wants to run it.


    Ralph's Inner Circle? What the hell is that anyway? I'm picturing a dark room in the stadium's underbelly with stone walls, lit entirely by torches. And there's an onyx table at the center and around that you have Ralph and his band of idiots sitting there dressed like druids planning their next move. And it's all quiet in there with each member of RIC reading from a football book bound in human flesh before Ralph Wilson rises and decrees: "Henceforth, we shall pay Kyle Williams five million dollars for each season of professional football that he shall play as a Buffalo Bill...uhhhhhhhhhhh......Wilson said."

  3. Thank you for the perspective. There are teams in worse shape than Buffalo, although with all the whining on this board you'd think it was 1985. I think Jauron gets one more year. He's got to go 9-7 or better to keep his job. And that's the ultimate yardstick for any NFL coach to keep his job. Win and everything's great. Lose..................

    No, there aren't. The Bills will never be a good team again with Ralph Wilson as the owner. He's cheap, out of touch, and senile. We're not going to bring in anyone who will help us -- not a GM, not a coach, and not any players. Who wants to play for the only NFL team with 7 home games every year?


    Ralph Wilson is a disaster, but guess what happens when his heart stops? The team is auctioned off to the highest bidder and moves away. So that's what Buffalo Bills fans can look forward to. Breathtaking ineptitude for another couple years before a rapid exit from Western New York.


    So Buffalo is the only NFL city that has no hope of ever having a good team again.

  4. Al hasn't been relevant in the league for many years. He is a far bigger joke, now, than Ralph has ever been, or ever will be. If you think his past success entitles him to his bizarre behavior now, fine. But, let's not pretend that Al Davis in 2008 is anything but a boil on the ass of the league.

    The Raiders looked like a better team than the Bills last weekend. They'll probably win more games next season. And they'll be back in the Super Bowl before Buffalo is (if Buffalo ever is).

  5. If Cassell ends up staying, that's a LOT of coin invested in the QB position.


    GO BILLS!!!

    But maybe for just one year. They can franchise Cassell and keep him in place with a one year deal.


    And if Brady misses basically two full seasons with this leg injury, is he ever going to be the same player? Is he the same player next season if he does make it back without the surgery for the scar tissue in the knee? It's amazing how fast his career took a major shift.

  6. The league has to take a hard look at this and figure out a solution to rectify this problem. And I’m not talking about for the future either. I’m talking about right f-ing now! I don’t know whether that means declaring us the winner of the AFC East or creating a new playoff spot or what? But rules are made by human beings and human beings can break them when they spot an injustice and this is a friggin injustice.

    "Declaring" them the AFC East champions? :unsure::doh::lol: Like they're just going to call up Miami, tell them the bad news, and then have a big press conference announcing that the Patriots are the new AFC East champions? To avoid "injustice"?


    Would the Pats fans be happy if the league just gave them a permanent playoff spot every year?


    Seriously if the NFL wants this post season to be taken seriously then Goodell has to figure something out. If not this will just be like when the US boycotted the 1980 Olympics games.

    Yes, this is going to be exactly like when the US boycotted the 1980 Olympics. :bag:

  7. As I understand it, in many pop act live performances (Ricky Martin, Spears, etc) they use a mix of the live recording playing along with the modulated voice of the live singer. The blend is fine, for most concert halls, as the recorded singing really takes over the sound. Think of it as "enhanced" lip-syncing.

    I've noticed that too. A lot of singers are "singing along with themselves" when they perform live, and it's usually pretty easy to spot because the song sounds exactly like the album version or whatever.


    I saw Ludacris and T-Pain do the same song a couple weeks back on SNL and on Letterman, and it was slightly different each time (and different from the album version each time). Both guys sounded awesome both times, so I'm confident saying that T-Pain isn't a product of voice modulation. He uses it, but the guy can sing and he puts on a good show. I don't know what to say about everyone else.

  8. T-Pain & Lil' Wayne. Both use voice modulators on all their songs and from what I can tell have no discernible talent that I can recognize. I've never been a big fan of Kanye but to his credit, it's actually his voice on all his songs prior to this one.

    You're completely wrong about T-Pain. That guy can rap and sing, and he's not dependent on a voice modulator. He performed live on SNL a couple weeks back and sounded better than he did on the album (in this case, Ludacris' album). Using a voice modulator to record a song is alright (although it's suddenly being way overdone) but you should be able to re-create that sound live (which Kanye couldn't).


    That said, you're completely right about Lil' Wayne. He's completely terrible. His lyrics are meaningless. His attempt to "sing" on that T-Pain sound was completely atrocious. And he can't rap either, because no one ever told him that you have to actually open your mouth to rap. He's the worst hip hop star I've ever seen and he's just been rewarded with 8 Grammy nominations. Nice work, music industry. :devil:

  9. I think that was a tough, tough play. The infield was playing very shallow and it was pretty windy. Not a routine catch at all, IMO.

    You have to make tough plays if you want your team to win the World Series. He basically F'ed up the big plays they needed him to make. It's the World Series! It's not surprising that the team that stepped up their game is the team that won.

  10. I wanted the Rays to win, but I had no idea Iwamura was going to spend the entire series killing his own team. Nice drop to start the night, pal. :ph34r:


    The Phillies have an awesome team. I like just about all their players so I'm happy for them anyway.

  11. Yeah, that was probably their best episode ever. The whole sequence where Shane realizes his plan has gone horribly wrong was incredible. I can't believe there are still 3 episodes and a 2 hour finale left. That's enough time for two or three more big twists.


    My big hope is that Ronnie survives. The last couple seasons, he's become my favorite TV character.

  12. This made my day :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

    That was......incredible. :worthy:


    And it was classic already, but I couldn't help but laugh even harder when the word "SUCKS" started flashing during the last 10 seconds.


    I'm not sure he was drunk. Sounded like he could have been having a seriously bad day and just decided to hell with that crappy, careful "journalist speak" where you have to temper every opinion and pick every team to make the playoffs (somehow).

  13. Dude.


    Parity is reality and no team is easy to beat. It is almost inevitable that there will be several ties for playoff positions.


    The Bills are in a really bad position on tie breakers already. They are 2-0 against NFC opponents and will probably beat San Fran when they play them. That puts them at 3-0. This means if they win this week, they will end up losing just about any tie-breaking scenario as the NFC games count less. They might do ok within the division but if they are tied for a wild card or home field they are in big trouble. This sounds weird, but if you want the Bills to make the playoffs, you should root for them to lose this week.


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