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Posts posted by JacqueShellacque

  1. Hard to say. There's a bit of a battle between the statheads who can't (or haven't) quantified it so therefore think it doesn't exist (in philosophy this is called 'positivism'), and the practicioners who feel in their gut it matters but couldn't prove it. I think the statheads are probably right about finesse/passing being more valuable but their methods probably don't take into account how much even just the threat of run allows the finesse to work. I suspect if they tried to quantify that they'd find some kind of effect.


    As for the Bills, I'm OK with whatever happens tonight or this season. If they're too 'soft' to win this year, Beane will get a couple of road-grading guards and a run-stuffing LB or 2. The league is constantly adjusting, if you build a D to slow down Tom Baby and Mahomes then that will inevitably lead to opportunities for teams to run on you. I don't think the Bills have made mistakes per se, but on this run thing I think it's possible they may be slightly behind the curve. I think we'll see tonight and in the playoffs.

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