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Casual fan

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Posts posted by Casual fan

  1. 44 minutes ago, Shaw66 said:

    49ers seem to have been sending mixed signals about whether Aiyuk or Samuel is available.   Sure seems like one must be, after going wideout in the first round the other day.  


    I'd much prefer Aiyuk.  The mix of skillsets he'd create would be a great combination.  Bills already have a Samuel-type; even his name is Samuel. 

    Your welcome, but don't put too much stock in it.  I'm happy to write what I think, but that doesn't mean it's correct!

    Gotcha. When it comes to football, nobody is always correct!

    I'm happy to profit by your experience and acumen because some are more correct more often than others.

  2. 41 minutes ago, Shaw66 said:

    I think you're generally correct.  Having said that, for the buzz around the three top guys, it sounded like those guys have good shots at making impact from day one.   One or more of them is the exception.  


    Working into the lineup more slowly seems to be the norm.  I gather that the complexity of the route trees and choosing the correct option of the route tree given what the defense is doing makes it tough for most receivers to break in early.   They're running option routes in college, but the reads are simpler, I think.  And they have to block, which isn't a part of the game for a lot of college receivers.  


    On top of that, we keep hearing players talk about what a whirl-wind the first season is.   Combine, draft, introductions, press conferences, moving, learning a new scheme, adjusting to the speed and strength of all the competitors on the field, all add to the difficulty of just learning to play the game at this level.   Many of these guys say their game is enhanced greatly going into their second season, when they have all of February, March and April to get rested and their bodies well, and to be focused on the things that they learned in the first season.  


    As I said elsewhere, I think the Bills' challenge this season will be escaping the first half of the season with enough wins to be in at least decent position to compete in the second half.  I think Coleman, Bishop, Carter, and Davis all will begin to emerge as the season progresses.  


    Having said that, I think it's possible that Coleman might flash early because of his unusual athleticism.   If I'm Brady, my plan for Coleman is to quickly get him into a few sets and patterns that get him open for short and medium completions with opportunities to run. If the Bills can do that, Coleman might do some damage early and get the attention of the defenses.   If that happens, he could become more productive than many rookie receivers. 


    Coleman could have a great rookie season, but I think it's reasonable to expect no more than 600-700 yards.  And of course, he also could be mired as the Bills' fifth or sixth option all through the season.  Eric Moulds had 279 yards his rookie season.  

    Thank you very much Shaw.

    It was very kind of you to take the time to explain all that to me.

    Much appreciated! 🫡

  3. On 4/27/2024 at 10:18 AM, Shaw66 said:

    Here are a few thoughts.   I've only watch Coleman highlight reels and read a variety of posts here.  I admit to being too dumb to find Happy Days' posts here, but apparently he's been on the Coleman bandwagon.  Here are my thoughts:


    1.  I continue to believe that people here have their own ideas about what the Bills need at wideout, and that's why there's so much disappointment.  All that means is that the Bills were looking for someone different than what all those people believe.  And I'll continue to say that the Bills know more about this than any of us. 


    2.  Having said that, I don't see exactly how they expect Coleman to fit in.  I imagined a guy with more speed and more shiftiness.  I can see why people say he looks like a Davis replacement.  


    3.  However, I see more than Davis.  I always thought Davis's weakness was catching in a crowd, and Coleman look a whole lot better at than than Davis.  I get that if I looked at all of his film, I'd see plenty of contested drops, but still, I like the way Coleman positions his body to screen defenders.   And the one-handed catch is something Davis could only dream of.   


    4.  I also like the punt returns.   Not that the guy is going to return punts for the Bills, but there's a lot of ball carrying skill on display there.  That should translate into some yards after catch.  


    5.  Okay.  Get out the flamethrowers.   Here's what I see in Coleman:  Mike Evans lite.  A tad slower, a tad smaller, but a guy who despite having less than great measureables, has skills that combine to make a really tough receiver.   He's young - 20 - must turn 21 this year - and he'll add some bulk.  I think in the red zone, he'll pair nicely with Kincaid and Knox as big targets.  I think he'll work as a possession receiver.  I think he will get deep sometimes, and we'll be scratching our heads about how he was fast enough to do that.   All of which was what I thought about Mike Evans until, after about five years, I had to admit that the guy is just a damn fine receiver, even if he doesn't fit a classic mold.  


    Coleman is a bit of project, but I love the upside.   

    Hello Shaw66,

    Not flamethrowing here. I have a genuine question.


    Am I right to think that elite rookie wide receivers rarely have much of an impact?

    Like I seem to remember that OBJ made quite a splash as a rookie. But I think I remember that all these years later because of how unusual that is.


    Usually aren't we waiting for at least a year for them to work on their route running and all the rest of the complex stuff that have to learn?


    So my thinking was / is even if we traded the farm for a round-one wideout, they wouldn't have much impact next year.


    Does that sound right to you or am I off in my thinking? I say again, I'm asking you because I want to know!


    As for Coleman I'm not willing to second guess Bean because watching his highlights, it seemed to me, that he is abnormally nimble for a man his size. Even among professional athletes I mean. I'd have to see him in person to be sure. But when I've seen that in person it's never been wrong that the guy will be a good one (unless injury gets him).





  4. 1 hour ago, Chandler#81 said:


    I'm an old, cynical bastard who knows next to nothing about picking prospects but I'm liking this pick!


    This guy looks like a kind of slow lumbering big target who'll make his mark by being tall, right?


    I'd agree except for one thing I do know, that I learned by seeing players practice in person, which is look for big guys who can move like little ones.


    It's rare and hard to see on TV unless you look for it (like I just did) I've not seen many like that. 2 were Shawn Merriman and Mario Williams.

    Another Bill who can move his feet like a 5'8" Broadway dancer, is 6'5" Josh Allen.

    Watch Allen's feet in a game sometime. It's unbelievable when you consider he's HUGE.


    I watched Chandler#81's post video, cynical, old, and expecting to be underwhelmed. Instead I started to get chills!



    At 2:00 watch how fast his hands move down and up to nab that ball.

    You have to bear in mind this guy is 6'4". Find a 6-4 guy you know and experience how big that is. They move more slowly and are less nimble because they're so big. That's just nature!

    2:10 Keon Coleman Hurdles defender

    3:55 One hand grab? Then somersaults back on his feet.

    4:40 Punt return, stumbles, one hands himself back upright, keeps going.

    5:00 One handed catch while being hit.

    6:10 Good punt return. Like I said I know almost nothing, but 6'4" returning punts isn't common is it?


    I think I know why Bean picked Keon Coleman, and I think he's a solid-ass 2nd round pick!








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  5. Wonderful write up great approach to the team. Thank you.


    Just my idea here be it bull#### or not it's what I came away with.


    The Bills don't have enough clutch players. My model for that is Fred Jackson. His overall stats never rose to elite level. But over and over and over again when the Bills needed something to happen real bad, Fred Jackson stepped up. I'd got so would expect him to maybe come up with something at a crucial time.


    I'm not sure our coaches believe in that but I do.


    And I think if you have an elite receiver who drops the ball at a crucial time in a championship game, you will be the losing team.

    I don't blame the kicker because they never should have put the game on him to begin with but also he's not a clutch player else he would have nailed that kick.


    And who was that guy, David Tyree was it, who was lucky to be on the roster but caught the ball between his one hand and and helmet with the Giants Superbowl on the line. That guy was clutch.


    I think it's right to say the Bills have tended to lose big games in weird ways. They're usually in it right to the end then something bad happens because nobody stepped up and made sure it didn't.


    In case it matters I think Josh Allen is clutch  or close enough that he is AOK on that score. But he can't do it all in playoff games.


    If I was the coach I'd be looking at prospects going all the way back to their high school days to see who stepped when the team had to have it get done.

    And I'd fill my roster with as many guys like that as I could. As backups or even practice squad just to keep them around for a time we really need a guy who won't drop the ***** football. Anybody can drop a ball at any time nobody's perfect. But there's some guys who will not drop the ball when the stakes are highest and the pressure is greatest and I'd want them around when the stars had got us into the playoffs to bring it home.






  6. 7 hours ago, Bangarang said:

    Not really different than other employees in other fields having to work when the weather gets rough. 

    Yes it is different because "other fields" don't make billions and billions and billions & have players making over a million dollars a game.

    Your remark irritates me for that reason.

    I hate that sort of remark.


    Time and  half for the part time stadium workers is the opposite of unreasonable.





  7. 13 hours ago, Einstein said:





    And he looks great for 98.


    I been looking ahead and I'm trying to avoid needing a walker by doing exercise and balance and agility training and dancing.

    So I saw Marv and I thought ***** what chance do I have if Marv Levy needs one? He always stayed in shape.☹️


    But now you say he 98! A walker at 98 is perfectly acceptable! 😀

    Plus it's a really cool walker I will find out about that one. (I work with / know a lot of older people so they will be interested)


    So thank you for cheering me up and now I got another reason to love Marv Levy! 😍

  8. 12 hours ago, henry jones said:

    Definitely not ideal.  Would’ve been better to at least wait til the bye week but this couldn’t be delayed any longer.  Should’ve happened a lot sooner honestly 

    Thanks for your helpful input. The thing for me this year is before the season I head top national sportscasters saying the Bill are the best team in football. I don;t remember hearing that in over 20 years. Sure didn't expect this! I think the best team in football could put together a 6 game win streak go 11-5, and maybe make the playoffs so I guess we'll see!

    12 hours ago, Captain Hindsight said:

    One example was the Ravens fired Cam Cameron mid season And replaced him with Jim Caldwell. 

    Ravens won the Super Bowl

    Hey!! 😃 That's cheerful news! All that came to my mind was those coaches who fire coordinators for a couple years before being shown the door themselves. Thanks for telling me that.🙂

    12 hours ago, Patrick Duffy said:


    I don't know the stats, but in this particular case I'm not sure it can get but so much worse. Imo it's better it happened now than sticking it out til later.


    Reason I say that is because it's early enough that you still have time to make a run so why not since you know all you need with Dorsey, so there's a chance players respond differently for the guy taking over. 

    When I look at it your way, I agree.

    You know Dorsey is near sure gone one way or the other. This way the team still has a chance to make a run. It might shake the mental fog off the players. And Dorsey himself is probably better off because he has that 13-3 record last year and this year isn't his fault for certain, 5-5 is not hat bad, and it's unknown if he could have pulled off a turnaround., He will get good shot at being on the OC track somewhere else.

  9. I wake up this morning and I says to myself, I bet they're complaining it wasn't a winny enough win.



    Sure enough plenty are. Oh Lord you guys are spoiled.




    They won. No complaining.

    • Agree 1
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  10. 2 hours ago, Mr. WEO said:


    Because fans have little trouble getting to the stadium by car.  The games sell out.  There are doubtless many people who head to the stadium just for the tailgating and don't even have tickets. What "more business" there?  Your rail spur would cost money to solve a problem that doesn't exist.


    As for making money--the Bills provide Pegula a risk free massive return on his investment and a steady income stream.


    As for using the stadium for other events, the owners of the stadium are free to book any event that will go there--exactly as they do now. They are free to fill it with "more business" if they can.  The truth is there are few large stadium events to book.  No one is going to build "a mall" out there.  Malls are terrible investments---dead.

    Ok. I'll put you down as "undecided".

    • Haha (+1) 2
  11. 2 hours ago, Mr. WEO said:


    Pegula has the means to pay guys under the table--if you're convinced that goes on.  That should be clear to you.  He doesn't want to. Who would he spend it on anyway?


    Also, he doesn't want to spend his own money on a stadium megaplex, like Kraft did.  He obviously doesn't want to make that investment.  Take it up with him.


    Also, I don't get your point about the railway and the stadium only hosting 10 events a year.   Pegula won't own the stadium anyway--he's a tenant.  


    "Take it up with him." He doesn't take my calls.

    And if he did he might not like it any better than you do. His expertise is fracking. My expertise is....more general, less well defined.🙂


    "Pegula won't own the stadium anyway--he's a tenant." Sure. But say you have a store in a mall. You rent the space you don;t own it. But still wouldn't more business be good for you?


    In a nutshell I am not comfortable staking the long term future of the Bills on the willingness of billionaires to make less money.

    We got very lucky that Ralph found Terry Pegula who was willing to keep the team here in what Since1981 said is the 78th largest city.

    I'd rather not count on that happening again.


    Also the commercial ideas I put are just spitballing potential ideas.


    My main wish is that they build the very short track, it's less than a mile of track, to make it so people can ride the train to the games.

    You need a mile of track, a switch, and a train platform.

    They do that and then see if they can coax more people from Toronto & Niagara Falls & Rochester & Syracuse to come for games & buy season tickets or a few events or concerts.

    Then if they do you start to build on it and try different things.


    That's all. Just build the little spur line and see what happens and what you can do with it.

    The track goes right by the stadium! Why not?








  12. 1 hour ago, Mr. WEO said:


    Why can't Pegula do that right now...you know, without the rich Canadians buying Bills home tickets?

     You will have to research the income of the different teams to know the answer to that. I am sorry but I won't do that for you, but it's pretty easy.


    Also it would help if you go to or even look online at Gillette "Stadium". I put it in quotes because it has a very big complex built up all around it. Shopping, restaurants, a hotel, even a medical center, all generating money for Kraft year round.


    He milks that location like a cow while Buffalo, who should be expert at milking our cows, (if you think about it) don't do that at all.


    Giant everything, highway access, parking, electric service, infrastructure enough to accommodate 70,000 people in comfort, used 10 times per year.


    It's like you built yourself an indoor gymnasium with a swimming pool and tennis court attached to your house, but only used it once a month.


  13. 2 hours ago, Mr. WEO said:


    A few Toronto millionaires arriving in "luxury rail cars". somehow brings in tons more money for Billionaire Pegula?



    lol, this is awesome.





    May I ask you a question please?


    In your personal real-life, do friends or family come to you and say "We're kicking aorund the pros and cons of some ideas but we feel the discussion would benefit if you'd come please and make one of your obnoxious & clueless contributions"?


    Or at work does the boss come to you and say "Mr. WEO the board is considering some important matters and we all agree we'd feel more confident if we were able to make our decision after hearing one of your off point *****tarded remarks"?


    Just wondering where you got the idea that was the thing to do here.


    And thank you for your contribution.





    • Haha (+1) 1
  14. 7 minutes ago, billsfanmiamioh said:

    Not trying to be Debbie downer but the only thing even remotely feasible in your idea would be extending a spur line and even that would be a stretch. I believe that line nearby is owned by the Buffalo & Pittsburgh, a short line railroad that wouldn’t have anywhere near the capacity to service a passenger route. Hell even the class 1 railroads have been in total “bare bones” mode in the Engineering department for close to a decade.

    I could go on for hours about why high speed passenger rail service doesn’t work in this country (on a large scale) but the short answer is that it’s simply too costly to build and maintain for the returns. Amtrak only has like 1 profitable segment in their entire network and they don’t own (and therefore have to perform $$$ maintenance) on probably 98% of the track they operate over. Look at what happened to Californias great big high speed rail idea for a real world example of why it won’t work. 


    The high speed and the spur line are two different things.


    For the spur line I'm glad you think that's feasible. My thinking was it's very hard and expensive to get the right of ways and build a track from scratch.

    But with a track already there, and it's working track not even a disused route,  it should be doable to get someone with a locomotive and cars to run a route.

    You are right about it Being Buffalo and Pittsburg's line. I think they are using it mostly to store rail cars on! (a bit further down).

    Since everyone likes money I bet the Bills could give them some money and schmooze them  and get that done.

    Then it's just a matter of finding someone to run on that track gamedays.

    Tell me if I'm wrong but you can go from Orchard Park, to Niagara falls, to Toronto on that track.


    16 minutes ago, Fleezoid said:

    I think the Casual fan owns the railroad. Or he has stock in the new stadium.

    My angle will be to build the custom rail cars for the rich people and to run the World Of The Future tourist attraction in summertime.

  15. 4 minutes ago, Call_Of_Ktulu said:

    I would build a huge roller coaster that goes up and over the stadium. 

    That would be fun!

    17 minutes ago, RyanC883 said:


    I  think terrain is part of it, property acquisition is part of it (that can be overcome, but no one likes eminent domain), and the EPA may be another part (I work with municipal governments, trying to build a freaking road is a hassle--there is an endangered bug somewhere). 


    If it's just terrain, PIT to Buffalo would be easy as it's mostly flat and could have a stop in Erie that branches west to Cleveland.  Then connect PIT to Columbus, Cleveland, Chicago, and then down and around the Midwest to Dallas, Detroit, Indy, etc.  All flattish terrains.  Could setup a similar system out west.  Once they prove their worth, more expensive connections could be built to get through mountains.  

    I'm a very big fan of high speed rail. I don't know the financials but I would love to hop a train to NYC and be there in 2 hours. And New Yorker's could commute home, 200 miles away, in an hour. So they could live in a decent place that didn't cost 2 million dollars and the rest of NY state would benefit a lot from NYC moola I betcha.

    1 hour ago, billsfanmiamioh said:

    I spent close to 20 years in the railroad industry and it simply just doesn’t make financial sense. The OPs idea is nice, but it’s simply that, an idea. 

     Agreed. It's just an idea. I can't say for sure it would work, I have no way of knowing for sure. I'm just saying if I was a billionaire I'd build a little railroad track and a station and give it whirl because the payoff could be enormous. And then I could crush my football team owner enemies like the dirty dogs they are while pretending I did it for environmental sustainability.

    1 hour ago, Limeaid said:

    If Bills did that what would stop other teams from replicating it? 


    Biggest Bills disadvantage is front office whose marketing department sells tickets in bulk to ticket agencies and travel agencies who mark them up and sell them in packages to opposing fans.  I have been contacted by them in past because I am on a NFL mailing list.

    Other teams could replicate it provided they had rail lines near enough to make it feasible. But I don't think they have a reason to.

    We want Toronto corporate money while other teams are already in big metro areas.

    Toronto is the 4th largest city in North America.

    But Toronto is 99 miles from Orchard Park. How long do you suppose it takes Torontonians to travel by car or bus dealing with border checks and traffic on game days?

    4 hours maybe?

    A train could (probably) get there in an hour and a half and it would be a luxury ride.



    In fact you can take a train from Boston right to the Pats games. It's only 20 miles but still they think it is smart to do that. And the train sells out.


    Toronto has has 4 times the population of Boston and vastly more money. That's why I would take a serious stab at rolling them into our fan base.

    Toronto is huge and it's rich.


    Next Niagara falls. According to this Niagara Falls is the #5 tourist destination in the entire world. Behind Las Vegas, New York City, and Washington DC (who have football teams) and ahead of Disney World in Orlando (which also has a football team).

    So here again other cities could imitate but they don't have a reason to. While we have 20 Million tourists from all over the world we could try and attract and market to.



  16. Hi,

    Here's an idea I'm showing you guys for the hell of it.


    First, the problem: There is a salary cap that helps grant some parity across teams & the Bills usually spend close to the limit because we have a good owner.


    But the big market teams annihilate us in overall revenue because they have more big businesses and more millionaires & it's easy, so they do, always.


    Then they have much more money for facilities and coaches & nudge nudge wink wink side deals with players & the players have better off field opportunities for sponsorships etc.


    So we are forced to rely on pluck, luck, and the justness of our cause (for our hearts are pure) to get around that very big disadvantage.


    We are truly plucky fans, but you have to be insane to rely on luck when you're a Bills fan, and I'm not sure our hearts are very pure (based on mine and my friends plus the observed behavior of the rest of us in the stands)


    Here's an idea how not to be screwed: Make more money from our stadium. Lots more, and kick the big cities asses at making money.


    Sure I'm just a WNY bumpkin. I know how to use a wrench, saw, and screwdriver. And my idea of a great time is to hang around in the parking lots before games eating hot dogs. But deep inside I can be just as greedy as any big city silk underwear wearin' fancy boy.


    We need to pull in money from other cities & we have to keep the stadium complex making money year round.  Much more than 10 days out of 365.

    We'll have a beautiful place with parking, restrooms, restaurants, & crazy multimedia available for virtually any number of people just sitting there doing nothing unless we do.


    How? First is make it quick and easy to get there from far by using the railroad.

    The Bills are almost never lucky. We're famous for not being lucky. But we got lucky this time.


    See the picture. The railroad goes right by the stadium. How lucky can you get? (Red White & Blue slanted is the main line. I added the smaller vertical spur line & arrow just as a possible path)


    I'm saying the Bills do whatever they have to do to build a spur line from that track into the stadium complex.





    But not for us bumpkins really.


    Toronto is a World Financial Capitol. The amount of money there is gigantic. Much more than you would suspect unless you look into it.


    The idea here is the rich people and companies with big money clients whisk the wealthy to Bills game in *private luxury rail cars*.


    No traffic, no stops, just care free pampered luxury the whole efficient trip there and back.


    If you've not been in a near empty Amtrack style rail car you won't have experienced what that is like. It's big in there.

    You can do anything. Bathroom any time you like, walk around, very roomy and it's much like you are standing still.

    They could even be having orgies in there on the way to games if they wanted to.

    There is no comparison to a bus, RV or limo.

    It will be vastly better and much more prestigious.

    Public displays of prestige are worth money & the Bills could charge unreal money for that.

    Billionaires could have their own cars, gold with ornate trim. Maybe even giving lifts to & arriving with movie stars.


    There would be big, big money from that and no other team anywhere could equal that for an ultimate luxury experience.


    And the regular Toronto millionaires could ride in nice rail cars too. But they would have to share.

    Arriving and departing from the exclusive station for which the Bills could charge a bloody fortune.


    Niagara falls gets 13 Million tourists a year.


    We run trains from there to the stadium complex and have off-season attractions.

    An NFL experience. Exhibits like a Future World of Technology where people could go see SpaceX rockets and whatever cool stuff we could get.

    The point is we think of something and then tap that Niagara Falls tourist money until it becomes a river.


    Recap: We capitalize on our good fortune and use the rail to make it simple and easy to get there. No planning no directions no traffic no worries you just get on the train.

    Do that to get Toronto and Niagara Falls money coming in.


    So there you go. I think  it would work. Hope it seems like a reasonable thing to you too.





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  17. 13 hours ago, 3rdand12 said:

    Nicely played.
     I have to imagine there are some instructional videos from Saturday night Live that might help


    For me ? I am bit tired of the huge swings from Josh.


    Kid could be one of the best if he focused on the task. 

     Such an amazing arm and physical traits !

     There , I was positive about him.


    This is going down as one of my favorite postses.

    and speaking of medication ? Do you have any recommends ?

     all the years of misery linger yet still

    Thanks. 🙂


    As for which medication, I'm not a doctor but whatever they are giving to Russel Brand seems to work pretty good!

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  18. Positivity is looking at how lucky you got picking Josh Allen in the draft.


    Of Baker Mayfield, Sam Darnold, Josh Allen, Josh Rosen, and Lamar Jackson only Allen and Jackson are still with their teams.


    Further, look at the top QB draft picks the last 6 years and see how many fizzled. It's a LOT.


    He blew it Monday but he's a top guy which almost no one has! Almost NO ONE.


    But you want to whine I have no time for that.


    Not enough?


    Then go back in time with me and live through 22 years of hell (1996-20018) when the Bills either neglected or whiffed on QB's.


    Positivity thread won't do it. The whiners need medication.


    Josh Allen outplayed Patrick freaking Mahomes in that playoff game.


    Yes the Bills still lost but that's because God doesn't like you enough.


    God loves Bills fans. But you're just not likeable enough. Great friend with each other sure. But you're whiny and entitled and think you're victims, are often extremely drunk, and in general are just pains in the ass who do  little to nothing for the truly innocent unfortunate around you and don't  want to because You're the true victims in life in your minds.


    Suck it up buttercups.


    So there's some positivity  for you. 😊👍




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