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Posts posted by JohnMurphyHamFetish

  1. He has always been a to the right kicker..which has always scared the crap out of me... he got better, but it's been a rough couple of weeks for him which is alarming cause you know... playoffs

  2. The refs loose all credibility for calling a fair game after the ridley punch no call. I know it's easy and fashionable to blame refs but that solidified the ticky tacky bs calls as I look at them as more of an influence on the game than the jags play on the field. 

  3. He was definitely useful on the one play later in the game where he was used as a decoy on a play fake which allowed allen to go left and pick up the first down. But that fumble reminds me of Singletarys issues which would put him on the sidelines early in his career... expect the same treatment of cook until they feel confident he will improve.

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