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Posts posted by Snowbowl

  1. 23 hours ago, BuffaloBillyG said:

    Coach: Steve Fairchild. Former OC in 2006-2007. Absolutely zero point in his whole offense. Zero game awareness. He is the only coach that could make Nate Hackett look like a Andy Reid out there. Just a terrible OC.


    Player: Jerry Hughes. Like the guy. Disliked the penalties (some deserved some questionable) that he seemed to attract. And strongly disliked the whole "pressures are as good as sacks" argument that would spring up every year.

    Say what you want about Jerry but he Never took a play off during the darkest Bills years. Unbilleavable drive. Yes he made lots of stupid plays that were incredibly frustrated but he always gave it his all. So he’s actually one of my favorite all time Bills Did a lot of great stuff off the field as well. Too bad he was washed up when Josh got here. 

    • Agree 1
  2. I remember reading an article about Josh when he started his fourth quarter comebacks early in his career.


     Paraphrasing he said. I’ve always been like that. When the game is on the line is when I really focus. 

    That’s not good enough in the NFL. He’s got everything but consistency. So much for the Josh is more focused than he’s ever been talk at the beginning of the season. Looks like he’s regressed in that regard. 

  3. 8 hours ago, Special K said:

    Elam was inactive weeks 1-4 for a reason......his performance in week 5 was a visual representation of that reason.


    There’s no reason to think the D can’t be serviceable, but the chances of stopping the top offenses without Milano, Jones, White are not good.

    We Did stop a very good O for most of the game. The O didn’t keep their end of the bargain. Our O is mentally weak. Not the trait of a champion. Hopefully they toughen up. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  4. 2 hours ago, arcane said:

    It's pretty clear from interviews that Elam gets lost in zone coverages and just doesn't have that intuition for where he needs to be and move to. He's fine in man coverage and has shown that. Beane's comments that they wish it was just a work ethic thing allude to the fact that something isnt happening right mentally when he is playing our system. Hopefully he can figure it out - he's young. But when you watch any film breakdown it's clear how important it is in our system (and any system) to be able to communicate and leverage yourself properly every play. These things aren't easy 

    Bingo! He’s not the sharpest tack in the box. Great kid. Hope the light bulb goes off for him soon. 

  5. Montana best of his era. Brady of his. Modern athletes much better than the 80’s. But and this is a big but. In the 80’s QBs weren’t babied like Tommy was. He’s nowhere as tough as Joe and I don’t think he would’ve been great in the 80’s because of that. So it’s comparing apples to oranges. However if you take the athletics out of the pic and just look at big games Joe is my number 1. Undefeated in the the SB. 


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