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Posts posted by PJBrown

  1. I am fine with letting Fitz take it for a few years and using those high picks for defense and tackle.....Fitz is a gamer....he converted a ton of 3rd downs and the TD to Stevie J on 4th down is about as clutch as can be.....he led us to consecutive back to back 4th quarter comebacks and once we learn how to close a game out we'll win more of those than lose.....


    Build the D and lines.....we can do a lot worse than a smart QB who isn't afraid to sling it or put his head down and drive for yardage....

  2. 4 weeks? :blink: Why would they not have lasted 4 weeks into the first season of a major rebuilding project?


    As for the young hungry GM I believe Doug Whaley was brought in from Pittsburgh as Assistant GM to be groomed as Nix's replacement when he eventually (probably sooner rather than later) retires. He has been mentioned as one of the best young General Manger "prospects" for a few years now, in fact, some of the critiques levied at the Bills when they hired Nix was that they should have hired Whaley. The fact that Nix brought him in as the de facto 2nd in command indicates he is more than likely the natural successor for the position. I can't imagine a better man for the job.


    Don't be fooled by blowhards like the OP--- the Bills appear to be in good hands for the first time in a long time. I think it's pretty clear from the way they've been handling business, from both an evaluation and coaching standpoint. The fact that the team on the field still sucks is only indicative of the 10 years of crappy management. It takes time. More than 4 weeks, anyway.


    SSSHHHH.....don't interject any common sense in any of these "we suck and always will" rants....it'll just slow down the rodeo


    FWI I am with you....for the first time in a long time I feel that there is a definite plan and it's being executed...these guys seem to be winners and expect to win....it may be rough this year but I am enjoying the show...it feels like we are having a boring appetizer but know that tthe 2 lb lobster tail is coming soon...

  3. It's just hard to believe that Nix and Gailey won't draft a franchise QB two years in a row -- what would they be waiting for? And it's hard to believe that any available QB will be rated higher than Mallett. Luck won't be available.


    The NFL might as well start stitching Mallett onto the back of Bills jerseys to get some early sales.


    For sake of debate, which "franchise QB" would you have liked them to take this year? Bradford as gone and may be the only one in the 2010 group....Tebow? Clausen? McCoy?....I am glad we have Spiller...he should be a difference maker for many years...


    I'll trust their judgement...if they don't take one next year it's most likely because they weren't sold on who was out there and I'd bet we get another impact player....


    Go Bills

  4. This is the stupidest organizatiuon in all of sports. Any 1st or second rounder on the worst team in football should start and play immediately. Oce again we are clueless. SOS!


    Since we are going nowhere this season or anytime soon we should play Maybin, Stiller, troup, carringotn every down unless they are injured. Speed up their development, not slow it down. Acknowledge we are rebuiling and try to do so with young guys!!!!!

    Not for nothing, but Aaron Rodgers was a high 1st round pick (#1 if I remember right) and barely sniffed the field until year 4.


    Are we Green Bay? No. Is Rodgers a RB? No. Do we suck right now? Yes......but it's not like Gailey said he wasn't going to play at all...olr that we don;t have 2 pretty good other RB's right now....Everyone needs to chill...in a couple of years when we are relevant again you will be all be loving Spiller...

  5. They didn't say the Bills were the worst team ever. They quoted someone, a coworker whom they didn't name.

    Here's a thought...don't start anymore threads based on your friends "information".


    Well, her info was right...it came from the show.....semantics




    It's called democracy.


    Deal with it.


    So, you tell me I shouldn't post but you believe in Democracy? Again, some semantics..The USA is not a Democracy but rather a Representative Republic, FYI

    Evidently, you have never heard Schopp and the Lapdog.I've heard of them but choose to not listen to them

  6. got a text from a fellow backer here in Tn...listening to Mike and Mike making predictions for this week and of course picked Miami because the Bills are "the worst team they have ever seen"..


    WTF? I don't care about all the negative articles and feel we'll shut some people up, but that is rediculous.....watch a friggen game..


    I suffered through 2-14 twice in the 80's....this team isn't only not in the same zip code, it's the not in the same solar system...if we sucked that bad wouldn't we have hardly scored in pre-season, not had any defensive turnovers, lots of offensive turnovers and penalties??? I mean a horrible team would look, oh I don't know, HORRIBLE??????


    Squish the fish...Go Bills!

  7. 2009 pre-season offense-zero td's in 5 games - 2010 5td's and 2fg's in about 5 quarters

    2009 - 23 on IR - 2010 who knows but that would be hard to repeat

    2009 - 3 first year startes on line - 2010 - no rookies, 3 2nd year starters

    2009 - fire OC and start no-huddle - 2010 apparatly very good offensive coaching

    2009 - Jauron Ball - 2010 - Gaily Ball


    2009 - 6-10


    So why are we supposed to go 0-16, 2-14, 4-12???????


    I don't get it


    My prediction is 9-7....Gaily alone adds 3 games from last year

  8. "Ralph is cheap"...yet we are far from dead last in player payroll.....in fact, if I remember correctly we are about 11th (can anyone confirm?)..I believe Dean is correct...it is an accounting method only....does not cause the Bills to spend any more or less than anyone else


    Now, one could make a point that he has gone cheap for coaches but it's not like we never sign any name free agents (Paup, Spielman, Bledsoe, Spikes, Fletcher, Adams etc)

  9. You are right the game means nothing but a player wanting to make it on a squad to them it should mean everything. I jumped about Levi and think he should stay but the others are so far out of whack. Kirk Chambers really sucks.

    Chambers is tough...I'd like to think that there will be a decent Tackle cut that we can pick uo for depth

  10. Who would you cut?

    Depends...Moats probably has some potential so if there was room I'd keep him...if not waivers and hopefully practice squad....I have to believe Brohm is probably gone unless they can get a trade for Fitz...I live in Mount Juliet, TN where Levi is from and my brother in law here knows the famiily well....they feel from talking to him that the brass is high on him and I interpret that to mean they won't risk waivers/PS..


    Cuts will be tough..my point to the OP was to not get worked up over losing this game...we came out healthy and I for one am very happy about the how the pre-season wnet..exceeded my expectations especially on offense..


    Go Bills!

  11. 3 players I would cut right now and tell to find their own way home are Foschi, Moats, and Chambers. Of them all Kirk Chambers REALLY SUCKS!!!!!


    Add Levi Brown to the list. He has yet to show me anything. Our 3rd stringers all suck. Every damn one of them. Why do we alose to Detriot in the pre season?

    relax.....1's and 2's outplayed them...relax...


    Disagree about Levi....threw some nice balls..he's a project


    Did I mention RELAX?

  12. Just thought I would post this link. Seems like all of the "experts" at NFL.com predict that the Bills will suck. I personally don't expect a playoff team, but I would be willing to wager that they finish with a better record than last year. Here is the link. http://www.nfl.com/kickoff/story/09000d5d81228bfe/article/bills-hope-gailey-can-provide-muchneeded-change


    I saw that too....I wonder if those were made before the last couple of games? All of them basically said we don't have a QB or LT so we suck, even though we have the same ones as our most recent 6-10 and 7-9 teams, and from what I've seen so far they look a heck of a lot better with a decent gameplan and coaching....


    The best way to change "experts" predictions is to win!

  13. Standing united means allot to our new HC Chan Gailey, and he's not just talking about the team,


    Chris Brown reports http://blogs.buffalobills.com/2010/08/24/chan-admonishes-group-of-fans/


    I love it. I bet the players do too.


    Anybody that heckles our own players in practice, no matter who it is, shouldn't be considered a fan at all. Rather, they are immature aholes that simply act to drag our fanbase down to the lowest common denominator. Our fanbase used to be one of, if not the best in the business. Not anymore. Just look at this board.....there used to be a lot of great posters who debated their points with respect....though some remain you don't hear from them as much and some who contributed greatly, like Lori, have been driven off.....maybe once school starts it will get back to normal

  14. Where is this Edwards improved play again? Besides 1 pass to a wide open WR he played the same way he always has.


    starting O had 2 TD's in a quarter...that's a huge improvement. 2 out of 4 drives ended in TD's.....came back from a hard hit to throw a TD pas while standing int he pocket.


    I support TE, Brohm, Fitz and Levi no matter who is taking the snap.


    I don't understand why true fans wouldn't want all the QB's to succeed....it's like many have personal agendas towards one player that totally skews what they see.....

  15. Trent has made no gains at all since last year. He looked the same and made the same poor choices. i agree the line sucked. It sucked for Fitzy as well but as much as his arm is shaky, Fitz fires the ball and tries to lead. Early on, I could see what Chan was thinking.....a power running game and three back sets with a speedster like CJ could make Trent serviceable. But if we have to rely on this guy to do more than hand off and pass now and again, we are in for yet another year like last year. If we are going to suck during this rebuild, I am leaning towards sucking someone other than Trent. Thank God we play again on Thursday. We can't suck as bad in every phase of the game as we did last night.


    On two consecutive series, 3rd and long, Fitz dumped off to a RB for about half the needed yards and we punted. How come he isn't labeled "captain checkdown?"


    It just seems to me a lot of posters on this board let personal agenda's and bias dictate.


    We should all want whatever QB playing to be successful. If that is not the case, then don't post.


    ***FWIW, I am not calling you out. I mean this generally, just happened to piggy back your post.

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