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Posts posted by ChrisWatson#21

  1. 14 hours ago, Warriorspikes51 said:

    What it would take to get the 4th pick I’m guessing:


    28, 60, 2025 1st, 2nd + 2026 2nd or Diggs

    Won’t happen.  Teams receiving those picks know that with Allen at the helm and in his prime the Bills will continue to consistently win 11 plus games a season.  Those firsts will be almost second rounders and the second rounders almost thirds.

  2. Mission accomplished Roger.  Swifties are in the bowl.  Don’t forget to reward Josh for taking the dive for you to maximize your league’s revenue this year.  BTW get Josh some acting classes that wasn’t convincing at all.  All disagreements aside or consipracies or whatnot I love you Billsmafia.   See ya next season TBD, stay healthy and safe❤️🏼

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  3. On 1/25/2024 at 11:14 AM, Governor said:

    What fans and coaches expect from Josh is just absolutely insane. He’s supposed to kill an entire quarter of clock and instantly throw a TD when McD snaps his fingers, and every week.

    Because he is by FAR the best and most talented QB in the NFL and we all that have witnessed him play here for six years know that.  Trust me Josh Allen is HIM when it comes to QB’s.  It is why I will go to my grave saying he took a dive for the league.  There is absolutely no way I will as a Josh Allen and football fan accept how he played that final drive specifically that 2nd and 9 play.  No way no how.  I know football been watching it for nearly 40 years and most specifically know Josh Allen and that was not him.  No chance in hell.  

  4. On 1/25/2024 at 11:11 AM, Low Positive said:

    Exactly. If Chris Jones doesn't drive Dion into Josh then that is a TD. BTW, he still would have probably missed Diggs underneath for the same reason. The only criticism that I can muster here is that maybe Josh should have slid to his right a bit to get clear of the pressure, but that is really picking nits.

    And why didn’t he?  He was staring to his left so obviously I think even from before the snap lol… Never in my life of watching Josh’s film I’ve seen him stare down a receiver like he did there.   It’s okay because I guess Josh has NO peripheral vision to see Jones pushing Dawkins into his lap😂 Guys wake up!  We’ve been had by these billionaires/millionaires.  They told Josh to take a dive for Swiftie revenue.  I know what my eyes showed me.  That is NOT the Josh Allen we’ve seen play for six years here.  Sorry Roger ain’t buying it. 

  5. 18 minutes ago, boyst said:

    she led to a larger increase in revenue than anyone not named Allen

    This is the reason why my head is all f’ed up thinking Josh took a dive for the league on that final drive.  We know how Josh Allen plays and THAT was not the Allen we know and have watched closely for six years now.  Did he go Hollywood on us before our eyes?  If I didn’t believe the NFL is somewhat rigged at least I would believe how poorly Allen played that entire final drive where he almost throws an INT, fumbles the ball with minimal contact and makes a mess out of the final two plays of the offense.  He’s never played that poorly with more pressure on him when he plays at Arrowhead and all that noise vs the same team.  I still can’t get over that one. 

  6. On 1/22/2024 at 4:00 PM, BeastMaster said:

    Don't care.


    Wanna be a legend and beat Mahomes? Make the throw.


    You are saying it's ok that he missed the touchdown throw to possibly win the game. Fine...just don't claim he had a legendary performance. 


    Legends make that play...excuses are for losers.

    Amen.  I don’t know what is more unbelievable for me that Josh didn’t take the checkdown for a first down or third and short or that he had no peripheral vision on that play because he was looking to his left the whole time and you mean to tell me he couldn’t see Jones pushing Dawkins into him?  Nah man I’ve been watching football for way too long and we know how Josh plays that is NOT the Josh Allen we know.  If I didn’t believe the league is somewhat rigged I would believe what I saw on that play.  I don’t want to think that Josh took a dive for daddy Godell and the Swifties but it’s so hard not to get to that point considering that particular situation and having seen all the footage of the play.

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  7. 2 hours ago, Niagara Dude said:

    I think Allen will be thinking about those last two throws all offseason.  He could have either passed to Diggs over the middle or run and that gives the Bills a first down  or 3rd & 3 or less./. The goal should have always been to get at least one more first down to kill clock before trying to score TD or game typing FG. 


    I really believe the chemistry/trust between Allen & Diggs was not at the same level then it was a few seasons ago or Allen gives that pass the Diggs when he crosses his face .  I believe the chemistry was damaged last year after Cincy game and only got worse with stupid comments/tweets from Diggs's brother.


    As a fan I am really disappointed because the Bills again failed in situational football against this same Chiefs team. 

    What’s even more dissapointing is how Josh didn’t see Dawkins being pushed back by Jones into him I mean Josh was looking left the whole time and he couldn’t pick that up and step around it there was still a decent pocket there.  No peripheral vision.  Everything about that play was so bizarre.  Still can’t get over that one.

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  8. 25 minutes ago, DCOrange said:

    This is why. There was no promise we would score, as evidenced by the fact that we didn't. Taking the lead with 2-5 minutes left (if we hadn't been so focused on milking the clock in the first place) is better than never taking the lead.

    I get that my guy no doubt 100% but not all situations are equal.  We were playing against a team that we kicked off to with 13 seconds left and defeated us.  IDK man I'm still so happy we have JA17 he is the reason we are always in it all I am trying to say is that for my money he was the best QB in the business and now I'm having doubts when I saw that play.

  9. 40 minutes ago, Einstein said:


    I’ll just copy/paste this from my thread…


    Allen had two good options on that play;


    1) Shakir open in the endzone.

    2) Diggs open on the crosser.


    He chose Shakir, who had made several great catches during the game, over Diggs who had 2 drops during the game.


    If Chris Jones didn’t push Dawkins into Allen’s side as he threw it, that would have been Allen’s 4th TD of the game.


    I'll have to look at the end zone replay again but my first impression of the end zone replay was that Shakir was cutting into the hash when Josh made the throw and still not wide open as he is releasing it.  Don't get me wrong though I am as grateful to Josh as one can be and wouldn't trade him for anyone but that is one situation where I'm beginning to doubt my opinion about him that he is the best QB in the game. 

  10. 41 minutes ago, Virgil said:

    Shakir was leading open when he made the decision.   Anyone is taking the 6 in that moment.  He got hit on the throw.  

    Who’s to say the throw to Diggs also wouldn’t have been affected?

    They replayed the view from Josh's view and IMHO Josh made an anticipation throw to him as he wasn't open when he started his throwing motion.  I get take the six whenever you can but in this case you have to consider the opponent and we all knew as fans that whoever had the ball last in this game would win it.  They were only down three and that was already on the table.  Again I love Josh till the end but that play has left me messed up in my head.

  11. I love Josh to death but why would he pass up a wide open Stef underneath, a possible first down to drain more clock to instead try and score a TD leaving 1:50 on the clock against a player that beat the Bills with only 13 seconds left?  The goal was very simple here.   It’s to score a TD with almost no time left especially when only a field goal is all the Bills need to extend the game so it wasn’t like the Bills needed a TD on that down.  I know he doesn’t have a coach that will hold him accountable like Dabol would but we are on year six here where he should already know the situation.  I love Josh we owe all these playoff years to him but I’m so dissapointed that he wouldn’t be able to dissect that situation for what it was.  I can’t put that one on Sean as much as I have wanted him gone for a few years😭😭

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  12. As much as I wanted and still want Sean fired that 2nd and 9 play from Josh where he went for the end zone with over 1:50 still left passing up a WIDE OPEN Diggs underneath that would have milked some more clock and gotten a first down or third and short.  You are playing Mahomes who won a game against you with only 13 seconds left, why in the world are you trying to score with all that time left on the clock?  I'm as confused as I was when Pete Carroll decided to pass and not run Lynch into the end zone.  This one is on Josh as much as I love him and defend him.

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  13. On 1/18/2024 at 11:04 PM, NoHuddleKelly12 said:

    That seems unreal given how Mahomes has played deeper into the playoffs each year, but there it is! We do indeed have something special cooking at QB…

    Mahomes is severely over rated by the media.  Nearly lost SB’s vs career backup Jimmy G, one read RPO Boy and the one time he saw a real QB in a SB he got ran off the field.  In fact it was the easiest of lay ups for TB12 in his seven championships.  It is what it is he does have the rings but I attribute that success to his team and coaches not because he carried them.  

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  14. 2 hours ago, QB Bills said:

    Thought this guy was cool until that nonsense he spewed about Jordan Phillips last month. I'm not even a Phillips fan but Kelce sounded like a total whiner.


    Great player though. If players were stocks, I'd short the hell out of Jalen Hurts next season. 

    He can stick to making podcasts now. 

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