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Posts posted by MrJaimie

  1. They have all the right to be arrogant and be complete !@#$s.  If we had a track record of two SBs in the last three years, we'd probably be that arrogant as well. 


    Funny thing is, the Pats will receive NO pity from NFL fans when they crash back to Earth...they are truly overtaking the Cowboys fans in the 90s as the most obnoxious fans ever.  And look at how much sympathy the Cowboys get these days.  Just grin and bear it.



    Uhm, no. They were classless before the SB years. Trust me, I lived in that area for 3 years.

  2. I'd say Prisco's rip on Bills fans was deserved.  Who the hell are these dorks e-mailing  in their gripes about his imaginary rankings?  Get a grip, the NFL has nothing to do with  "rank", it's about earned position.  Right now, the Bills are looking in from outside of the playoff picture, their earned position is "out of the money".



    Just like those people that respond to posts on a message board complaining about people complaining about rankings?


    A bit hypocritical, don't you think?

  3. Actually, he is not an idiot at all.  He picks the Jets and Denver to win in close games.  So his prediction is--say--that the chances of the Jets and Denver each winning is 60%.  That being the case, multiplying those probabilites together, he believes it is 36% likely that BOTH the Jets and Broncos will win, or that there is a 64% chance the Bills will get the help they need.


    Myself, I think the Jets have about a 60% chance of winning, and the Broncos 70%.  That means there is a 42% chance that both will win, or a 58% chance to get the help they need...CD



    Damn you! How can fans go on a crusade when you use this mysterious phenomena called Logic!



  4. The Bills couldn't run against the Bengals when they had the safeties up, but at the same time, Mularkey wasn't trying to strectch the field with a 2 TD lead.



    I think this needs to be emphasized. For all the criticism about the Cincinatti game, there was NO reason to do anything fancy. The Bills went conservative, relying on our D and STs. The one time we tried something fancy-- the flea flicker-- it worked to perfection. The Bengals also came to play that day. They weren't going to roll-over. You need to give them credit for playing hard.

  5. I am going to remember this one - If Clayton gets this wrong


    The reason I posted this with the "Contrary to earlier reports..."


    Dungy stated yesterday and this morning - and several players (including Manning last night at halftime) said the same - that the Colts would play this game to win with all their starters going for the entire game. The only addendum was "If we have a huge lead we may sit some players"


    That is not at all what Clayton is reporting.


    We shall see.





    Dungy's a class act. I don't see him lying so blatantly.

  6. pretty worried.


    I think the Rams are our best shot.  But damn, they looked flat last night.  How the hell can you look flat when you are at home, on MNF, fighting for a playoff spot?  And quite frankly, they looked pretty awful.  So much talent on that team, but yet, look pretty weak! 


    Anyone think it can happen?  I don't think the Colts will show in Denver, so this SL game is our chance I think!


    Make your case here for the Rams, and as always.....


    MORE COWBELL for the Rams!



    If they run the ball, like they can and should, they have a good chance to beat the Jets. If the Jets have to focus on stopping the run, imagine what that will do for Bruce and Holt. Although the Rams did look flat, the first series was against Philly's 1st team D, and shoved the ball down their throats.

  7. Smart ones would.  :o





    Jesus christ, are you still spouting off on a Bills message board about a Colts player in order to defend Mr. Ass-Pass from the Patriots? What the hell is wrong with you? Go to your own board and do this crap. Right now, you act like a guy defending his tiny, stubby penis in front of the world. We don't want to hear about your tiny pe--, er, Tom Brady.


    Or as my friends from Boston use to say, "Dude, what the F***?!?!?"

  8. I believe its 10-2.


    Payton says he wants to play citing the Bills vs. Indy game in '00.

    and so does Dungy


    Things are lookin up.







    Personally, I think he's using it as an excuse to rack up his TD total.


    But I'm not complaining! :blink:

  9. If there is one thing I wish people would understand here, it's this....Negativity and Objectivity are TWO DIFFERENT things.



    Right. You're objective. In fact, according to your post on Billszone, only you and Mark Weiler "get it", and we all know Mark uses the term "Humpty" as part of his objectivity.



  10. And they should be.


    Considering everyone is making the same arguement about the Falcons in the NFC.


    An 11-3 team is an 11-3 team. We are 8-6. And don't give me the BS "it'd be different if we played in the NFC." Then you'd be assuming we would have finished with the same record over the last few years so we would have had the same draft picks. Which isn't true. You can't change one thing in the grand scheme of things and assume everthing will remain the same.


    The Bills are an 8-6 team. Period.

    The Pats are a 12-2 team. Period.

    The Falcons are a 11-3 team. Period.



    The thing is, though, we haven't barely beat these teams. We trounced them. The only that could even be considered close was the Miami game, and we all know how they played against NE.


    I could see these arguments if we were squeaking by. That's just not the case.

  11. The throw to McGahee was right on target? 


    Obviously you’ve never played football before.  McGahee had to stop and then try to make a move.  If Bledsoe hits him in stride it’s a TD.


    5 – 0


    5 – 0  (with smoke and mirrors)



    You're an ass, and a moronic one to boot, and will be on my ignore list. I doubt you're a Bills fan. But yes, I have played football... I've also played rugby. I have two blown knees and plenty of scars to prove it.


    McGahee was not suppose to be running in stride. He was an outlet target. Unless it's a designed play, most running backs running to the flat aren't hit in stride. They need to stay around until the last moment. What good is an outlet receiver if he's not there because he took off too early??


    Jesus christ, learn some fundamentals.

  12. Does anyone disagree with me when I say Bledsoe sucks?  He constantly under throws his backs and receivers.  McGahee’s injury is a direct result of a terribly under thrown ball by Bledsoe! 


    Review the tapes and count how many times Bledsoe has been short or behind the intended receiver. 


    Hindsight being 20/20, the last five games would have been an excellent opportunity to get J.P. some real game experience by starting him.  I highly doubt he would have had worse numbers than Drew Barymore errr Bledsoe.



    I disagree with you on Bledsoe. He's playing the game conversately because there has been no reason in the last couple games to open it up. The few times they did try something big, like the flea-flicker, it worked. They can and will make big plays when they need to. Want to see what happens when you get cute when you have the lead? Ask Tom Brady.


    And I totally disagree about the McGahee throw. The ball was right on target. WM was looking to run with the ball and planted his foot incorrectly.


    You want to see a throw that caused a running back to get hurt? Go back to when Flutie threw that who's-your-buddy duck to Thurman that ended up having him knocked out for most of the season.


    Do me a favor and go sulk with Ice, Marky Mark Weiler, Jerry Sullivan, and all the rest of the idiots out there.


    5 and 0, dipshit.


    5 and 0.

  13. C’mon!  Does anyone really think the Bills are that good?  I mean we’ve been winning with smoke & mirrors against lousy teams for the last six weeks.


    Bledsoe sucks, McGahee and Henry are damaged goods, we don’t have one quality tight end and the defense and special teams units can’t possible continue to play the way they have been.


    I don’t want to ruin anyone’s Christmas but stick a fork in Buffalo’s playoff hopes because they are done!



    :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

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