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Posts posted by IowaBill

  1. Will the Bills get anything for selling the naming rights to the stadium? They don't own it, I thought Erie County owns it?


    The way Buffalo can do more to make money is to bring in more corporate sponsorships, charge more for tickets to a game, and get more luxury boxes (which they probably don't have the fan base to support). Buffalos economy is what determines if the Bills are small market or not and with the economy not booming like other places, they don't have the resources.



    While ErieCounty owns the stadium, I believe the Bills own the naming rights.

  2. See, I think it's just the opposite... I think you should stay (assuming you want to), and help clean up the mess that's been made.  I love Western New York, and want to see something resembling good times again.  If everyone leaves, there is no chance of that happening. We need people to stay.


    It's mostly a question of perspective. WNY and upstate NY may need to people to stay, but do thjose people need to stay in WNY and upstate. Like many people my age, I bailed on WNY about 15 years ago. I don't regret the move at all. I may miss the area at times, but I know leaving was the right thing to do.

  3. I am interested in people's careers and how they got there. Part of this probably comes from some unhappiness of where I am now.


    Asst. VP of Strategic Planning at a hospital. Currently overseeing the design, construction, and development of a cardiac treatment center. Best of all, it is the US Virgin Islands, America's Caribbean Paradise !

  4. I saw him on there one morning several weeks ago and didn't realize it was him. I thought it looked like him, but wasn't sure.


    I was impressed with his ability to be more than just a talking head or a jock celebrity getting some face time. He appeared to be well-versed in issues concerning the middle east and an overall good conversationalist, and someone who can hold his own conversing with seasoned reporters. He was exceptionally at ease and had the poise and manner of someone who'd been a regular on that type of show for years.



    While I have never met either TB or his twin brother, I did work on some projects with their mother in Virginia some years back. Extremely sharp, and tough lady, it is no surprise her sons are well spoken and project very positive images.

  5. Sorry, I wasn't just excellent at sports but academically as well. I look back on my accomplishments on the fiield with pride but I made something of myself. I am a member of the Buffalo Yact Club and work at a top local firm. I have brains as well as brawn



    Why do think this particular posting is going to open another set of floodgates? Pretty stupid move for a guy that has "made something (god knows what) of himself and is a memebr of the Buffalo "Yact" Club.

  6. Sorry to post a big fat LAMP during such an important week.  I was wondering if any posters here were from Nashville or the surrounding area and furthermore, what would they suggest to do or where to go while in Nashville.  Im traveling there next week during spring break with my girlfriend to visit her brother and his wife.  We've already decided to go to the Nashville Zoo, visit bicentennial park and a few other things while we're there. 


    ALso been considering the 70 mile trip to lynchburg to see the Jack Daniel's distillery.  Does anyone know if it's worth it?  what other fun things are there to do?  What are good places to eat?


    Im not a huge country music fan but ive been told to at least visit opryland while there, also is there any good places in town to catch either live blues or live standup comedy?  I can't wait to leave the bleak march weather of western new york behind for a week and venture into the red states.  It should be a fun adventure.  Thank you to all who respond because this is the first time ive ever driven on a long trip with minimal plans.



    Don't know if this would interest you or not, but about 50 miles to the north is Bowling Green, KY. That is where GM builds Corvettes and the National Corvette Museum is there, they give plant tours as well. There are not many automobiles made in America that are considered "world class", but the Corvette may be one of the few.

  7. Come on Ed don't be bullied.  Stick up for yourself.  Use your ammonia anti-dog gun.    :D


    Yeah, Ed, don't be bullied (given the subject of this thread), hit back with one of your incredibly well thought out "zingers", like "I think we should turn Iraq into glass by bombing them", or perhaps something like "I am a terrible human being", or something else that shows the wit and maturity of recent Rutgers grad with a degree in psychology. (whoooo!)

  8. Any1 up for trading Moulds for Owens?


    I don't believe we have to trade anyone for Owens as he isnot under contract to any team at this moment. Do we want to trade our "issues" with Moulds for a new bunch of "isues" with Owens??? Probably not, but then again who knows waht Levy / Jauron want.

  9. Not me, It would be just about impossible to get me to shake my apathy. You would be hard pressed to find someone more apathetic than me in so far as local issues go.


    Really. I truly don't care, and I can't think of anything that would make me.



    I realized years ago that not everyone does care. Most communities survive, some for the better, some not so much. Oh well.

  10. Just because you could care less about the local politics of the community because it doesn't affect you, as they said, doesn't mean you cannot or do not affect it. I could care less what happens in my little LA community, both the broad city and the small section of town that I live in. And yet I almost always buy from the local merchants rather than chains, attend and support local street fairs and community events, volunteer for the Big Brother program and other local things, am helpful and friendly to my neighbors, etc. Its politics don't interest me much. I am more concerned with the Buffalo politics where I grew up.


    I think you and I are more in agreement than you think. I am not saying that you need to be involved in local politics, but people should be engaged at some level locally. Volunteering for community organizations such as BB/BS is a good way for hat to happen. I just think people need to take an interest in what is happening in their own back yard more. If they did, we might find there would be fewer problems on a national scale. You can't pretend that what happens locally has no affect on your quality of life.

  11. Speaking for myself, I don't, because I don't care. I have no reaction nor interest in anything going on in the community, mostly because none of it affects me.



    That's a somewhat disappointing response fom both you and CTM because I value your opinions here on PPP (and occasionally on TSW!!). The idea that what happens in your local community doesn't affect you is somewhat short sighted. A quick example; over the years I have been recruited to move to a number of medium to large cities across the US in the line of work I do (or did, actually). One of the first questions I would have for a the group recruiting me was whether or not the most recent school bond was passed either by the general public, or by whatever issuing authority that controlled the bond issuing process. I don't have any children. My reasoning was to help me determine what sort of interest there was locally for making an investment in the community, by the community. I have lived in too many places where the people just didn't care enough to make an investment, either in time, money, or effort. Those communities tended to have a lower quality of life, and they also made my job much more difficult. Things that happen in your community do affect you, whether you do or don't have kids, pay property taxes or not own property, own a business or commute outsoide to another community to work. To think otherwise is putting your head in the sand.

  12. Nancy Sinatra,  " These Boots were Made for Walking "

    You keep saying you've got something for me.

    something you call love, but confess.

    You've been messin' where you shouldn't have been a messin'

    and now someone else is gettin' all your best.


    These boots are made for walking, and that's just what they'll do

    one of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you.


    You keep lying, when you oughta be truthin'

    and you keep losin' when you oughta not bet.

    You keep samin' when you oughta be changin'.

    Now what's right is right, but you ain't been right yet.


    These boots are made for walking, and that's just what they'll do

    one of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you.


    You keep playin' where you shouldn't be playin

    and you keep thinkin' that you´ll never get burnt.


    I just found me a brand new box of matches yeah

    and what he know you ain't HAD time to learn.


    These boots are made for walking, and that's just what they'll do

    one of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you.


    Are you ready boots? Start walkin'!



    I believe Nancy Sinatra had another top 20 record as a duet with her father with "Somethin' Stupid"

  13. And here I was going to point out that, in agreeing with a severely mentally retarded toker or calling someone a severely mentally retarded toker that you agree with, either way you were an idiot. 


    But "jerk" was so much more concise.  :pirate:



    Maybe all people are "jerks" instead of "stupid". I am not sure if that is all that more concise, however. ;)

  14. Came here at first because I got info from another board that this was a good place to get the low down on the Bills.  PPP caught my eye and I stayed purely because I was amazed at the dynamics of it all.  Fresh ideas? Some, maybe.  But 99 percent self serving crap, mostly.  God, I need a life.  Lets hope our leaders get better information than what is here.  Or we are doomed.



    It's like the car wreck video posted on the Off the Wall forum, hard to take your eyes off it, even though it appeals to your basest interests.

  15. You are right, they are an older organization.  Funny -- I was a Southern Christian for 2 years and never knew there was a leadership conference I could attend. 

    I cannot think of a single funeral for a Republican political figure where a Democrat president was directly and repeatedly confronted.  Ronald Reagan's funeral was handled extremely tactfully by Republican figures but not by his partisan Democrat son.  Richard Nixon's funeral contained no criticism of Bill Clinton.  I guess I'm just scratching my head looking for a single example of Republicans using funerals in such a way.  Link please?



    I can't think of one either, so kudos to you for calling me out on that. I guess my gripe is more with politicians than it is with any one party, I am inclined to think there have been cases when a Republican has used a funeral for political gain, but as you say, one does not come quickly to mind.


    Overall, I find it pretty offensive when a funeral is used for anything but a celebration of the life of the deceased. I think the grieving of family and friends should be a private thing, not something that should be put on display for all to see, and ceratainly not something for self important fools to take advantage of.


    I suppose it could be said that the politicos that were there and invited to speak, did so at the behest of those planning the funeral. One would imagine that was the family of Ms. King. Given the way her children have handled the situation surrounding the MLK Center in Atlanta, it is not surprising the funeral was a bit of a circus.

  16. Once again, the ill-informed Right attempts to form an argument devoid of fact.  Plan B prevents pregnancy.  It does not end an already established pregnancy.


    Mayo Clinic


    Are you aware that Planned Parenthood clinics also provide such hideous procedures such as breast exams, cervical exams, STD testing, and one right up your alley, vasectomies?  Of course you didn't, because the Right neglects to show that these clinics are not the "abortion factories" they make them out to be, but are in fact valuable healthcare facilities to the community.


    The signs that anti-choice protesters display while harrassing clinics are not for informative purposes, but are instead extremely misleading for one reason only; shock value.  They typically show late-term abortions which are extremely rare, and almost always performed to save the life of the woman.

    emedicine link


    But, this argument isn't about pro-choice or abortion, even though the Right would like to frame it as such.  It is about having easy access to an emergency medication.



    In addition to those medical services mentioned, PP also provides low cost pre natal and post natal care to a population that is at extremely high risk. Most child development specialists will tell you that one of the easiest ways to ensure a productive citizen is to make sure a child is raised propoerly oin the first several years of its life. You don't want your tax dollars paying for numerous generations of welfare, prions, specila eductaion, etc, etc,. Make the best investment you can, increase funding to places like planned parenthood that intervene almost before the problems occur. Many women / girls from lower socio economic calsses have no other place to go for child raising assistance other than a Planned Parenthood clinic, but in my best PPP tradition..........lets go and ahead and keep our head in the sand and pretend that PP runs nothing abortion mills because that is what our leaders tell us.

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