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Posts posted by rocketbills

  1. Wow, this is what is considered funny and clever?


    It is just sad what has happened at Two Bills Drive.



    Lighten up man, I was only trying to make light of the situation and have a few laughs. If this is too 'childish' for you I hear CNN has a good article on how to live a dull life by watching PBS specials and eating corn flakes every morning for kicks.....

  2. A buddy of mine find an article on espn.com and this is what he copied and pasted to me this evening:


    "The Patriots, for example, play one of the 10 easiest schedules in NFL history, a .387 magic-carpet ride that should allow them to win at least 14 games in 2008."


    HAHA! And some of you actually think those of us complaining about the schedule are just full of hot air? I'll tell you what REALLY happened.......


    when the schedule came out brady did his litlte magic limp wrist wave and a few 'doo doo doo doo doo's' and the schedule magically changed into that cream puff schedule and then they all had a pillow fight over at kraff's house and bellacheat's wife rented some disney movies for them and they call ate air fluffed popcorn and then were promptly tucked into the same queen sized bed by ole grandmother brushi who told all the boys to keep the noise down because she doens't want ole teddy 'strokin' out again!



  3. Guys, the Ravens defense is the best. :lol:

    hands down your are right. and i am big on jp and i think he'll be solid for a long time. it's just the kind of picks he threw today with the game in balance that makes me scratch my head and wonder to myself what he is thinking....

  4. sorry. i tried to post and it didn't send. i just wanted to say that you are right. we are all bills fans and you wear your heart on your sleeve just like i do. i'm sorry for turning your post into a joke. losing sucks. hopefully we will win this one. go bills!

  5. you just said "i hope they lose with heart" as though it somehow makes this, or any of the past 16 games of sucking any better. it doesn't. it sucks to lose, it sucks to get so slowly strangled today, the way are. obviously losingt a super bowl is worse, but "losing with heart" still sucks donkey cokc and and it is far too easily accepted by a lot of bills fans imo.


    seven years and no playoffs will do that to you i guess.


    i don't give a flying !@#$ whether the ravens are 15-0...the margin of talent in the nfl is narrow enough that losing should never be accepted.


    as i type this evans just scores, which is awesome...so now it is close. but when this defense crumbles to snatch defeat fro the jaws of victory an hour from now, don't come on here telling me "at least we lost with heart." buullshit.


    hey man. i didn't mean to start anything. i feel you. we are all bills fans. we wear our hearts on our sleeves. i'm sorry for trying to turn your post into a joke. hopefully we will pull this one out and next year we will continue to learn how to win and more wins will come. go bills!!!!

  6. just my opinion: you can't polish a turd.


    you actually could polish a turn if it was hard or freeze dried. it would be quite easy to do i would imagine. thats just my opinion as well, but i'm pretty sure if you tried it, it would then change from my opinion to fact. so seriously dude, do you really think this loss will hurt as bad as one of our superbowl loses?? i'm just curious.....

  7. too many people here tolerate losing. every loss sucks and is depressing.

    who said anything about tolerating a loss?? and yes, every loss does suck. but if you can sit there and tell me that losing a game with no playoff implications in week 17 hurts as bad as losing the superbowl, you are major issues to deal with...just my opinion though......

  8. hopefully the bills will open it up in the second half realizing they have nothing to lose. cinnci was able to torch this D earlier in the season so i know it can be done. a few long connections to lee or price would help out a lot. i still believe we can pull this one out. this IS our playoff game. show some heart boys. go bills!!!


    hahah. you are right, he did say that he is the best back last year. but this year he said that LT is by far the best and he ate a big ole slice of humble pie. everyone has the right to sitck their foot in their mouth. at least he admitted this season that he is not the best.

  9. McGahee should be pretty damn fresh for the 2nd half.


    This play calling is beyond boring....I feel like I'm watching the Jets or some god-awful crap like that.

    hopefully the bills will open it up in the second half realizing they have nothing to lose. cinnci was able to torch this D earlier in the season so i know it can be done. a few long connections to lee or price would help out a lot. i still believe we can pull this one out. this IS our playoff game. show some heart boys. go bills!!!

  10. willis "give me the money" mcgahee with a stellar half..how sad is it he's going to have to stuggle to reach a measly 1000 yards on the season? just pathetic

    i dont think willis will ever be a top franchise back like LT or larry johnson. however, you have to keep in mind that he missed several games this season too and has played the last 4 or 5 games banged up as hell. and running against this D is like running into a brick wall. if he gets just 40 yards in the 2nd half, i'll be impressed....

  11. Go for it.
    i agree. they have nothing to lose so you go for it. but i'll be honest, against THIS defence, i dont think they will do well in a long down and distance situation. this is the best D i have seen all season long. screw chicago. this d is just plain scary!
  12. your post is spot on! good call man. resign nate and upgrade the D line. and on the other side of the ball, sign ONE big wr so we will have a red zone target finally. and then next year look at bringing in youth at the linebacker position..

  13. guess the D is having a tough time getting off the field then. Without much of a pass rush(consistant pass rush) this team will not be a playoff team next year either i am afraid......and i thought i would throw this in as well, i really really reallyhope we resign clements too. pony up the cash, it will be well worth it!!

  14. can someone please help me out here? i have a buddy of mine who is a huge steelers fan and we were talking today about the odds/chances of the bills and steelers shocking the nfl with both teams making the playoffs. is this a possibility at all? if anyone can give me the math/scenarios for this to happen, i would be very appreciative...and impressed!!


    go bills!!!!

  15. first year as the full time starter. i'm not even gonna count last season. he was pulled far too early and then jerked in and out of two games. poor coaching really stunted his growth, but this year he has really turned things around. i'm proud of him and i think the sky is the limit for JP. he will still be up and down learning this new O and he is not perfect, but he will get better and i think his guts and moxy are gonna carry him a long ways. go bills!!!

  16. eat a dic@K you negative nancy!!! the bills are gonna roll all over houston this weeknd and you will be back here speaking the same "the sky is falling' BS you have been screaming the entire season. you must be the weakest, most pitiful bills fan that ever existed! you must absolutly hate life right now. in a way i think its really quite funny! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!


    GO BILLS!!!!!

  17. what is your point?? yes they are paid professionals.....but how many times each season, wether it be professional or college football, do we see multiple, sometimes as many as 10+ head coaches get fired??? just because you are paid to do soemthing, does not make you good at what you are paid to do. i think the coaching thus far, at least on the O. side of the ball, has been decent but i would like to see things changed a bit. also,i never claimed to be a paid professional. so i ask you, what is your point? did you bring anything to the table?? thanks for your post, but i don't think you accomplished anything. would you like to try again?

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