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Posts posted by buriziha

  1. to forbid citizens to have weapons is unlikely anyone will succeed. too many contradictions - rooted traditions, culture, criminal groups, civil rights, a diverse country ... this tangle is very difficult to unravel


    "All done," Gina said as she stepped back into the living room, noting that during her brief absence Kellie had put away the folding tables and moved their glasses and the nearly empty bottle to the coffee table.

    She joined Kellie on the couch, curling up on the far end of it as she picked up her glass and drained the last of its contents. A smile filled her face as she put it back on the table.

    "Do you think we should open another bottle?" Kellie asked as she poured the last few ounces into her own glass.

    "Well, it's not like we're going anywhere," Gina offered, glancing in the direction of the window where it was still coming down.

    "That's true," Kellie agreed as she rose from the couch and stepped back into the kitchen area, emerging with another bottle less than a minute later.
    She'd just placed it next to the first one on the table when the sound of the doorbell filled the air. A look of annoyance flashed across Kellie's face as she looked up at the clock on the opposite wall. It was nearly nine o'clock, a bit late for uninvited visitors.

    Moving to the door, Kellie bent slightly to look through the peephole, then paused a long breath before reaching for the double lock to her right. In that brief interval, Gina noted a momentary frown on the tall woman's face and, while she was sure it was just her imagination, it looked to her that Kellie was considering whether the caller might just go away if she didn't answer.

    "Oh good, you are home," a thirty something woman with curly, strawberry blonde hair, wearing a green dress, said as, once the door was open, she stepped right past Kellie without waiting for an invitation. "I did call first, but all I got was your answering machine."

    "I must've forgotten to turn the ringer back on," Kellie said, not an uncommon occurrence since she normally left that and the speaker off when not home.

    "No matter," the woman, who Gina now saw was carrying her own wine bottle in her hand, continued, "I was afraid that you were still stuck at your office and I'd have to ride out this dreary storm all by my......"

    She paused in mid-word as she noticed Gina sitting on the couch. An observation that caused her demeanor to abruptly change.

    "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize that you already had company," she said, her tone now a bit less forward.

    "Dorothy, I'd like you to meet Gina Giordano," Kellie said as she motioned in the direction of the couch with her outstretched hand. "Gina and I work together at Casella and North."

    Dorothy took another, longer look at the younger woman on the couch, noting at the same time the open bottles of wine on the coffee table.

    "Gina, this is Dorothy Freeberg, my neighbor from down the hall," Kellie said to continue the introduction.

    "A pleasure to meet you, Gina," Dorothy finally said, a hesitant smile leaving the validity of her sentiment in doubt.

    "It's nice to meet you as well," Gina said, her smile more genuine.

    "Gina got waylaid by the storm, so I offered her a safe haven for the night," Kellie added, repeating what she had told the doorman earlier.

    "Oh, I see," Dorothy said, glancing at the bottle in her hand.

    "Was that for me?" Kellie asked, recalling that Dorothy actually owed her several bottles.

    "It was going to be," Dorothy replied, " I had thought we might share it, but now I think I'll just take it back home with me."

    "Suit yourself," Kellie said, a slight annoyance flashing across her face as her neighbor made no effort to do so.

    "Was there something you needed, Dorothy?" Kellie asked, drawing the curly haired blonde's attention back to her.

    "No," she said, turning her gaze in the direction of the couch and the young woman sitting there.

    "Fine, I'll talk to you tomorrow then, and..." Kellie said, making it clear that she wasn't going to ask her neighbor to stay.

    "Actually, now that I think of it, there is something that I need," Dorothy interrupted. "The batteries on my ... my remote died on me last night and I was wondering if you might have a couple that you could spare.

    "Your remote?" Kellie repeated.
    "Yeah, you know I like to turn down the volume when the commercials come on," she added. "My favorite show is on later and I really don't enjoy it as much if I have to listen to them."

    "Alright," Kellie said, agreeing to anything that would send her on her way, "I should have some batteries in the kitchen drawer. What do you need, AA or 9 Volt?"

    "Actually, I need a couple of C batteries," Dorothy replied, her voice dropping so that only Kellie could hear her.

    That confused Kellie for a moment; then she realized that it wasn't the TV remote that Dorothy needed fresh batteries for. There weren't many things that used that size battery, but knowing Dorothy, it wasn't hard to guess which of those she needed them for.

    "I think I have some," Kellie said. "Will two be enough?"

    "Two will definitely get the job done," Dorothy said with a broad smile.

    As Kellie excused herself for a moment to get the batteries, Dorothy turned her attention again to Gina, this time not bothering to hide her resentment, causing the younger woman to wonder what she could have done to incur it.

    "Here you go," Kellie said as she came out of the kitchen and handed an unopened package to Dorothy, adding in a lower voice, "Enjoy ... enjoy your program."

    "Thank you," Dorothy replied, "and you have a good evening too." she added, again with a noticeable lack of sincerity.

    With that, she stepped through the door which Kellie had opened and out into the hallway.

    Kellie took a deep breath once she'd closed the door, then turned back to rejoin Gina.


    "Now, you wanted to watch a movie, right?" Kellie asked as she settled down on the empty side of the couch.

    "Your neighbor seems nice," Gina said, opting to ignore the negative reaction she'd displayed toward her. "Have the two of you known each other long?"

    "About five years," Kellie answered, "Dorothy already lived in the building when I moved in."

    "I got the impression that she was hoping to be asked to stay," Gina noted. "I really wouldn't have minded if she had."

    "Oh, trust me, ten minutes from now, you would have," Kellie replied. "Dorothy is really a dear, and she can be a lot of fun, but she also likes to be the center of attention. Once she got to talking, you'd have never gotten a word in edgewise."

    "I guess you know best," Gina conceded.

    "Besides, despite the circumstances, I was hoping tonight would be a chance for you and me to become better friends," Kellie added.

    "I'd like that," Gina replied, realizing that she was actually happy at how the night had turned out.

    "But before we put on a movie, why don't we get ready for bed first?" Kellie suggested. "That way we get good and comfortable while we watch it."

    "That's a good idea," Gina agreed, "but I don't even have so much as a spare toothbrush in my bag."

    "Not a problem," Kellie replied with a warm smile. "If you look in the cabinet under the bathroom sink, you'll find an extra toothbrush, plus, if you give me a few minutes, I think I have something you can wear to bed."

    "Fantastic," Gina smiled.

    Gina waited a few moments as Kellie headed for the bedroom, then turned in the direction of the bathroom. Sure enough, there on the bottom shelf was a tall ceramic cup filled with a couple of individually wrapped toothbrushes, each with a tiny travel sized tube of Crest. Right next to them was a small stack of paper Dixie cups, each also covered in plastic. As she ripped one open and began to brush her teeth, Gina wondered how often Kellie had unexpected overnight guests, that she felt the need to store little kits like these for.

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