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Reneth Gilne

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Posts posted by Reneth Gilne

  1. On 7/10/2020 at 4:48 PM, Nelius said:

    The dude with the long, patriotic screed about World War II doesn't seem to realize that everybody needs to fully agree with him for even the attempt to work, and even then players are still going to get and spread a very serious disease. If 25% of your players aren't comfortable playing, and another 10-20+% test positive throughout the season, it's not going to be football as you know it, so why even chance it? The ship has already sailed on manning up for your country or whatever, just look at the Brooklyn Nets and what their roster consists of right now.

    Is screed a word? Also do we have to "agree" to go about business as usual?   Go out and live life...how is that hard to agree to? So 99.99 percent survival rate is " very serious"? Do you know the meaning of serious? Seriously? Ask sj about this  since you sound like a moron. Oh and " manning up for the country or whatever" im sure something youd never do....coward.  Just sit there virtue signaling from your basement. Dork.

  2. 12 hours ago, DefenseWins said:

    I wonder how many coaches and or players (OL in particular) will wind up on ventilators or just plain DEAD . This is a PANDEMIC we are faced with - NOT the effin common cold! We are all football fans but cmon these players are HUMAN BEINGS. Just because they play professional sports does not make them (or any of us for that matter) invincible....

    Great points like how they are HUMAN BEINGS!    I did not know that.

    And that they arent invincible....like how every year athletes die....to overdose...car accidents...shootings...cte suicide. We should wait 5 years for football since slowly protecting everyone from germs has slowed the natural immunity we could have all had by now if we had just acted normal. Better to hide for 5 years in our homes....but its ok to go to home depot and use Tinder according to Dr Fauchi.


    We should also take away there choice to play....they should all play or all get locked out....why let these healthy 20 year olds choose to earn their millions? Can you please choose for them?  Can you please keep educating us regarding this GLOBAL PANDEMIC that kills 85 year olds in nursing homes like nobody's business?


  3. On 7/28/2020 at 9:07 AM, NewEra said:

    It’s one comment in one thread on one bills message board.  Stop thinking it’s more than it is.  

    yes.  I hope there’s a season.  I’m praying that they can somehow make this happen.  Seeing that the Marlins now have 18 positive tests (among other things), in a non contact sport makes me think that this is very unlikely to work.  

    sorry I’m not as positive as you and others.  Use the ignore function if I’m draining your soul 

    Its just one more dork trying to sound "right" about not having a season so they can say "i told you so" meanwhile a positive test means nothing more than they are now immune. How many are actually sick? Do you know? No you dont...and probably none. Saying the "world wide pandemic" makes you sound legit until you accept its only a problem if you live in a nursing home or are obese and diabetic or 85.  Ie normal high risk individuals to any flu.   


    "Look mommy- i told the board theyd cancel the season"

    • Haha (+1) 1
  4. 4 hours ago, Nextmanup said:

    May not be any NFL football of any type.


    We'll hit 4,000,000 Covid19 cases in USA by end of July alone, and this thing is just getting revved up now.



    ok and? any number multiplied by .05 gets pretty small and insignificant.  Or if your talking deaths and not just symptoms you can use .03...or even .01 if your talking about people under 40 like the players who mostly all are. So for a risk that means 99.99% of infections will result in no deaths or even  symptoms  we should cancel the season?


    If I had a spray that killed 99.99 percent of covid virus youd buy it. But if it only killed .01% of germs would you call it effective?  Thats what coronas effectivity is, so why is it considered dangerous and fearsome?  I would say there is a higher probability of dying while driving after 2am on any given night.  Every year it seems a player dies in some accident of some kind, should all players be banned from driving or going out after 2AM?  We live with risk always.


    Why not let players decide.  Do you really think that any of them want to give up millions this year to hide from something that could maybe possibly give them some flu symptoms?  They've been taking PEDs for years which shorten their life spans and have risked CTE as well for the chance to be millionaires and enjoy life.  Why are cases so important?  If a few deaths result from the thousands of cases, then so be it, thats life, illness has always existed and this isnt worse than many that came before and killed nearly all whom it infected ie. Ebola, the plague etc. Even aids had a higher death rate in the beginning, much higher.  What did the NBA do with that?  I dont remember a season being canceled for that.


    Cases are like suspects, a murder could have hundreds of suspects, but in the end if 1 person is convicted and 1 person was murdered, thats the number that matters, 1!  these cases can be false positives, or even better many positives could mean many people with immunity and a quicker end to the virus.  If your all waiting for an end to the virus it wont be this year or next and at this rate.  With lockdowns it could slow the spread and keep it around for several years before it peters out.  Are you going to keep counting your "cases" for the next 7 years or is it time to go on with our lives?


    I mean how did we ever win world war II with this attitude?  Where we sent our youth to their highly probable deaths to protect our way of life.  Meanwhile, today we take away our way of life and our once healthy economy from our youth to protect who exactly? .01% of the population?  A group of people who more or less got to live a full healthy life in a prosperous America?  Why is this so backwards?  I mean if the virus killed 99.99% of victims and .01% survived Id understand the other sides argument.  But it isnt 99.99 vs .01  its the other way around , and that number couldnt be anymore lopsided or unsubstantiating for the argument of having lockdowns or canceling the season this year.


    Go Bills!  Seriously, Go out and play!  Bills.

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. On 6/15/2020 at 9:21 AM, Cal said:

    Per NFL.com


    Need to call off the 2020 season imo. You can't socially distance in a team sport like football. Its inevitable that players will continue to test positive.

    In other news a car got in a car accident...no one was hurt....need to cancel driving nationwide.


    Also the regular flu caused someone to sneeze, need to cancel all outdoor activities including breathing.


    Also someone posted something assinine....need to close the forum for the year. 


    Just totally rediculous.   Thanks

    • Like (+1) 1
    • Haha (+1) 1
  6. On 6/12/2020 at 7:04 AM, BigPappy said:

     Don't you think calling Trent a coward and a fraud is a little harsh? He stood in there and took hits and often right up until he took that last one that changed him for ever. He was never going to be great but he could have been pretty decent if not for that nasty hit he took. I never played Football except for with friends and I don't know what your history of playing the game is, but unless you have been in his shoes.... take those beatings.... it's a bit unfair of you or anyone to judge him as a coward or a fraud.  

    taking hits isnt why he is a fraud, it was how he pretended to make reads downfield and never threw it there. The game he finally got benched was the one where TO called him out for this to the coach after Jauron was fired. Fitz came in and it was a whole new ball game.  He came back in when Chan took over and lasted 2 games before getting cut after throwing the ball over his head out of bounds to avoid the hit.  It was fourth and long, game on the line vs GB, he should have thrown it, pure cowardice. Like Ortons slide it was selfish and lost the game on that play.  


    The "Hit" has long been debated here mainly because his best game ever as a bill came the following weekend.  Ala Rob johnson who openly admitted holding on to the ball to raise his qb rating since sacks didnt count as much as incompletions, trent learned that marshawn and fred could score on any given throw and just kept doing that ad nauseum.  Once defenses keyed this were were impotent.  Everyone and there mother screamed for long balls and called him captain checkdown, so what did Trent do?  He threw more checkdowns, in fact he plain refused to throw deep.  If it was the concussion or not, a deep throw isnt exactly brain surgery, in fact its easy, alot of dumb qb's (bradshaw, rob johnson, others...) get away by throwing over the top, no read necessary, just chuck it.  Ill also offer that trents "break out" game was against the redskins, he lead us to a comeback win, problem was to this day I swear he overthrew robert royal and Reed lucked into it.  On replay you can see he lets it go on a curl route and over throws him and the other guys whos double covered just gets it right in his bread basket.  It was the only throw trent ever made like this,  a long ball in stride to a covered wr.  It was because it was a lucky mistake.  Had trent admitted this, or thrown deep in his last 10 games or stopped looking in the monitors to fix his hair in post game pressers, or had those shifty darting eyes that never looked anyone square in the face, or made it on another team after leaving the bills and had success id have given him a pass.  But instead he just faked being a real nfl qb for as long as possible and wasted valuable time pretending to be a viable starter.   


    I get you might not have seen it this way but I loathed him and for multiple reasons, and a concussion doesnt seem to ruin other peoples careers, not just one, and he seemed to play the same before it happened anyway, just dump offs and screens.  But we now have a real man at qb with a real brain and arm but most important of all, courage, something I never witnessed in captain checkdown.

    • Like (+1) 2
  7. Seriously it might be Senorise Perry , as a back in Tennessee he could rip off some serious runs With his change of pace style.


    My second vote would have to be Taiwan Jones, I mean what’s better than being the guy to win a playoff game with the last offensive play of said game.  And On the only play he played in in said game?  He did this for us Once the year before, if he can only do that twice in one year, that would make it his best year.


    If none of them pan out I’m definitely thinking DiMarco, he will get no offensive snaps and make millions for doing nothing, now that’s a great year.

    • Haha (+1) 4
  8. Pre season is great.  It allows us to see the new players before they get sent to the ps or end of the bench for the year ie christian wade.  It also is something to watch.  The starters barely play and no one plays that hard anyway, except for serious dorks like AJ mcaron, “ this is going to be legendary”  so the cte and injury concerns aren’t really valid.  If your in shape and not injury prone you should survive preseason or else it was probably going to happen by mid season anyway.   


    The BS part of Pre season is the lack of starters. For which I offer this solution to the NFL...

    1. Starters start and play the first half of the first 2 games, if they don’t, they cant start the first quarter of the season opener

    2. No starters play the last game, its an all rookie audition and tickets are half price

    3 the third game can be a mix to let starters play if the couldn’t play due to injury in the first 2 games.


    youre welcome, go fund me page and paypal link to follow.

  9. While I love that he’s no Trint,( a total coward and fraud )  he does need to learn to find the open guy on third down rather than going deep.  Many losses last year had a drive or 3 where on third and say 7 or so, he’d launch it.  Dimarco in Houston was the last example of this.  He’d never connect but maybe twice all season,  meanwhile the all 22 would show beaz or someone wide open at the sticks.  Josh needs to take what the d gives him check down or not, those can be big plays sometimes but at least first downs.  Ask trentative. He made millions only doing that.

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  10. I listened for 3 weeks straight when corona fake virus started.   Murph was rediculous...constantly repeating live from home   not the kaleida health center or whatever the sponsor was...hed say that ad naseum..like anyone cared.  Hed start the show talking about what he saw on netflix for an hour then make distracting noises while the guests talked...constantly...clueless about zoom or skype or whatever they used. Everyday it continued...his distracting noises....then he had big time guests like Bean after the draft and didnt ask a single good question...like ie "who would you have picked had you still had 22 or were you trying to trade up for ______? "  Just dumb wasteful questions. Tasker at least has first hand championship experience and stories....hes actually smart but people rip him. I think murph was the idiot. Maybe he was smart once and just got old. Oh and he doesnt want instant replay anymore.  Why? Im glad hes gone i couldnt stand his ultra  casual approach to the "show" anymore.

  11. Moulds was my 2nd favorite WR for the bills . Speaking to pure talent he was more talented than any of them including reed.  Reed never went up for over-thrown deep balls , twirling around in mid air and plucking them down with ease like moulds did.  Reed did play better in traffic however but wasnt a true deep threat like moulds was.  Moulds was faster even though he was bigger.  Reed had a better career and was a great player for Kelly but was a notch below Moulds in talent.  In the end Moulds was just over weight and really looked like a small tight end out there in houston and tennesee.


    While i cant speak for player pre 90's I can say Evans was a better deep threat than moulds because he was yet a bit faster, quite the leaper, and dropped maybe 1 deep ball in his whole career here, and that one wasnt a gimme.  He also could go up and twist and turn and come down with a toe in and make it all look easy ala Moulds.  Comparing stats is a little foolish because while Moulds didnt have Kelly for his career like Reed did, he did get fed the ball quite a bit by a hot handed Flutie, a Bledsoe a eep throwing Johnson and yes even a little Kelly.  Lee on the other hand was the real victim of bad QBing getting the nerf armed wrist throwing Edwards who loved faking the reads downfield, counting to 3 and dumping it off to the running backs. Lees deep talents were wasted after JP did his best to get it to him for a couple years.  Fitz wasnt really a deep ball guy but could have pumped his stats up more than edwards ever could have but the year fitz took over, TO arrived and ate up up over half of the deep attempts that season.  He and SJ were  a good tandem with Lee getting the deep looks again but then got hurt and while on his way back ready to rock and roll- he got traded! He lit up the defense in the first  playoff game for the ravens that year then was unfairly blamed for a drop on a big play that cost the Ravens the super bowl, the ball was swatted from his hands, a perfect defensive play, for reference on what drops really look like watch SJ on any play that mattered, now those were drops!


      I never knew why Lee didnt play a few more years but maybe he just had had enough (and made enough) to retire in class,  which is how he was on the field, classy.  Many of the wins we had in those 7-9 years would most assuredly have been losses had he dropped even 1 pass in those games.  People ripped him for only running deep routes but he was fantastic at them and actually took a few slants to the house too.  A one trick pony knock, wasnt that really Sammy's story?  a bunch of deep balls and nothing over the middle for fear of re injuring some of his many brittle bones, bones he treated with weed and alcohol?  But thats another thread isnt it?  Lee also caught alot of skinny posts where the defender was on top of him but hed make the play get some yac and keep a drive alive when nothing else back then was working.  He did this in the cleveland snow game that we lost on the goal line when trent threw the gutless screen on fourth down.  Lee had converted the 4rth down before that with a skinny post to get us down there.   Evans even "owned" Revis which everyone here used to harp on and on how this was SJ's thing.  Every single game a loss as Sj would rack up 10 yard type catches in front of Revis.  Big woop, meanwhile it was Evans who took a game winner deep ball to the house out leaping Revis one on one leaving him a crumpled mess on the turf as he sauntered into the end zone- alone. 7-9 was better than 6-10 or worse.  Evans was the only chance we had for some years.  To think we had him and Moulds on the same team his rookie year, then he and SJ for a started a stretch of games in his last year.  But the Bills never got their act together during his time .  They never paired him up with a good complementary WR like say Brown and Diggs look to be.   His rookie year was the best he ever had it, and that was never to be repeated.  Had Lee had a good QB and guy across from him for 6 or 7 years his numbers would be moulds-esque, maybe even Reed like.  

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