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Who is Yuri?

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Posts posted by Who is Yuri?


    So it only took 42 pages for the stock response, "Socialism is great, except everywhere that really, really tried it."


    Congratulations, idiot.


    And no, socialism's yoke on mankind doesn't have to be in the form of Orwellian thought police, although inevitably it becomes part of the landscape as that's the only way the state gets to keep control. No, socialism's greatest evil is the anathema to mankind's free will and enterprise, which is filling every nook & cranny with a bureaucratic apparatchik who will sign off on every step that you take (before they start watching every move you make). This is the parallel to my debate with Greggy. It's not the fear of some organization in Washington, it's the fear of the deputized army of millions of local desk jockeys controlling every aspect of my life.


    That is socialism, not some progressive pining for IKEA.

    You are definitely confusing Socialism with Communism.


    I would have gone a different route on that meme


    All your base are belong to us

    You're partially right. All of the true Rand Paul fans are now undecided and leaning toward becoming Bernie supporters. You like huntin'? Vote Bernie. You hate Gov't surveillants? Vote Bernie. You like Independence? Vote Bernie. You Jewish, or at least Conservative? Vote Bernie.


    You a rich top-hat wearin' capitalist cartoon? Cry yer eyes out, because:


    This little Bern train is coming, coming down the track. You can ride this little Bern train but it ain't gonna bring you back, from Progressive, to 18th C.



    It was a reference to Biden. No way Barry lets Bernie run for his third term. If Hillary keeps tanking, even Barry knows America won't elect an avowed socialist as president of the US...and team Biden/Warren will fill the vacuum left by Hillary.



    Oh. I kind of ignore Joe Biden in my political calculus. Obama's in a tough spot if his VP, former SoS, and a senator who campaigned for him are running against each other. I doubt Obama will choose sides, but I'd expect to hear more of "I'm friends with Joe," but not much more than that. Trump and Obama have a history, though, so if there's any speaking out from the White House, it will probably be to trash-talk Trump.

  4. No, "democratic" isn't a qualifier, it's just another archetype.


    The problem is, even if your socialism is "democratic", what do you do with the 49% who didn't want it? Who prefer liberty, and resist it?


    Ultimately it comes down to thought-crime, suspension of rights, and gulags.


    In the end, when you substitute force for choice, that's how it always winds up.

    If you think that the candidate who voted against the original Patriot Act, and every renewal, and has made ending NSA surveillance of US citizens part of his stump speech, will bring about some Orwellian dystopia, then you may want to rethink your archetypes.
  5. Hey SoProgs....one good thing about your unrepentant love of Planned Parenthood: you know an abortion when you see one.




    She's actually going to lose to another nutbag. Incredible. Is it any wonder the party of gatorman is clamoring for a man who thinks 'jobs' is a three-letter word.

    I followed your link, but I found no evidence of a man thinking that jobs are a 3 letter word. Color me disappointed. :thumbdown:


    Among the highlights: Hillary talking in a hoarse voice - talking must be new to her.



    He is a member of the Socialist Party. Not the "Democratic Socialist" Party. The Socialist Party.


    As you well know, he is an moderate independent, like any clear-eyed American should be. I respect your right to take as much time as you need to make a decision, good sir, before you come out for the moderate/conservative candidate of your choice (Bernie Sanders).

  6. Calling Mao and Stalin a Socialist may bern your ears, but it's prime example of how sausage is made. As much as you may like the finished product, you really don't enjoy to see how it's made

    The finished product is what I didn't like: Stalinist, Maoism. The basis, Socialism, I don't have a problem with. You made a tasty turn of phrase though, with the sausages, and that didn't go unappreciated. :beer:



    Sympathetic ear, here, GreggyT. I swear I saw a Sentinal drone buzz my place, but according to everyone I tell, the identity remains unidentified. The best I can get out of the folks I tell, is that it was some sort of common flying object. Two out of three ain't bad?

  8. As a conservative I have no issue with Ike building the Interstate System. It was needed for both civilianand military reasons and is the kind of infrastructure mandated by the feds that I have no problem with. This is the type of thing the feds should involve themselves with, not the delta smelt or my neighbor's backyard pond.

    Civilian Conservation Corps?


    edit: also, your anti-smelt stance isn't going to win you any votes in Lewiston, NY. I went to the Smelt Festival this year, and they are Dee-licious.

  9. I had a nice, long reasoned response all typed out and it got lost somewhere in cyberspace. The crux of the matter is this deal is not acceptable and will eventually put the U.S. in a position of having to bomb Iran's facilities. Allowing them more time means it will be just that more difficult to destroy their capabilities. Obama won't be president but the person that is will have to make a Harry Truman decision regarding the threat of those facilities coupled with the thought process of 8th century "leaders". Thanks Obama.

    OK. I've had that cyberspace thing happen, and it is frustrating.


    I'll hold off responding to what you ended up writing, and give you time to clarify. Did you think we should have just dropped an A-bomb on Iran, problem solved?


    But that was because of the whole military-industrial-congressional complex he supported.

    He's a great writer too, Eisenhower - not you DC Tom, though you're not bad. Eisenhower had tremendous populist appeal. He didn't give tremendous speeches, because his delivery wasn't very polished, but the speech writing was very good, and his letters are impressive, and his memoirs, the collection he wrote himself, are some of the best in that genre.

  11. I did a little internet sleuthing on this Iran deal controversy. I don't see any merit in the argument that this deal "gives Iran a nuclear bomb," or "makes it easier" for them to make a bomb.


    Here is an example of the deal explained. I'm working on the impression that most of us haven't and don't plan to read the actual deal in its entirety.


    To me, it seems like Iran was a lot closer to having a bomb when this deal was made, than Iran will be when this deal goes into effect.


    If anything, their continued enrichment of Uranium, despite sanctions, put the rest of the world in a tough spot. Sanctions weren't working in the way that was intended. Sanctions seemed to motivate them further to create a nuclear weapon. At that point, we made the most out of a bad situation, and may have averted catastrophe.


    In the long run, this deal saves American lives. Under sanctions, Iran was much closer to having a bomb, than they will be with reduced capacity, and inspections. As was noted above, Russia and China would have lifted sanctions anyway. If Iran made a bomb, then what? Go to war, or let them have a bomb? This deal is a better alternative than either of those options.

  12. Tell me more about that "socialist" Eisenhower, who ushered in a decade of austerity, actually had the US under a balanced budget without accounting gimmicks, and demanded non-Keynesian monetary policy.

    "Every dollar spent by the government must be paid for either by taxes or by more borrowing with greater debt.

    The only way to make more tax cuts now is to have bigger and bigger deficits and to borrow more and more money. Either we or our children will have to bear the burden of this debt.

    This is one kind of chicken that always comes home to roost. An unwise tax cutter, my fellow citizens, is no real friend of the taxpayer."

    - Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower 1952 on his refusal to lower the top marginal tax rate on the rich from 91%.

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