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Posts posted by DarkBird

  1. 8 hours ago, ToGoGo said:

    Jackson is the flavor of the month. The eye test of him throwing the ball says it all about what his career will be. Harbaugh and Roman are the superstars here. One of NFL history's greatest examples of maximizing a weak QB's strengths to the limit. Reading the hype the last few weeks makes me feel like I'm in bizarro world. 


    What worries me is the Raven organization's extraordinary will to win and unreal execution & blocking. That's the true story here. Will the Bills bend to the Ravens expectation of victory? The game tomorrow will be physical and even more so, mental. Are the Bills mentally prepared to take the next step? Is Josh mentally ready to become a national superstar? Is the media ready to put their original narratives in the trash? 


    Are the fans ready for the thrashing we're going to give Jackson tomorrow?

    It's funny, every other team has said the same thing until they play him.  As far as passing, you obviously have not watched the Ravens games, looked at his metrics, listened to experts, or looked at the quality of opponents he's beaten badly.  He's the leading candidate for MVP, had 2 perfect passer ratings, 25 passing touchdowns and only 5 ints.  He has done this on HALF the offensive drives that Russell Wilson has had.  That's because the offense is the most prolific since the 2007 Patriots.


    research a bit before trying that old narrative that Jackson can't throw and isn't a great QB.

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