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Posts posted by FGD

  1. Neither QB is a play-off quality, but I agree a 'great" defense doesn't get shredded at home. Instead of reaching for EJ and doubling down with Watkins Buffalo should have just drafted as well as they could and when they got close make a splash. Sadly Mr. Pegula missed the larger point that having bought a team that hadn't made the play-offs in 14 years he should have cleaned house. Ideally he would have focused on hiring a good team president and a good GM and let them go to work instead on having the President, GM and Coach report directly to him. Help make the big hire or FA signing absolutely. But start by cleaning house.

  2. I understand bringing in Polian for a 360 review that makes sense and represents a limited commitment. While it might be hot house media speculation Cowher would be a disaster. Name and no game. 8 years out of the NFL is an entirety. Who would his assistants be? I have no confidence he'd have the energy to get it done. In Pittsburgh he had a mature organization to lean on. In Buffalo he'd have to do more.


    Frank Reich he might be OK, but it reeks of relying on the past. What I hope is for is the hire of a strong young executive without obvious Buffalo ties with a largely free hand. The exec hires rhe GM and the GM takes the lead in hiring the coach.


    A good process is no guarantee, but a poor process with too much emotion is almost certain to be a disaster.

  3. Besides his lack accuracy it's his lack of recognition that is worse, bad throw on 4th fine; but he had a wide open receiver with space in front of the same receiver and he threw a panicked bail out pass I couldn't figure who he was throwing to. He is not the only reason we lost, but he was terrible

  4. This really is GREAT. The Bills are staying despite the weight of the evidence marshaled Zimbalist and the like. If you are a fan who just needs a team because there is always hope CONGRATS you have reached the finish line! I mean that. No sarcasm. Me I want to proof winning comes first so Terry prove you have learned. Clean house. Get the best scouts and player personnel people. It'll be you best return on your investment and keep you friends away from the team. Use them as a sounding board if you must, but give them no role with the team. How great to have a Bills' future to worry about I thought they were goners for sure.

  5. EJ worries me plenty, but is the O line that takes the prize. After no playoffs since 1999, I expect progress and times when they play well in preseason and I didn't see it. . Last second hunting for a QB just appears to reflect poor management. EJ was described as a reach and has played like it. The other problem is NOT Sammy Watkins, but all they gave up for him especially 2015''s #1. This has not earned the benefit of the doubt.

  6. The simple reply is that rooting for this team as an adult a negative outlook is logical and rational. If you able to be optimistic and positive I tip my hat to you. The reason I am so down on the team is that I see no real progress as an organization certainly not in the last 10 years. We get a decent undersized LB like Alonzo and we freak out because the standard of comparison is so low. If the Bills gave a President and GM a free hand to clean out the front office and they were able to hire well respected scouts and player personnel people and that bunch went after Sammy Watkins I'd give them the benefit of the doubt. No patience. No visible plan. Not enough talent. Granted nothing changes until ownership gets squared away, but in a watered down league 1 or 2 10 and 6 seasons since 1999 should be the minimum.

  7. I'm surprised Clayton said that. I see 5-11 because for a bad team a good pre-season does not always bode well; however a bad pre-season usually spells defeat. I have no faith in the offense because the line is poor. Spiller and Jackson were an outstanding pair of backs. A good Oline that keeps them from getting hit consistently in the backfield would have been a total pain in the ass to play against in a pass happy league. Organizations win to use a tired phrase and an organization that has drafted this high for this long should have more talent. The topper for me was Bryd the first home grown ProBowler in over 10 years and that dissolves in acrimony. Put another way if 10-6 is a reasonable expectation how does this Bills team force a good team to do something it doesn't want to? If the Dline was as good as advertised wouldn't they be able to stuff the run for a quarter? For a game? no matter what the talent level is at LB and DB is? I understand the Watkins gamble. I just think if you want to help the QB you build that line first and for that you some quantity at the top of the draft.

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