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Posts posted by eventualchamps

  1. Sorry Snakeoiler and Zonabb, Fan in San Diego is right. Even if it's a brand new house, you can do a lot of upgrades. In fact, more often than not it's cheaper to upgrade on many items than it is to have the builder do it. I know, I did it when I bought a brand new $600k home.


    Snakeoiler, I do see your point about rolling it into a 30yr. It is a way to pay for it later. In most instances however, that's a losing strategy when it comes to finances. My money says you probably have a fair amount of credit card debt.


    In addition, some houses are actually built so that you can expand the square footage with minimal effort. For example, builders will sometimes leave dead space over a garage which you can later build out to a bonus room.


    Oh yeah, it is smarter and a very well known strategy to buy the cheapest house on the block.


    Fan in San Diego speaks the truth.

  2. KH is not the answer. We are still going to get beat by Miami this Sunday. I guess if KH is beaten to a pulp then MM can start the kid the rest of the year and not second guess himself about what KH can do.


    But if KH plays lights out and we somehow manage to beat Miami, then leave KH in until there is a reason to not play KH. Next year they can have a QB competition to see who starts.






    What's the big deal?


    Maybe we should pin this.

  3. If JP cannot handle getting benched after 4 games (I do not agree with the benching) and this cripples his career then was he ever really going to be a good QB.  A few things can happen:


    1. Holcomb plays like crap and JP starts against the Jets

    2. Holcomb plays good and Bills win so they stick with Holcomb

    3. Holcomb plays average and the Bills steal a win or barely lose (then the who is starting controversy begins)


    I guess I dont see Holcomb coming in to start the end of the Bills.  I dont think Holcomb is a very good QB because usually career back-ups are back-ups for a reason.  The key to JP's success this year was a killer D and a running game.  The D is average at best this year and the coaches dont give the running game a chance.  The worst that can happen is Holcomb fails miserably and the Bills try Shane Matthews (joke).  If Holcomb stinks then JP comes back in and we ride the storm for the rest of the year.




    Great post!!

    I hope I never read another damn post about Losman's fragile ego and how he will be ruined if we bench him. That's a bunch of BS.

    What you have written is exactly what should happen.

  4. It would be a mistake to bench JP for Holcomb. Holcomb has proven numerous times that he can't consistantly lead a team to victory over the long hall.


    When we decided on JP as QB, the plan was "Just don't lose the game for us". Well, he hasn't. He isn't winning games for us yet, but he's not losing them either. The "almost" interceptions don't count.


    Where is the dominant running game? Non existent. Where is the dominant special teams? Non existent. Where is the dominant defense that opened their yappers and talked about being #1 in history. Non existent. Oh wait, they exist as  LAST in the league in rushing defense.


    JP isn't where I'd hoped he'd be, but I'm not surprised at his lack of success as a first year QB.


    There is an argument to be made though that since the defense sucks and the special teams are average (except FG kicking so far) that we can't wait for a first year QB to develop this year. I say give JP more time.






    I hear what you are saying, but what was Holcomb supposed to do, lead the Browns to greatness. Off the top of your head, name a stud offenseive player on the Browns that was there when he was - it's tough to do. I agree with you though - need to give JP some more time.

  5. Having coached a number of pre-high school teams (various ages), I give all the kids a fairly equal amount of playing time. The only caveat being kids that don't show up for practices or don't give 100% in practices don't get as much time (I think someone else alluded to this philosophy as well). It's fairly easy for parents to understand this.


    This past week, my stud RB who missed a couple practices played less time than the other RB who showed up to all the practices and was really leaving it on the field. Is he good - not really, but maybe someday if he keeps the attitude he has.


    If a coach is really caught up in winning at the pre-high school level, he's in trouble. There's a good chance they play Bruce Springsteen's "Glory Days" song quite a bit. Most of the coaches I've seen that absolutely MUST win with their team of 7th graders have usually fallen short of their aspirations in life.


    At this age, it's not really about wining with the score, it's giving these kids the confidence to succeed in life and showing them what teamwork and effort can do. Too many parents these days don't give their kids a chance. If a coaches approach is that they MUST win every single game and give their studs maximum playing time, maybe coaching at that age isn't for them.


    I have pre-season meeting and lay all of the above on the parents. If your kid plays like the next Joe Montana, I really don't care because the other kid who is putting forth just as much effort and working his butt off but playing like JP Losman (Had to add it) is going to get just as much playing time. If you don't like it, your kids probably on the wrong team.

  6. For that to happen, we're going to have to wait another 2 years.  By that time, our D will not be as good as it is right now even though they laid an egg Sunday.




    I think our D can be just as good if not better in two years. Even if you don't like Donahoe, he does have us in a good financial situation in terms of cap space. Let's face it, we have a very good D, not a great D. Even if you go back to last year, we played tremendously against weak teams but absolutetly fell apart against good teams. Who knows, it was only one bad game last week and I'm giving them a mulligan.....maybe they can step it up.

  7. McJeff:


    Sorry to hear about the bad news. Hopefully the Bills win this weekend will give you a lift!


    I'm a higher level exec. and have been involved in too many firings to care for. My two cents is that they are trying to coach you out. They may have a number of reasons why they are doing this. Usu. the number one reason (esp. with smaller companies) is fear of litigation and sometimes, unemployment (but that depends upon the state).


    I am not one to beat around the bush so I would approach your manager directly, and ask them if they feel there is an opportunity to correct things (that is, if you want to stay). If so, get a concrete list of what they expect and ensure that your progress is measurable. In addition, arrange a series of meetings to measure your progress.

    If you don't want to stick around, I would approach your manager (very cordially) and tell them that from your last conversation, you get the sense they feel the situation is uncorrectable. I would then tell your manager it is an difficult situattion. If you truly feel you are part of the problem, but they are as well - quickly lay your thoughts on the table (key here is to be very cordial and not get caught up in a finger pointing situation..start with your shortcomings and then go to theirs). Then tell them you propose that they give you 2-4 weeks (pick a number...I would go with 4 as they can always come back with less) of pay and you can part your ways. Do it as soon as soon as possible.


    You sound like a good person, make the hard decision and don't look for a job on their time. Not only will you be cheating yourself, but you will be stealing from them.





    As an aside, I would respectfully disagree with the usefullness of unions in this day and age. With the continued march towards a global economy, they will become a thing of the past.


    As for CEO's high pay and for that matter, anyones pay, most companies look at the ROI. Good CEO's can effect an enormous ROI. Bad ones......let's just say that the ROI doesn't look so good. It's similar to sports, you pay the stud free-agents big money because you hope they are going to make a huge impact on the team (Takeo Spikes). However, sometimes that does not happen (Peerless Price).

  8. You sound just like Tom Cruise ranting about Psychology. 


    By the way, the hurricane hit on Monday morning and today is Friday.  That's 96 hours without a bottle of water, food, electricity, or a working toilet.  If all of these newspeople could somehow get there, you would think that the supplies could follow the same path.  They also knew that the NO area would be hit last Saturday.  That makes 6 days for logistics.


    Michael Brown of FEMA said today that they weren't aware of the people at the convention center until Thursday.  Maybe they should watch CNN like the rest of us and see where the problems are.


    I also read today that there are 300 Arkansas National Guard troops arriving today "direct from Iraq".  Maybe if they had been in Arkansas in the first place they could have gotten there a few days earlier.




    Yeah, and furthermore, I think Bush used his magical Hurrricane machine to create this mess......that SOB.


    You people who are going to point fingers at Bush are waaaaaay off base. I'll agree that the failure of a coordinated response has to do with politicians and government, but to squarely blame one person is crazy. And for the whiny comment "The Bush admin doesn't believe in global warning" - well Clinton believed in it didn't he???? How come he didn't upgrade the dikes?!?!?


    Friggin Ridiculous.

  9. It never ceases to amaze me how many people !@#$ up the contraction "you're" when calling somebody an idiot.  :(




    Thank you for the correction. My reply was only intended for the original poster who called people who hold any credibility in preseason, an idiot.


    Just as an fyi, your tag line "whatever..." is an incomplete thought.

  10. Your point is obviously that our offense struggled last preseason and is now struggling this preseason so we will obviously have the same results and go 0-4 this year just like last year in the season's first quarter.


    Since we're taking trips down memory lane, why not remind us what great event took place in our third preseason game last year. Remember? Can you see it? Care to Google? I'll save you the trouble.


    It took our offense three preseason games to score its first touchdown last year.


    Let me put that another way: Our offense DID NOT...in other words, FAILED...to score a touchdown for nine quarters.


    But we're obviously struggling just like last preseason.


    Christ, people. It's freakin' preseason and it doesn't mean a goddam thing except we are practicing.




    Thank you for making my point. Yes we did struggle in preseason last year and yes we did not make the playoffs last year.

    I agree that the preseason is not going to make or break our regular season - because as you say, it is practice. However, to ignore preseason completely is naive.....or freakin' naive.

  11. In reply to your title:


    Your the idiot.


    I remember this same thread last year and whether preseason mattered. We had concerns about the offense in preseason and sure enough, we weren't exactly lighting it up once the regular season started. Rememeber our record starting the season??


    The fact that JP can't ignite a passing game coupled with McGahee's subpar numbers so far, should be reason for some concern. The preseason isn't the end all and be all, but yes idiot, it does make a difference. Now when you were practicing chess and you were invovled in your preseason matches, I could see where your those matches might not matter. However, when it comes to professional sports or higher level sports....it does make a difference.


    It seems to me like the Eagles and Patriots are playing pretty well.....ohhh yeah, who cares, it's only preseason.

  12. :D  at fans rating Haddad and Wilson over Reed.


    Haddad has been circulating around the league for 2 more years than Reed and yet has only 2 career regular season game appearances. If this perpetual PS'er gets the benefit of the doubt for being a late bloomer, then so should Reed.


    As for Wilson, I think we fans tend to get way too excited over undrafted rookie free agents who look good against preseason 3rd stringers. Remember Kwame Cavil? Antonio Brown? The career fates of UDRFA WR's like them are the norm in this competitive league.


    Josh Reed was an enormously talented and productive college WR who has had to battle obstacles in the NFL like injuries and QB's who can't throw accurate passes on short to intermediate routes (Drew...RIP). On these factors alone, Reed deserves to play out the full 4th (and final) year on his contract.


    If he still sucks by January 2006, then we simply don't re-sign him. But for the 2005 season, Reed's potential far outweighs the meager salary cap savings we get by cutting him.




    If Wilson or Haddad outplay Reed during camp as well as in pre-season games, you bet I'll take them over Reed. Waxing on eloquently about his potential is great, but he hasn't shown much the last few years. Past examples of UDRFA WR's are not a future indicator of Wilson's or Hadadd's performance. Brown and Cavil.....Remember Kurt Warner? Besides, the streets of the NFL are littered with the corpses of "enormously talented and productive college players". And I've seen too many catchable balls dropped to agree with the inaccurate QB assesment.


    I do agree however that many WR's don't hit their groove until the 3rd or 4th seasons. If Reed is looking good, then keep him. If the others are clearly overshadowing him, then it's time to make a change. Decent #4 WR's are pretty easy to come by.

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