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Posts posted by trigger

  1. The difference between most of us and professional football players (in terms of injuries) is that when we recover, we go back to our offices, classrooms, assembly lines, etc.--places where we can reasonably assume we will not be exposing ourselves to further injury. Linemen, who are the only players on the field virtually guaranteed to engage an opponent on every play, are the most vulnerable to back injury. Let's hope that TT can avoid further injury, contribute to the team, and lift his grandkids some day.

  2. Two years ago, a former student of mine asked me if I wanted to come to his house to watch the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament here in Indianapolis. He is a golf club pro and said he was bringing a buddy of his who he was currently instructing. As I'm sitting in his basement, his client knocks on the front door, and I am stunned to see that it is Frank Reich! Kyle had set me up because he knew I am a huge Bills fan and that I would love to meet the "Architect of Comebacks". Anyway, I got to talk with Frank for over an hour one-on-one and he told several hilarious stories about his playing days. Before he left Indy, I got to see him several more times and when he left for the Cardinals, he gave me his and her's Bills stadium jackets that he and his wife wore. Really nice guy.

  3. How many current Fitz threads are there? I realize most people have frustrations to bear, but unless you've got a thought that's been thoroughly unexplored why not post in one of the other threads? The eventual consolidation is just more work for the mods.


    Based on the number of posts you've made and your redundant reply, time is not really an issue for you.

  4. The Bills will never be a playoff team until they legitimize the QB position. It has been 15 years since the Bills lost their only true "franchise" quarterback of the past quarter century, and Fitzpatrick has made it clear that he's not the answer. "Gunslinger"? Please! Brett Favre was a gunslinger because he was fearless and could make all the throws. Fitzpatrick is wreckless, and I'm not just basing my observation on yesterday. Every time he throws the ball, he literally scares the crap out of me. The Bills gave a bunch of money to a guy that is an above average back-up, not an NFL starter. Linus Van Pelt, Kelly Holcomb, Drew Bledsoe (at the end of a career), Doug Flutie (yes, even him), Rob Johnson, J.P Losman, Trent Edwards, and Ryan Fitzpatrick. If that list of bat guano doesn't induce cold chills and night sweats, you are no Bills fan. WE NEED A DAMN QUARTERBACK!

  5. It always amuses me to see how much pleasure some posters take in seeing ex-Bills fail, whether the failure is real or imagined. I don't live in Buffalo, so perhaps I don't know about Bell telling Buffalo to kiss his ass when he was offered a better contract to sign with a team who thought more of him than the brass at One Bills Drive. Sure, Bell frustrated the hell out of me at times, but I don't remember seeing him give less than a good effort on the field (when he was healthy) or rip the organization unfairly.

  6. We'll be there with a couple other couples we get to games with every year. We always meet up with Kenny. Great time. I'm sure more details will come out as we get closer.

    Live just 45 minutes from stadium. Downtown Indy is awesome as there are a tremendous number of restaurants and bars within walking distance. I highly suggest a stop at the Sun King Brewery where you can have free samples of several fresh brews and buy half- gallon growlers. Indy is one of the best designed larger cities and you will find the meaning of "Hoosier hospitality" as soon as you arrive in our beautiful state. On a side-note, I will be making my annual trip to The Ralph for the Pats game. My brother and I have been to each of the last two wins against NE which were about 10 years apart. Never been to a better game than last year.

  7. Was just there last Friday night from Indianapolis. Was in town for a funeral, but have been going once a season for the last twenty years. The service is usually very good and the Golden Barbeque wings are awesome. Can't beat the old school feel, and I've seen several current and former players over the years. Not sure if it's coincidence or if he's a regular, but I've seen Reuben Brown at least four or five times, and talked to him a bit last week.

  8. Seems like every year Bills fans whip themselves into a frenzy about free agents coming to the Bills. Perhaps this year was different because even certain members of the media contributed to the frenzy with tweets and texts about imminent deapls. Rubbish. Big names will only visit the Bills to drive up their value or gain leverage with their own teams. Can you blame Meachem for choosing a city with the best weather in the country over one with...well...not the best? In the midst of the craziness yesterday, Hasselback from ESPN said he had no idea why Williams was choosing to go to Buffalo first. I think we have our answer now. Let's face it. The Bills can't catch the big fish. The best they have done since the playoff run in the '90's is throw in their line and caught the fish that most teams would throw back in the water.

  9. First half of miracle comeback against Oilers...actually, the first half plus the first drive--when the ball went off McKeller's hands for a pick/td to put Bills down 35-3. Couldn't have been any worse as I was taking the ornaments off the Christmas tree. I was already a 30-year fan by that time, so as the announcers piled on the comments about the Bills' futility, I became not only depressed, but also angry. The worst moment and best moment happened on the same day, and I will never give up on this team again.

  10. I know Sullivan takes alot of crap around here about being bitter & such, but seriously look up his articles since Flutie was the QB & he hits the nail on the head probably 90% of the time. What do you guys want from him. To blow roses up everybody's ass in WNY telling everybody what a great run organization this is? I mean this team has not made the playoffs in the last 11 years. The way the NFL is setup, that is almost impossible to do. But here we are looking at year 12 with the strong probability that there will be no playoffs. I am tired of this crap & for god sakes covering this joke of a franchise for the last 15 years has got to wear a person down over time.


    Amen. I live in Indy and don't listen to Sullivan on the radio, but I generally agree with his view of the Bills. I've been a fan of the Bills since the '60's and have seen every game since 1994, so I've seen my share of both good and bad Bills football. It pains me to watch the wretched football this organization has produced for the last decade and it has severely tested my sense of loyalty. Being a Bills fan in Colts country has been incredibly difficult for me, and the worst thing of all is that my two sons (who are both in their twenties and born and raised Hoosiers) are also diehard Bills fans because of their old man. They barely remember when the Bills weren't the punch line of the bad joke and Jimbo, Thurman, Bruce, and Andre are just pictures on the wall of Dad's rec room. Sullivan is not the enemy. He didn't pick Maybin at #11 overall or ignore an LT in the first round for a decade. He didn't let Pat Williams walk away with several years left in the tank. He didn't give the car keys to a journeyman with barely more than a Harvard degree on his resume. Some Bills fans may not like Sullivan but they have a hard time refuting his words a great deal of the time.

  11. His heart might be in Buffalo but his ass will probably be somewhere else this year. I've watched every game the dude has played for the Bills and IMHO he is nothing more than an average safety with an above average opinion of himself. It is getting late enough that he will more than likely sign a one-year deal with another team. Guy's pride has taken a real hit with the realization that he's not the impact player that teams have been looking for.

  12. Buffalo can't attract elite athletes from other teams or keep their own young talent for many reasons which have been beaten to death on this board and others--bad weather, lack of things to do in Buffalo, high taxes, a cheap owner, etc. Surely these are valid problems, but I think the most serious issue is that Bills management has cultivated a culture of losing and the whole fan base is reaping what the brass has sewn. How hard has Bills management worked on improving the image of the city or the team? How many years have the Bills fielded a head coach that excited the team and was able to get the most out of his players? How many players on the current roster would be considered "stars"? How many teams can say they have less star power than the Bills? How do you build a winner without giving playe

    rs a reason to want to play on your team? Evey year Bills fans whip themselves into a frenzy with talk that the Bills are going after all the great FA's and earnestly believe they'll end up in Buffalo. Really? Why? Leave a dynamic, warm weather city like Atlanta-a contender for a championship- and go to the Bills?

  13. Been getting the Ticket since '95 and have never paid over $200 for it. Directv is always willing to make me a deal...only a fool would pay full price. Living in Indy and being a Bills fan was the reason I got the Ticket because the Colts used to suck and I wouldn't be stuck watching them...who knew?

  14. Stop it. Please. For those of us who are old enough and fans enough to have watched both of these guys play, this is like comparing Michael Jordan with Scottie Pippen in terms of talent. Pippen was great, but MJ was spectacular. Had OJ played with a team as talented as those '90's Bills were--and played 16 game schedules--he would still be in the record books.

  15. I think Bell will will be fine at LT (the needs on defense were much much much higher than drafting a noobie LT)


    TE doesn't seem to be an important part of Gaiey's offense anyway. No worries there.


    I'm more concerned about not having a "good" backup QB - if Fitz goes down who is going to take over, Brown? I hope they pick up a decent FA 2nd string QB.


    How many good teams don't make TE an important part of their offense? I say that not having a TE to worry about makes defending an offense a lot easier. The fact that Chan Gailey doesn't think the TE is that important does not make Chan Gailey a smart coach.

  16. I get the Bills needed upgrades on the defensive side and only time will tell the success or failure of this draft. Surely the potential is there for this draft to bear some fruit for years to come. However, choosing not to pick an impact TE, an LT or QB tells me that the Bills are either happy with their mediocre-at-best offense or that they have FA plans yet to play out. I get that you can't fill all the holes at once, but completely ignoring the offensive side of the ball is a head-scratcher to me. For God's sake, will we ever replace Jim Kelly or have a TE who can scare the other team?

  17. Forgive me if there is another thread about it, but I haven't seen any comments about that incredible boot to put the game into overtime. Jeez, that looked like it would have been good from 60! With all the histrionics from yesterday, I think that kick may have been overlooked a bit, but it was special.

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