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Posts posted by Ponch

  1. 10 hours ago, Gugny said:

    I would love to meet him. 

    I think he seems to be a cool guy with a great sense of humor. 

    I’ve never enjoyed watching anyone else play football more than Tom Brady. 

    For well over a decade, nearly every time he was on TV was like watching a clinic. 

    I love great football and he was - by far - the best QB to play the game. 

    Mrs Brady? Tommy’s momma… is that you? You think he has a great sense of humor? Do you think mannequins are funny? He is one of the most contrived human beings next to Tom Cruise 

  2. 8 hours ago, pkwwjd said:

    Adonai is actually not the formal name of God that the Jewish faith refuses to say, out of respect for His name. Adonai is actually the name for the Lord that the Jewish faith substitutes for the name revealed to Moses at the burning bush. What we have in the book of Exodus is simply the Hebrew letters that transliterate as YHWH (often anglicized as Yahweh, but we literally aren't sure how it would have been pronounced as the vowel points have been lost to time). Another word, Jehovah, was the rough mixing of the consonants from YHWH (JHVH) and the vowels from Adonai. Jehovah is not a "real" word but has been used as the "name" of the Lord.


    Y'all are all good using Adonai.

    What do you mean by that? 

  3. On 4/4/2024 at 10:44 AM, Yantha said:

    Allen should be……. IN ……..the draft war room rooting for offensive weapons.....

    Ok, I’ve seen this a gazillion times now, and no matter how I try to figure it out … what IN the world does “IN” signify? 🤷🏽 

    … I give … Uncle…. I admit I’m naive and ignorant, and clearly not hip…. I don’t care anymore… could someone please just explain its significance … please? 🙏 

  4. 6 hours ago, Nextmanup said:

    Nah, we won't miss Diggs.


    1,343 yards of receiving per year for 4 years as a Bill.


    Any stooge will pump out that production in his sleep.











































    That’s true, but compare that with the second half of last year. Players are like stocks. You gotta know when to sell. Those phenomenal numbers are in the past. The Bills went on the win streak in spite of Diggs not because of him. And Davis too for that matter fell off the face of the earth except for the Chargers game. There was this statement made in a Mike Florio (easy ….look past the messenger… to the players quote) article after the Bills game against the Chiefs during the season: 

    “Bills receiver Stefon Diggs vented recently about the frustrations that come from constantly being double-teamed. Most recently, Kansas City’s defense neutralized Diggs all the way to a season-low 24 receiving yards.

    After we posted an item based on Diggs’s comments to reporters, Chiefs safety Justin Reid chimed in. “Crazy part is,” Reid posted on X, “we didn’t double him.”

    Diggs was targeted 11 times against the Chiefs. He had only four catches.”


    I thought Diggs was hurt last year, now I think he’s just … not as effective 


    • Like (+1) 1
  5. 19 hours ago, MarkKelso'sHelmet said:

    Maybe I'm biased, but I absolutely despise Martin. That play in the WC game where he got hurt last year (PICKING UP HIS HAND WARMER!!!!)  before running after the player who recovered the fumble from the blocked punt was one of the worst plays I've seen since the infamous butt fumble.  He should have got a lot more criticism for that embarrassing play. He should be run out of town.


    It also cost us a lot in the KC game since he wasn't 100%


    Martin is clearly not an athlete. But worse than that, I'm not sure he knows how to stretch properly. A punter should be the most well-stretched player on the field.  Has he never run a sprint before?


    Bean has screwed up the punting situation massively.


    Years of Brian Moorman led me to believe that it's not that hard to get a solid athletic Punter. Moorman was small AF but he was also a really great athlete. Did he ever get hurt during his long tenure?


    I don't know what Sam Martin is. I'd say he's a bum. Kick his ass to the curb.

    You really had me going there. 😂 I thought you were serious. Knee slapped, boy you sure had me. I thought you really think Martin is a rotten non-athletic punter, (who had the audacity to pick up his towel, apparently, though I didn’t see it in the replay and try to tackle a player who could’ve scored a TD and possibly changed the momentum of the game) but then I realized this must be brilliant sarcasm. Boy you had there for a minute. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  6. 11 hours ago, TheFunPolice said:

    in the end, it worked


    Peyton Manning had mediocre to poor coaches most of his career. Nice guys, though. 


    The whole Belichick as Darth Vader in a hoodie, devoid of compassion or joy, existing solely to destroy souls and win Super Bowls, is pretty much spot on. 


    Brady himself talks about how in his 20's he was more like a typical NFL player... in great shape, yes, but actually enjoyed life a bit. Burgers and beers after games. Like a human being. 


    If he had one of the "aww shucks" good ole ball coaches maybe he never even wins 1 ring. 



    Did it? 

  7. 2 hours ago, PBF81 said:


    It certainly raises the question why we don't perform better in January then.  


    Either we start winning some January games (plural) or that's going to be the topic du jour for many jours.  



    Defense has been the killer in the post season. I think even with the decimated MASH group that we currently have out there, with McD calling the shots now, this once achilles heal will be put to bed. The defense has been closing out games through this winning streak and that will help us slay the dragon(s) and get to Vegas 

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 20 hours ago, Beck Water said:


    John Wawrow.  Sports reporter for Associated Press, one of the news sources that has strict standards for verifying sources still as opposed to other "press" which utilize each other's questionable tweets referencing anonymous folks as a source.


    Good and balanced reporter, does a nice job pulling together different interviews and sources to craft a story.  Developed the habit of 5 minute monologues that assume the answer to the question he finally asks vs. posing concise questions during Covid.

    John! You’re back

  9. 6 hours ago, Logic said:

    Fair question.

    I think that Josh Allen is a no-doubt-about-it top five QB. Probably top 3. 

    He is on pace to have a Hall of Fame level career. One championship will make it a no-brainer.

    I think that Josh Allen can sometimes be beaten mentally. Certain defenses and defensive coordinators know how to get into his head, make him question what he's seeing, not trust his eyes, and overthink things. We've seen it against the Jets. We've seen it two years in a row against the Jaguars. We saw it against Wink Martindale and the Giants. The Steelers gave him fits the first two times he played them.

    Josh Allen's greatest opponent is his own mind. When he's feeling confident, gets into a rhythm, and trusts what he sees, he's nearly unstoppable. That's not hyperbole -- when he's in that zone, he very literally CANNOT be stopped. When he can't get into a rhythm, is lacking in confidence, is not trusting what he's seeing, he becomes his own worst enemy. He starts pressing and overthinking things and the offense grinds to a halt.

    So to answer the original question succinctly: Josh Allen is elite, and may go down as one of the greatest of all time. He is not without weaknesses, though, and his primary weakness is the ability of the opposition to beat him mentally via quality defensive scheming and by making him question what he's seeing.

    Bravo Mike Schoop... that is your Avatar right? A hairy Mike Schoop. You saved this thread for me ...very well, logical.

  10. On 4/14/2023 at 3:42 PM, hondo in seattle said:

    It's the offseason so a good time for trivia...  


    We all know Romo calls Josh, "The Alien," but how many of these older nicknames from Bills lore do you know?   See how many you can answer correctly with both the first and last names.


    1.  Cookie - Carlton Chester Gilchrist

    2.  Earthquake

    3.  Mini Max

    4.  Biscuit - Cornelius Bennett 

    5.  The Mad Bomber

    6.  The Magician - Doug Futile ??

    7.  The Dancing Bear

    8.  The Condo - Jerry Crafts

    9.  The Hitman - Leonard Smith 

    10.  Pooh Bear

    11.  House - Howard Ballard

    12.  Golden Wheels - Elbert Dubinion 

    13.  Chroise

    14.  Captain Checkdown - Trent Edwards 

    15.  The members of the Bermuda Triangle - Fred Smerlas, Shane Nelson, Jim Haslett

    16.  The members of the Electric Company - Reggie McKenzie, Joe ‘D’ …. That’s all I got 

    17. Spiderman - Darryl Talley 

    18. Machine Gun - Jim Kelly 

    19. Dr. Sack - Leon Seals? 

    20. Pit Bull - Mitch Frerotte 


    This was fun! 

  11. 3 hours ago, Eastport bills said:

    Can’t disagree with the passionate overview of challenges GMs face in constructing and maintaining a “perennial SB contender”. Where I disagree is your comparison to the oversight we have in our jobs. Being in charge of a Pro sports franchise brings the demand of approval by your customers. Good GMs absorb negativity routinely. I have always been self employed because if my business fails my family suffers and I am my toughest critic. In capitalism, your job is merit based and if you perform you’ll be fine. If you can’t handle harsh words you always have the option to leave for greener pastures. Beane knows football is a bottom line business. The team’s record and trajectory determine keeping your job. Winning divisions and winning early playoff games are great for a long suffering franchise  However when your acquisitions underachieve and you hamstring the franchise in a year when your losing productive starters, it’s concerning. We are chasing KC and Cinn.When do you as a member of a fan base stop accepting coming up short. We have arguably the best QB in football. Our division is adding on and getting better. Beane knows we are 0 for our existence winning SBs. I am the patriarch of 3 generations of devoted Bills fans. I want to experience my kids and grandkids seeing a championship. No more excuses.

    Thank you for that. I understand where you're coming from better now. I too am self employed and I think you'd agree that to be successful in whatever you or I do doesn't mean you must be THE best at what you do? Often times if you GIVE your best, are honest and treat people as you'd want to be treated, you'll be successful and you can sleep at night. But that's not so in Pro Sports, is it? The patience wears thin pretty fast. Should Philly have kept Reid? Would they now be basking in 2 more Trophies if they did? Did they succeed by cutting their losses when they did? Or was it a failure because they let him go? Was Reid a failure all the years he ran Philadelphia's operation? Beane's done an exceptional job, he's made football fun again in Buffalo, the Bills are relevant, but he's not perfect, and yet, perfection is expected. 

  12. 2 hours ago, Eastport bills said:

    Can’t fire him yet and hopefully won’t have to,but between blowing the cap on underachievers and putting undue pressure on himself to build a competitive SB worthy roster with limited cap space, he’s a year away from the hot seat. Ponch, instead of some backhanded sarcasm, give me some credible support for Beane’s performance.

    I appreciate that Eastport. You got me on the sarcasm, and I apologize, that’s not very kind. But you ask for credible support of Beane’s performance? 🤔, well, I guess I would say, let’s start by examining what you do for a living, or what I do. If we were under the microscope evaluating our performances, like we do in professional sports how well would we do? Would we have a job next year? Or would we be on the hot seat? Would that be fair? I’m not sure how long you’ve been a Bills fan, but there were 17 years of a quagmire. What Mr Beane has done in the few years here’s been here is build this team into a perennial Super Bowl contender while he fights a tight salary cap, injuries, weather, owner and player health catastrophes etc, etc.. you know all the stuff you and I deal with with our jobs. I don’t know, do I wish they won the Super Bowl? Of course! Am I frustrated they haven’t, absolutely. Has Beane “been bad”? He has a fine line of filling spots while staying fiscally responsible. If you’ve ever been to an estate sale, the savvy buyers know to wait it out to get the bargains. The sale ain’t over yet and you have June 1st. cuts., the draft (with no idea who will fall to them). It’s just getting good. 7 Mary 3!

  13. 19 hours ago, Eastport bills said:

    He signed a potential slot receiver with speed who is coming off a serious injury, and a guard. The positions that demand talented FA is ILB and a big bodied back who can get short yardage and pass protect. He whiffed on 3 backs who would have been perfect(Foreman, Williams and Perrine) and signed affordable deals.Beane freed plenty of cap space to get a couple of meaningful FA. Why is he waiting to get FA that won’t help? So far he’s been bad. Our fan base shouldn’t accept this.

    So you go in and fire him for us … thank you 

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