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Posts posted by Britbillsfan

  1. Yep, he was. Article is a bit naff, though, on the background facts. SOE and the SAS were totally different things. And the winter war was in the winter of 39/40 - WW2 had already started by then (and it is why the Finns (a democratic state) ended up fighting alongside the Nazis).


    WW2 saw more than one actor end up in Special Forces / SOE - David Niven and Anthony Quayle spring to mind.

  2. I was just going to call BS on this. I've seen it on twitter, too..........These internet stories from other countries are usually found not to be true later.


    Or maybe I misread what you are saying - you actually made a funny joke that went over my head!


    But, I am still calling BS on this story.


    Here you go.



  3. I gotta say I'm with John in Jax on this one. You people have no idea the lengths that government will go.


    I should not be telling you this, but I am in the witness protection program. During my years in the program I have been relocated many times. What they do is move you on a short term basis and then move you again to somewhere for a longer period of time. During the short term moves, they put you up with others in different programs. In the past 20 years I have stayed (short term) with JFK, Elvis and most recently, Micheal Jackson.


    I can't go into detail about why all of their deaths were faked, but I can tell you that in the long run it was to protect your rights (and maybe your children in the case of MJ).


    John in Jax, we gotts to stick together man. We are not crazy!


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  4. It probably takes maybe 50 listenings to break the top 200, though.


    And you think people won't be celebrating here when Bush Jr. dies?


    Enough people hate Thatcher enough to make it top 10, possibly even number 1. Many of those buying did not live through the Thatcher years (the street parties had plenty (in fact it looked a large majority) of people in their early 20s/teens).


    There were elements of her premiership/policies/personality which I disliked (but there again I do not vote for people I like personally, I try to vote for those who I think will run the country best). Never voted for her myself (too young/out of the country) but probably would have done if I had been able.


    She gets blamed for a lot of things in the UK, while completely ignoring the situation here when she took over.


    For example, the collapse of industry and the rise in unemployment. Partly deserved as her macroeconomic policies did keep the £ strong, making it hard to compete. But there again UK industry was churning out substandard product that was unrelible, ugly, expensive and often not delivered on time. And was already collapsing when she took over.


    Of course when she took over we had union leaders who (accurately) boasted they could overthrow governments (and had done), by going on strikes that paralysed the country (despite not having to hold ballots on strike action...). The IMF had to bail us out because the government was broke. Electricity power was unreliable - at times it was only on one hour a day. Sugar was rationed at times. No bread on shelves (baker strike), no rubbish collected (strikes), no bodies buried (more strikes!). Inflation was about 30%. There was even talk of a bloody military coup to overthrow the Labour Government a few years earlier. The UK was getting poorer all the time, by the end of Thatchers time in power this sorry state had been largely reversed.

  5. George Galloway who is an MP in the UK wrote a nice piece on how she is responsible for the deaths of so many innocents.


    He is also a strong supporter of the Soviet Union :oops:



    Galloway is very much a pro-Muslim MP in the UK. He was against the war (and I think both wars) vs Saddam (which I do not hold against him) however he hobnobbed with Saddam's bunch and considers himself a close personal friend of Tariq Aziz (I think). He is pretty repulsive in my mind and represents the old, hard left in the UK.



    I stopped reading when I got to the part where he was an honorary member of a union. :doh:


    Not unknown among British MPs. The Labour party traditionally was the party of the unions and Galloway was a Labour MP. (Not any longer). They still have a lot of influence over Labour, but nowhere near as much as they used to (which amounted to almost total control).

  6. If you buy pre-made lasagna, you deserve horse meat.


    Yeah, but this is the UK, internationally renowned centre of excellence in food. Most of my countrymen would foul up boiling an egg and where seasoning often consists of spooning a shed load more salt on some descicated lump of meat (beef, horse or otherwise). I used to hate the work's lunch as everyone around me would be commenting on how the nice the food was and I would be chewing slowly and drinking more beer to try and wash out the taste. Ugh.

  7. Ha ha ha. It's the Sunday Sport, with such previous 'news' scoops as 'London Bus Found at South Pole' and 'Missing Spitfire found on the Moon'. Kind of like a dumber 'The Onion' in print, but with lots of boobies scattered across its pages and sports news at the back.

  8. how much longer do you have? i feel bad for posting the recaps now. 2nd episode just aired over here in the states.


    Late spring/arly summer, so some time yet. Don't worry, I managed to avoid the recaps. Problem I have is that my friends have generally not even heard of the show, let alone watched it, which makes it difficult to talk about.

  9. "I could care less"


    The correct phrase is "I couldn't care less". If you could care less, then you obviously care about whatever you are talking about.



    "LOL". why do some people have to incorporate that into every god damn text that they write?


    Good call. It is utterly meaningless...


  10. What happened to the whole burning up going through the atmosphere thing? Did we waste a lot of money on those heat shields on the space capsules?


    Nah, he was going REALLY SLOW compared to when re-entry vehicles come down.


    dude just parachuted 24 miles and the biggest thrill for me were 2 chicks kissing..... :doh:




    what a feat though...holy crap

    Ah, The Poojer we have come to know and love.*


    *(But not like that)**


    **(Not that there is anything wrong with that if it floats your boat)

  11. Now we need another Glenn on the right side.


    According to Joe Bs breakdown Pears isn't doing as well as last year and Hairston is looking worse so it might be time to get Sam Young some reps.

    Well, they are both doing average. Which means they are both solid at their jobs. Pears is coming off an injury, so is likely playing his way into form. Urbik just had his best game of the year. Young? Seriously?


    Jut read this from a Boston Globe article . . .


    "Cordy Glenn, a second-round pick, has done a surprisingly solid job at left tackle. Left guard Andy Levitre has had some struggles, while center Eric Wood and right guard Kraig Urbik are good. Very good right tackle Erik Pears has had increased playing time after dealing with a groin injury in the preseason."


    Really, "left guard Andy Livitre has had some struggles"??? Wow! Do your homework BG writers.

    Probably going by last year's form, where Levitre DID struggle. However, not at his LG position, where he was very good - only when he was moved around the line was there an issue. So he IS wrong, but I would guess that is where the mistake lies.

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