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Posts posted by Mike1975

  1. I have been having a problem with my Xbox lately, and was wondering if any of you have ever had the same problem. My Xbox plays CD's and DVD's perfectly fine. Yet, for some reason, when I put a video game in the system will not load. It either completely freezes or gives me a message about there is a problem with my disc and it may be damaged. It does that to all of my games. Has anyone else ever had the same problem? thanks

  2. As stated above, you don't need a phone connection for anything other than software updates.  You also don't NEED the phone connection for pay-per-view -- you're allowed to buy $10-$20 (somewhere around there) worth of PPV without the unit needing to tell DirecTV about it.  However if you're not connected to a phone line, you'll get a nag screen about it after about 60 dayas.  It's not a big deal, but can get a bit annoying.


    What a lot of people do is run a phone line once a month and force the daily call (it's in one of the menus).  This will get rid of the nag screen, as well as download any software upgrades you need without you having to leave the phone connected all the time.


    The other thing your friend may want to consider is having TWO coax cables going into the TiVo (instead of just one, like he probably has now).  If you have two lines from the dish (or mutliswitch) into the TiVo, you can record two shows at the same time -- one of the coolest features.




  3. There is a buddy of mine who is thinking of getting a Direct TV DVR. Here is the problem. He has one phone line in his home. There is a phone jack in the kitchen and in the bedroom. Now if he had the DVR connected to the jack in the kitchen, would he be able to hook up his phone to the bedroom jack to activate the account once the DVR is installed? Or would he need another phone line? Thanks

  4. There is something so likeable about this kid. When he speaks,he seems so young and innocent, like a kid just happy to be with the team.  Like most of you, I saw his pre draft interviews where he complained on ESPN about where he ranked compaired to Rivers,Manning and Big Ben. At the time, I thought please Buffalo, do not draft him. Now, I coudn't be happier with TD's decision. I would rather go to war with this kid then stone legs  Bledsoe.


    I hope we bring Marcus Pollard, Shelton and for some weird reason Chris Hovan.


    How many of you think TD is laying low this year because next year we have so many guys to sign??????  There has to be a reason other then let's do what the Patriots do!!!!!!!!!



    I am impressed with JP also. I think the guy has alot of heart. I am not sure what TD's plan is. I think we should find out by the time of the draft.

  5. Another football fan and myself were talking about this yesterday. It appears to be a given that the Bills will trade Travis Henry during the offseason. If so, what do they do with the number two slot? Who will backup Willis MaGahee? Keep Shaud Williams? Sign a free agent? Draft a running back? I think drafting a running back in the 4th or 5th round might be a decent idea. What does everyone else think?

  6. I agree. For someone that is coming off of major reconstructive knee surgury, playing his first year in the league, and did not start until week 6, Willis has played real well. I just wish he would have been in the game for the goalline stand against Oakland. :devil:

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