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Posts posted by cgg716

  1. 34 minutes ago, Buffalo03 said:

    But the 49ers beat them. The 49ers should have lost to both the Packers and Lions. They didn't play well but the 49ers are better than both teams. My point is, if the 49ers had lost one of those games, it just means those teams were better on that day, not that they were the better team in general 

    But the argument you're trying to make, between the Bills and KC, if it happens every time what does that mean?


    You're making the wrong argument. Your eyes should tell you two things. That Mahomes and Allen aren't far apart at all, the only separation is the hardware, but that means everything. The 2nd thing Your eyes should tell you is that KC is lightyears better than the Bills in every other way, the gap is laughably wide, and last night was all the proof you need 

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  2. 14 minutes ago, Buffalo03 said:

    Do you think the 49ers are a much better team than the Packers?

    Frankly? No. The gap between teams isn't that big. Love is an emerging star. Inexperience and coaching were factors that day. Just like yesterday. And in the AFCCG and the Bills game 

  3. 8 minutes ago, Buffalo03 said:

    Not beating them in the playoffs doesn't mean we're not better. I would argue we were better team in 2021 in 13 seconds and I would also argue we were the better team this year. We should have won both games against them. Shooting yourselves in the foot doesn't mean they're better 

    Regrettably that's exactly what it means. It's just not in the way everyone thinks. The players are much closer to equal, but being a team that continues to shoot itself in the foot is a reflection on coaching. And the Chiefs don't just have better coaching than the Bills, they have the NFLs best coaching, while the bills have bottom tier coaching 

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  4. 1 hour ago, Buffalo_Stampede said:

    I will never understand the fire McDermott people.

    You won't? You just watch coaching win a super bowl, when the teams elite QB was lifeless for 3 Qtrs. You just saw the difference in real time.


    With 3 minutes left in the 3rd, KC punted the ball for the 6th time in 9 drives, they'd only scored 6 points and Mahomes had thrown an awful INT. If Allen did that, do you think they'd be down 7, or 50?

  5. I'm not saying he didn't come through, because he did. But boy does tonight make you wish Josh had even half the caliber of teamattes and coaches as Pat. 


    KC punted the ball with under 3 minutes left in the 3rd, their 6th punt in 9 drives, they had scored a total of 6 pts, and Mahomes had thrown a horrendous int. And yet they won a Super Bowl.


    If Allen played like that for 3 qtrs, SF would win 67-0

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    • Haha (+1) 1
  6. 9 minutes ago, Peter said:


    Oh, brother. 


    You missed the point. 


    It is a shame that our owner knew better than our coach, and now we are repeatedly beaten in the playoffs by that same generational QB.


    P.S. Beane had not been hired yet.


    P.P.S. Was there anyone picked in the draft after the pick that we traded that was better than Mahomes? Is Mahomes arguably the best QB in the NFL.


    P.P.P.S. It is a good thing Pegula also loved Josh and was a driving force behind picking him.  A good thing for us and a good thing for McD in particular who would not have lasted this long without Josh.

    We don't have as much evidence that Mahomes is miles ahead of Allen as we do that Reid is on a different planet than Mcd. You've taken the sports media, it's all the QB route. Lacks nuance at best, disingenuous at worst. Unless of course you think Jared Goff is also better than Allen 

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. 23 minutes ago, RkFast said:


    Im DYING to know what "leash" Josh Allen is on due to the head coach. Was it becuase in the opener he was caught on camera telling him to "BE SMART?" Wow...what a crushing comment. I mean, if I ever heard my boss telling me to be careful with my work, I would have to quit on the spot.


    Also, Dunne's leaning on "drought fear" to make a point is ridiculous becuase if The Dought tought us ANYTHING, its that coaches are not interchangable and even the highly regarded ones who come in, which Williams, Mularkey and Rex all were, can just as easily fail. For every Shanahan there are THREE Matt Patricias. 


    "Yeah but those coaches dont have Josh Allen."


    But that statement doesnt wash either. Becuase the whole idea claimed that McD is "wasting" Josh Allen PROVES that an HC can do that. 

    You don't think the lack of attention to the offense is a leash?

  8. 1 hour ago, Don Otreply said:

    Actually it’s “ Insanity”  … expecting different results…  😁👍


    What we ABSOLUTELY NEED is two additional starting quality WRs to compliment Diggs, Shakir and our TEs, imo it’s a must have, 


    Our defensive is predicated on an overly complex scheme that is not workable at the end of every season since it’s inception, due to injuries that always happen because it’s football, convincing Sean to think outside the box and make necessary adjustments to account for the schemes failings is where the issue lies, somebody needs to have a heart to heart with him, so to speak, jmo. 

    GO BILLS!!!


    He has no plan B on defense 

  9. I'm one of the boards most vocal Mcd detractors to be sure. I believe he should go, and far too many resources get allocated to the defense as long as he remains. But today's question is more about the bull heated nature of that plan, even on the rest of the defense.


    This regime has made 11 picks in the first 2 rounds, 4 of those were DL picks, 1 LB, 1 CB. In addition to those they've obviously also signed Miller/Floyd/Jones etc. That's obviously enormous investment, and we know it hurt the offense, but how many times do we have to watch it not work on D before we acknowledge that it's hurt them too? Or maybe that whatever the plan is sucks all together?


    For the 4th straight playoff exit, pressure on the QB was non existent, and run defense was weak. Their were certainly injuries this time, but it's left people saying man, if we just had that LB we drafted in the 3rd round, or that 6th round CB, we could have won. If Hyde and Poyer were younger, we could have won 


    In the end, the obsession with an ineffective DL rotation, left us crossing our fingers that mid and late round picks overperform, and left them with no defensive depth. Stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results 


    • Agree 3
  10. 3 minutes ago, KeLLy1278 said:

    Not if they stay healthy.  It’s a gamble either way.  Say what you want about the offense.  It was tough to watch KC not even needing 3rd down to move the ball up and down the field.

    And more players won't fix that, it's been tried, twice. And yet in every big game the defense hits a new low

    4 minutes ago, KeLLy1278 said:

    Not if they stay healthy.  It’s a gamble either way.  Say what you want about the offense.  It was tough to watch KC not even needing 3rd down to move the ball up and down the field.

    An overmatched coach every time, the players aren't what needs an upgrade on defense 

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  11. 35 minutes ago, CincyBillsFan said:

    Not saying the D is fine it isn't though when healthy it's more then good enough.  What I am saying is that when you're blessed with a generational talent at QB the only logical thing to do is surround that QB with as much talent as you can even at the expense of the D. The Bills management has failed to do this.  If their reaction to yesterday's loss is to double down on making the D better at the expense of the offense then the Bills are doomed to repeating their division round exits from the playoffs.



    It would be tripling down and catastrophic, so they'll do it 

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. 16 minutes ago, PromoTheRobot said:


    Left him for dead?? 😂 Who did you want to leave uncovered? I also love the flip "Were they injured? Sure." All your good players were injured!!! That has an impact!

    It's happened when they are healthy too. 4 punts in 3 playoff games against a coach who's supposedly a defensive specialist. And for the record it's anyone but Klein on Kelce, should have happened well before the 4th. Bad coach, full stop

  13. 16 minutes ago, Pine Barrens Mafia said:


    Problem is, he's the third best QB IN THE CONFERENCE.


    He's Roethlisberger to Mahomes' Brady and Burrow's Manning.



    Again, gotta MAKE the super bowl to lose one.


    We can't even make the CG, but for covid year


    Burrow ain't Manning. Browning was respectable with that supporting cast. If he's still on that level when he loses pieces, starting with Tee, we'll talk

    • Like (+1) 1
  14. 1 minute ago, KOKBILLS said:


    Sure... If you like losing Playoff games... It certainly is absurd...

    You're actually saying that the defense is so bad Allen should pass up points in the final two minutes of a playoff game he's losing to account for that? Completely ignoring the myriad of things that can go wrong on any subsequent plays. Allen KNEW he loses the game if they score 3, just like we all did. So he tried to do what this pathetic coach has always forced him to do, which is EVERYTHING, all by himself.

    • Like (+1) 2
  15. 13 minutes ago, KOKBILLS said:


    A bad decision made worse by the obvious fact that none of his coaches realized what the proper strategy was there... And they had the entire two minute warning time to go over it with Josh and drill it into his head... The endzone routes very likely helped the fact that Diggs was so wide open. And that was the obvious play. In actuality the perfect play there is for Diggs to get it and get 8.5 yds...Stay in bounds...Sneak it on 3rd for the 1st down...


    We were SO close... I just don't think McD's got it in him...

    This is an absolutely ABSURD take 

  16. 29 minutes ago, PromoTheRobot said:


     Nobody wants to acknowledge the shape the Bills were in. Oh sure, people go "yeah I know but..." But they don't care. They expect this team to roll everyone because we have Josh Allen. But it's a team game and sadly the rest of the team couldn't step up, due to injury, the yips, whatever. 

    Defense even when it's healthy doesn't come through in big games. Were they injured? Sure... is their any reason to believe we don't see a rerun? Absolutely not. Mcd put Klein out there and left him for dead. A true defensive specialist wouldn't do that. As always good coaching can overcome a lot, and the bills don't have a good coach 

    • Agree 1
  17. 29 minutes ago, WhitewalkerInPhilly said:

    There’s a saying I am fond of: “Success knows many fathers but failure is an orphan.” Well, that is inverted with the Buffalo Bills. The Bills deserved to lose that game last night, and there were many, many contributing factors. 


    • If I am to pick one person who doesn’t have feces smeared on his face this morning it’s Joe Brady. I won’t say that he called a perfect game, but if I told you that the Bills had put up 24 points while holding onto the ball for 14 more minutes than the Chiefs I think a lot of people would have expected a blowout. Even if there was a bit of a stall when the Chiefs adjusted to stop the run, the offense was clicking up to the 2 minute warning. At 2nd and 9 at the 36, the Bills were in position to burn the clock and either force OT with a chipshot FG or put the dagger in with a TD. And guys were open. I can’t fault Brady for that. Maybe the offense wasn’t high flying, but if I was going to write a game script, the long drives (mostly for TD) is exactly what I would have tried to do to keep KC off the field and the defense rested. That is, if the defense could actually get a stop. If I am the Bills, I am doing everything I can to keep him, even if its just for one more year.
    • Look, I get it. The defense is banged up. We all know it. We were running AJ Klein out there. But having AJ Klein on Travis Kelce? OOOOOOOF. No wonder the Chiefs spammed that advantage. It seemed like nothing changed up until it was far too late. I saw the stat of 20+ yard plays and they absolutely crushed the Bills on those. The Bills would methodically grind out a TD and then the Chiefs would zip down to match. I said this week that it was time to push all chips into the table, and someone asked me what it mean. It meant that if the injured players were anywhere near to go we had to start them. I am not on the medical staff, but we clearly saw the difference.
    • I will say this about 2023: Josh’s WRs, as a whole, let him down this season and I think it’s why things seemed to struggle. I get it that Mahomes isn’t working with his best cast but my god, those drops my Sherfield and Diggs were backbreaking. For people who said that it can’t get worse than Gabe Davis, this is my retort. Even one of those deep catches working out changes the script.
    • Special teams. Oof. Where do I even begin? I know I don’t like Matt Haack, but even he would have been better than Martin last night. Martin was clearly not ready and he gifted field position. Bass has been unclutch, and if he can’t kick in December winds I think it might be time to move on. But for the love of god, what was with that fake punt? I know they saw a mismatch, and it wound up not giving points, but sweet mercy was that painful to watch play out. With that kind of advantage, what does it say about coaching one of the highest paid ST units in the league? We pay guys for this level of play.
    • Josh. I love Josh Allen. He is a special player. But for the love of god did he screw the pooch inside of 2 minutes. It’s not that I hate taking a shot at the end zone on a 2nd and long. In most situations, I am fine with it even if it doesn’t work out. But you have to know the situation here. The decision to gun it at that moment is terrible. Say it worked, that the Bills gun the ball into the endzone to take a 4 point lead under two minutes. That is 1:55 and 2 timeouts for the Chiefs to score and they had shown little issue moving up and down the field. Diggs is wide open on the crossing route for what should be an easy 1st down or a makeable 3rd. The clock keeps ticking. The Bills don’t need to hurry they have 2 timeouts and Kansas will be burning some too. Josh is a veteran at this point and while he had a good game on the whole those are the kinds of things people point too when they say that Mahomes is on another level. 



    • So that’s my autopsy. Where do we go from here? Well…there actually isn’t a lot the Bills can do.  I know the cap is malleable but even if I wanted to advocate burning it all down the Bills really can’t. (I know, I looked into it after Denver and Philly). Our top 4 cap hits are Josh, Diggs, Von Miller and Dion Dawkins. Dawkins is the only one we could cut outright and get cap space for, and why would we? He played at a Pro Bowl level. Josh, if anything, will be looking at an extension. Even if I wanted to move on from Diggs and Von on down years, knowing their potential makes me loath to lose cap space. The biggest pending FA departures are set to be Hyde (who I think might just retire), DaQuan and Floyd. The last two I think we have a decent chance of getting back.
    • In spite of everything, I do think there is legitimate reason for optimism. The one thing about the utter devastation on our defensive starters is that we found that we have extremely talent depth who looked good as starters in big moment. Bernard really came on as a LB and we thought was a Pro Bowl snub. Back with a healthy Milano that looks like an incredible talent pairing with solid depth in Williams and Spector. We still have a solid CB group (Douglas, Benford, TJ). The O-line had its best year in a while and looks to be mostly intact going in (I can see only one potential cap casualty). James Cook looks like a superstar. Our draft classes over the last two years hit in big ways. We saw starters and significant rotation from our 2022 and 23 drafts (Cook, Bernard, Shakir, Benford, Spector, Kincaid, Torrence, Williams), which speaks very well to longevity. 2024 will be taking some medicine on some contracts (Knox, Miller, possibly Tre White if the team thinks he’s washed), and this team can still compete. 
    • Coaches! I really hope the Bills retain Brady and give him another year to scheme. For reference, around the league Brian Johnson of the Eagles (and the second half collapse that has every fan howling for blood) is apparently a hot candidate at the moment. Compared to that Brady is Bill Walsh. McDermott needs help too, I expect a DC to help him even if he handles play calling still.
    • Offseason: WR, WR, WR. If I am Beane, I am grinding film on every 1st and 2nd round prospect. Draftek does good work, and there are 14 WRs with the measurables to be a potential Peerless Price class player in the top 100 picks. There has to be someone available at 28. I don’t care if it’s a reach, get them.

    Given everything you said about the D, which is accurate, the thought of not taking points to wind clock creeps in. But you have to take them if they are there, 1000 things can go wrong if you try and grind the clock too.


    Mcd does have to go, but he won't, this is who he is. And most importantly, the offense needs to be rebuilt on the cheap, he can't do that. So even one more year of Allen's prime wasted is too much 

  18. Didn't have my phone all night. Don't need to see the same script another time. Mcdermott should be fired tomm

    Every time that Mahomes has beaten Allen, Allen has been just as good, and probably better than Mahomes during the game. I think Mahomes made one tough throw all night. Mcdermott has never made it hard for him. Meanwhile Allen does Madden ***** all game long 

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  19. 2 hours ago, UKBillFan said:

    I was watching the 49ers rolling at the end of their game against the Rams. Any points for San Francisco would mean the Rams would go to Dallas and the Packers to Detroit. I thought to myself “The league would prefer the 49ers to lose this one…”, and Darnold then made an inexplicable fumble on 2nd and 10, when he could and should have protected the ball.


    I don’t think the league is rigged. But it is fortunate for them that such a bizarre play was made at an important time.

    GB vs DET and LAR vs Dallas are both much more preferable for the league. Just saying 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  20. 1 hour ago, 4merper4mer said:

    If this scenario plays out:


    Ravens beat Steelers, Jags beat Titans, Texans beat Colts.


    with a win the Bills would be #2 and host the Texans

    with a loss the Bills are #6 and travel to KC


    Does anyone who actually watches football think that the Chiefs are a better team than the Texans?  They’re not.  The Texans, even in Buffalo, are a faaaaaaaaar greater threat.  In addition there would be a great scheduling advantage in the 2024 by finishing 2nd.

     The ONLY two reasons for playing starters would be some foolish pride over a division title.  That’s a hard pass.  And:


    Concern about having to play the Ravens in the Divisional round instead of the AFCCG.  I can see this one but you’d probably have to play them at some point anyway.


    Conclusion: Sit ‘em, and it’s not close.  The fish might do the same though.  Skylar vs. Kyle?  It’d be fun watching Collinsworth explain, right?  He’d say right 900 times right?

    It's not TOTALLY insane, but I still don't think you wanna go on the road to KC on purpose 

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