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Posts posted by socalfan

  1. What is the point of "suspending" an owner? Is he suspended from owning the team? Is he suspended from making a profit for 8 games?


    So what--- he can't come to the game and watch from his luxbox? Big deal. He can get hammered and stay in his mansion and watch.


    I don't drink or do drugs. That said, I agree with you and moreover I think this is the dumbest thing the NFL has ever done. Why, do people think it is alright for the NFL to add consequences onto what the judicial system thinks is appropriate? And why would anyone support a second level outside the justice system for additional penalties?


    Would anyone expect their employer to fine them if they are arrested? Would anyone expect their employer to suspend them if they were arrested?

  2. I was born in Buffalo, I went to the University of Michigan. I am a Bills, Sabres, and Wolverine fan. I don't know why, but I couldn't care less about any other teams. I lived in Buffalo for 18 years, and outside of New York State for 55 years. I was so far in the backwaters during some of that time, that I didn't know that the Bills went to 4 superbowls until 3 years after they did it. But, if people asked me about how I thought "our team" was going, I told them their team wasn't my team, I'm from Buffalo and I have no idea how their team was going.. And they kind of got it. I'm from Buffalo, and Buffalo is home.....even though I haven't been there since 1970. I have no explanation for that feeling. My wife isn't from there, my kids weren't born there. My family no longer resides there.


    Dr. Trooth, some of us are born in Buffalo, some of us have adopted Buffalo. Maybe that is all it takes to become a Bills' fan. But for the life of me, I just cannot understand what you are saying when you tell us you are now a Steeler fan. You're speaking a foreign language I do not know. It's all gibberish to me. You wrote a long piece about your reasons for leaving the Bills; then told us what you hear other people saying about the Bills, and maybe also what you think about the Bills. That's very odd to me, being that you are no longer a Bills fan. Why would you ever bother? I have never felt the need to go onto another teams website to tell them what people think about their team. That would seem a crazy thing to do.


    I now live in the USA again, 30 minutes from the SF 49ers and the SJ Sharks and 15 minutes from the Stanford Cardinal......I have no idea who plays for those teams....I know who coaches the 49ers, because he played QB for Michigan. I haven't seen the superbowl for the last 14 years, and I have no idea who played in last years game....I don't care, it wasn't Buffalo. I don't know who won the national championship, I don't care, it wasn't Michigan.


    I suspect you must be tired of your hiatus.

  3. lol... Pegula should back out over the threat of Bon Jovi?



    It makes some sense, until you realize that Pegula will have no debt service, so he can continue raking in the $25-40 million/year profits the team makes (maybe even more in a new stadium). If he owns it for 10 years he will have pocketed 250-400 million in profits simply from operating the team. Plus he will still own the team (and probably the stadium) outright. It will be a cash cow. In 20 years he's looking at 500-800 million in profits.



    Maybe my arithmetic isn't what it use to be. Suppose Pegula built a stadium and spent 400 million on it and the state, county and city paid the rest but as a reward for keeping the Bills in Buffalo gave it to him along with the land in 10 years. Then 1.3 billion + 400 million= 1.7 billion out of pocket. Lets say tv rights go crazy and Bills's fans love Pegula so much for keeping the Bills in Buffalo that they pay higher ticket prices and maybe even seating licenses so that Pegula earns on average 100 million in after tax profits per year. Then in 17 years he will regain the original outlay of $1.7 billion for the team and stadium. He will be 80 years.


    Sounds like charity to me.

  4. Mike Harrington@BNHarrington 42m

    Toronto columnist: "This would be a wise time for Pegula to back out." Seriously? Desperation time in ol' TO. http://m.theglobeandmail.com/sports/football/kelly-torontos-nfl-dream-lives-and-dies-on-a-prayer/article19903251/?service=mobile …


    I believe the point is, in Buffalo, Pegula is at a business disadvantage that JBJ would not face in Toronto. By moving to Toronto JBJ would eventually make a profit and cover his costs of purchasing and moving the team when he sells his interests to a Canadian. So Pegula spending $1.3 billion for the Bills (or more) is not a good business proposition.

  5. Wow. Sell the team to a Canadian based interest and have New York pay for the stadium with your tax dollars. In what demented universe do you think that would happen. If the Canadians buy the Bills, then they can build their own stadium wherever they want and they can call the Bills whatever they want.


    Why a Canadian paper would print this article in any part of a paper other than the Op Ed section is seriously crazy.


    I have never seen a reporter try to broker a business deal in an article because he so desperately wants it to happen. The guy needs help.

  6. http://msn.foxsports...avorites-092911


    Lets not let facts get in the way of a good argument.


    So Brady and Manning are not protected by refs because they are getting fewer roughing the passer calls? Or they are getting fewer roughing the passer calls because they are being protected by the refs?


    Everyone feels free to hit Campbell because the refs don't care if someone kills him....so he gets hit 10 times more frequently.....resulting in 10 times the number of roughing the passer calls.


    If the refs were not biased, the number of hits resulting in roughing the passer should be pretty much the same across all quarterbacks. But clearly, the data presented by the author is misleading....who cares how many roughing the passer calls get called for every one hundred passes. How about the real deal...how many roughing the passer calls get called per 100 quarterback hits.


    From my view point the author is an idiot, doesn't know what data to look at, and can not even clearly interpret the data he does look at.

  7. Up here on the peninsula, every native of San Mateo, Santa Clara and San Francisco counties sounds exactly like Kiko. You people need to get out and see the world a little more before you decide what people should sound like. Anyone from the rest of America going to Buffalo would think you are provincial. You don't sound like Obama either.

  8. I don't want Marty Shottenheimer as our next coach. He .......doesn't win in the playoffs............




    Now that is a fact that anyone can see is true. His playoff record is horrible. How long before people scream for his head after he gets the Bills to a winning season record but he gets them no where in the playoffs.

  9. You watch what the Pack offense is doing and it becomes obvious that their staff went into this scrimmage with a specific plan to attack the weak points of the Bills defense. Seeing them repeatedly go after same spots in the Buffalo defense over and over again is not a co-incidence.

    Offensively the Bills look a bit indecisive and at times even a little disinterested. Unfortunately they are going against a very good unit that is not going through the typical preseason motions. The Pack defense is frequently blitzing, stunting and running zonedawgs all over the place.

    The sky is falling crowd that has ruled the roost for the last 20 hours is embarrassing itself.



    I kind of wondered about that....


    It seems to me several years ago when the head coach wasw Williams or Mularkey, we had gone to GB for two days of scrimmage work. And on the first day, we threw in a ton of biltze packages that seemed to embarass GB in front of their fans. On the second day, GB came back better prepared.


    I don't think if I were GB, that I would have forgotten it.

  10. I find it odd that only people on the message boards are asking when he will sign.


    It makes me think that he is a second thought.....the important guys are here.....Wood and Levitre. Maybin really isn't that important to the Bills this year. And I think he becomes less important the more practices he misses. Right now, he will play in passing situations as a rushing DE. But even then, it won't be in every passing situation.


    Too bad the Bills cannot make the first year of his contract heavily dependent on incentives.

  11. I left in 1974.


    I miss family and friends.


    I miss fish fry's on Friday at Beckers on Bailey and William.


    I miss pizza from Frank's on Lovejoy and Bailey.


    I miss Crystal Beach Day, when all of Lovejoy went.


    I miss football in the streets and baseball on the Ryerson parking lot.


    I miss the Indian Summers, that quick short break ifrom the winter weather n January.


    I missed Saturday morning potato and cheese peroigi across the street from the Polish market on Broadway.




    I do not miss the wind in February.

  12. I've been saying for years: build a stadium south of LA and have the Chargers play there. Call them the SoCal Chargers. SD fans still have their team and LA fans can jump on board if they want. Problem solved.





    They already play in a stadium built south of LA (which, by the way, is more than a 100 miles from San Diego......)

  13. Well I found the cuts and non cuts pretty interesting. Alvin Bowen wasn't cut. Most of the young guys other than Bell lost their jobs because of the Detroit game where they looked really bad.


    I think Buffalo is ready to check out the wire and bring some new people in.

  14. Yeah, St. Louis has a metro area the size of Connecticut, so midwestern cities have lots of sprawl around them...


    You could drive 45 minutes in St Louis and still be in a suburb of St Louis, but if you drive 45 minutes from Buffalo you are in the middle of nowhere...


    In the middle of nowhere? Odd, People in California think of NY as being wall to wall houses. Somewhat like were I live. In fact, there are no major cities, at least any that most of you would have heard of. But there are 34 cities of modest size. The county's population is about 3.1 million. The most famous of the 5 shopping malls in the county does over 1 billion is taxable sales....probably more than all of Erie County. Taxable sales for the county is about 41 billlion. But this county didn't support an NFL franchise when it was here......and it moved back to Oakland.

  15. LOL you know nothing about anything if you think that. The majority of the top sportscasters and journalists in Canada have graduated from Ryerson's Journalism and Broadcasting programs.


    The Score, TSN and CBC Sports, along with other local stations are just a few of the places Ryerson Journalism and Broadcasting alum work. Get with the times, bro.


    A degree from Ryerson Journalism equals a sure fire job in the media industry when you graduate, that's a fact. Step out of your bubble.


    If you are paying for your education...you need to ask for your money back. Any instructor that would give you 90% for the trite expressions and the use of foul language and contradictory quotes is cheating you. Moreover, you assertion that the majority of sportscasters and journalists in Canade have graduated from Ryerson's Journalism and Broadcasting programs is a slap in the face to Canadian media. You need to apologize to them.

  16. Wow $102 million TV revenues and $116 million salary cap. With new stadiums in Indy, NY and Arizonia that gap will be growing pretty fast. So to make up the current $14 million a year and probably $30 million a year by 2010 I gues Ralph better start thinking about moving the team to a bigger market. OH Wait! maybe that is what this Toronto stuff is all about. Maybe he isn't so senile, or dumb, or cheap, or.....

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