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Posts posted by Hulk

  1. It's got to be either CB, S, or WR. I went with WR simply because the depth at the CB and S positions is supposed to be excellent. I don't see the WR class being nearly as deep. Furthermore, it makes sense to have a WR2 on a cheap deal for the next 5 years (1st round players get 5th round contract option) since we're about to spend a boatload on Sammy next season.


    WR in the 1st, FS in the 2nd, CB in the 3rd looks great to me.

    This please
  2. Thanks for opening the door for us but I see one poster I was hoping wouldn't make the journey is already here. I know we're all a little biased because let's face it, we're on a bills message board but it would be nice to have a real football discussion without having your fan hood questioned/being insulted because you disagree with something the organization is doing. Thanks again and Go Bills !!

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