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Posts posted by Beast


    I don't know what's more funny....you asking people on this board if they know where Bills fans gather to watch games in Japan or that you think there will be Bills games on in Japan, or Buffalo, NY for that matter, this winter.

  2. First of all im not going to play what if with Watkins. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Second of all, we spent a first on Gilmore and got half a decade out of him. Move on.

    Maybe watkins should focus on actually being on the field.

    That's what the Bills do. Draft CB's in the first round and let them walk at the end of their rookie deal, then use another first to fill that hole.


    Obviously it's hard for one to argue against this philosophy with all the on-field success the organization is having.

  3. If he produces like he has and wants to be paid like Julio jones, yes we should.



    Of course, when that time comes it won't matter that Watkins didn't have Matt Ryan throwing him the ball.....it will just matter that he didn't produce like a top 3 WR.


    Who cares that we spent a first on Gilmore or two firsts on Watkins.....be gone you greedy fools.

  4. Again, im not saying Gilmore is a bad player. Hes a good player. We got half a decade out of him with very little success. We got his best years.

    Is Gimore as good as Patrick Peterson or Richard Sherman? No. But the pats are paying him as if he is. Bc they have Brady and can afford to cut corners throughout the roster. We cant.

    I guess we should let Watkins leave at the end of his deal, right? This team has had very little success with him.

  5. While I hate losing Gilmore, and even MORE hate losing him to the Pats - I can't fault Whaley here.


    I think he's a great CB, but too much $$$ to keep him.

    Well, top rated CB's usually hit the jackpot in free agency. This has been going on for two decades and the Bills continually pick these guys in the first round....only to see them walk.


    To me, that is a waste. If your philosophy is to not pay a top corner top money, stop using first round draft picks on them.


    If the Bills select another corner in the first this year, how will you feel?

  6. Stop with the Hogan crap. He was completely average in New England. Hogan was not a bad signing for them, it would have been for us. I think Gilmore ends up not living up to the contract, but they can afford to overpay so they'll be fine. I just hate how everyone is suddenly scared because the Big Bad Patriots signed our scared-to-tackle CB that just 2 days ago everyone was saying no one way he is worth the money,

    Everyone, huh?



  7. I really don't understand the snark comments....were any of you expecting the bills to pay 14 mill per to a CB? Would that have put us over the top? The answer is no and would have been wasted money.....the pats have a ton of cap space and the championship aura surrounds them. Stop acting butt hurt...it sucks because they got better...but what could we do. Move on.

    There is nothing we could have done as fans.....there is a lot Whaley and crew could have done. Like manage the cap better.


    How many first round CB's does this make that have walked away from the team after their rookie deal expires?

  8. I see the media has already started with "if the Pats did it, it must be worth it." I'm sure the fans will follow suit too. Of course if we had paid Gilmore $14 mil per year we would have been mocked relentlessly.

    I think you need to sit back and look at the big picture.


    There is a reason this franchise has been woeful for so long. Obviously. Gilmore is worth the $ he is about to get to the New England Patriots. Not the Cleveland Browns......the New England Patriots who see Gilmore up close and personal twice a season.

  9. The median age during prime time of a Fox News viewer is 68. CNN is 59. MSNBC is 63. I've watched more cable news than usual last year, but none of them interest me as they're all painfully predictable. Fox News is the ultimate Republican propaganda machine and they do it SO well, CNN tries to hide their liberal slant by hiring Trump surrogates (Lewandowski, Jeffrey Lord) but they're not fooling anybody, and MSNBC is like a FOX wanna be for the left. There are reasons Fox News gets more viewers though and you can tell by the exit polls of the 2016 election.


    That shows as you look at the 2016 results by age:


    18-29 year olds - 55% voted for Hillary and 37% voted for Trump. 8% Independent

    30-44 year olds - 50% voted for Hillary and 42% voted for Trump. 8% Independent

    45-64 year olds - 44% voted for Hillary and 53% voted for Trump. 3% Independent

    65 and older - 45% voted for Hillary and 53% voted for Trump. 3% Independent


    Younger people get their news primarily through the internet and more liberal comedy shows like The Daily Show or basically any late night show. Older people are more conservative and therefore watch FOX news. Given Obama got 60% of the youth vote (18-29) in 2008, it's fair to assume that more people voted for an Independent candidate because Hillary was a horrible candidate. As happy as Republicans were to win all three houses, the future of the party may be in more trouble then people realize.

    Where did these stats come from?

  10. There are a couple of 26 page threads, but the one on TT started by a long time poster was not started with a complete rant and then ditch the thread.


    Are there a few Hot takes in it - Yep, but that was not the complete intent.


    The other thing - notice there are not 50 TT threads on the front page - they are all contained into the one thread.


    On the BBMB each poster with an opinion would start their own thread and the entire first page would be TT threads and they would all contradict each other and there would not be more than a few logical posts in each.

    Actually the one I was referring to was the McCoy thread.....but it is neither here nor there. Just me sounding off.

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