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Posts posted by Broncos

  1. I actually like Siemian some too (not as much as Tyrod though). I think that from the Bills perspective they have to either keep Tyrod or go find a franchise guy (so easy to do). I really don't see any reason to put in a lesser game manager to save some cash and still lose 9 games. Either play Cardale and clear the deck (like the Browns did) or pay Tyrod and try to win 11 (the max if things go right IMO). The Billsy thing to do is to play someone like Siemian or Foles and win 6 games, pick 8 next year and miss out on the top QBs.

    I get what you're saying. Tyrod seems like a fine QB but the price has to factor in when comparing the two. If the Bills pick up the options you're committing 30 million, while Siemian is making 1.5 over the next two years.


    I disagree that Siemian is a game manager. I don't understand why people think he has maxed his potential when he has only started one year. I strongly believe he has the ability to become a franchise QB. That's why I would be upset if Denver just gave him away so he didn't become a distraction for Lynch or possibly Romo.

  2. So interesting how we all see things different.

    I watched most of the games as well and didn't see anything impressive.

    Too many extended slumps, some across multiple games, to get excited. The physical tools just aren't there either.

    That's fair. A lot of Denver fans feel the same way. His main slumped occurred right after his shoulder injury. He definitely has had some bad games. I don't think it's fair to harshly judge such a young player who has an undefined ceiling. I think the tools are there, he just needs a competent o line.

  3. That's not a good foundation for a 1st year starter here. Over 3,000 yards, 20 TDs and 6 INTs in 14 games (in year 1) is what we are kicking to the curb. Would you happen to have someone available that can duplicate Dak's year 1 numbers? That's what we are looking for :).

    Agreed, everyone is looking for Dak production for a 1st year starter. With that said, he had the best line in the NFL and the leagues best running game. He played great but he was setup for success.


    I'm not saying Siemian is a sure fire franchise QB. All I'm saying is as a Broncos fan, I would be disappointed if he was traded because I think he has showed promise and potential to be a long term answer. I want to see how he performs with a better line and healthy.

  4. Stumbled upon this thread and thought I would give a Broncos fans perspective on Siemian. Personally, I think it would be a huge mistake if Denver traded away Trevor. He showed a lot of promise as a first year starter. Outside of DT and Emmanuel, he had little to work with. Although he had these elite wideouts, he had a horrendous O line and absolutely no run game. Game after game, I watched him hang in there while taking vicious hits. He played half the year with a grade 5 separation on his shoulder (non-throwing) but it was described that he essentially had to tape his left arm to his body. Though all of this he never complained. He reportedly has an immense amount of respect from the locker room.


    Despite these issues, he still managed to throw for 3,400 yards and 18 tds to 10 ints. Not incredibly impressive numbers, but a great foundation for a 1st year starter. He is an NFL starter and potentially a franchise QB. I think the main thing that clouds people’s judgement is his lack luster college career and that he is a 7th round pick.


    Siemian is smart, accurate, tough and has a strong arm. I would be disappointed if the Broncos traded him because I think he will flourish with any sort of offensive line play. I would much rather hear rumors about Denver trying to trade away Paxton Lynch. Reports are that he doesn’t put in the work, while Trevor is the cliché, first guy in, last guy out.



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